Custom Ultima Build Thread

Fortune’s Favorite

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I want to keep the “lucky custom” general not specifically for wealth however not specifically for relationships.

Did anyone try a Custom Ultima with R.I.C.H yet?

And how diffuse does a Custom with 6 modules become compared to the regular programs?

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That’s an interesting suggestion about including Mind’s Eye. It seems to me that there is a component of Mind’s Eye already in R.I.C.H. It works beautifully in that program.

I mean, that depends on the makeup of the program.

For me, Executive Limitless works better than Beyond Limitless, so I guess R.I.C.H with 5-modules will certainly work great right?

4 wealth-related modules + Yggdrasil. And it’s also name-embedded so it must be stronger, no? To be honest, diffused is not always a bad thing, with repetition of listening it’ll gain the same power just a wider range of effect.

I have more then 6 modules in my existing custom and have seen results within a week. This is running at 2 to 3 loops…most days 2 loops. I always say no matter how diffused it might be just give it time and results will show.

Last year i was a bit mental i created a custom terminus with 20 modules in it and ran 8 loops everyday within the first 24 hours i was getting crazy results. Then as weeks progressed i went down hill. Reconciliation hit me hard i was angry, sad, depressed. I even wanted to stop listening and go and use a competitor sub.


I think I remember this. Then what happened I sort of lost track in midst of my own crisis.

That reminds me of a line from the Yijing. The 30th hexagram is called Fire. Each of the six lines describes a different stage of managing that creative, expansive energy. Line 4 says:

It’s like pressing the gas pedal all the way down. There’s a sudden burst of acceleration, but then…it’s too much. The engine gets flooded, and the car stalls out.

Okay. Okay. Lesson learned.

The next time out, we ease into it, build up gradually, and before you know it, we’re looking good.

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Yes, I remember that. The key is to ease into your Custom, I’m feeling some slight reconciliation from mine, while I did only one loop a day but it is a fairly big Custom. However, it’s more like reconciliation akin to processing, after the week the first portion should be engrained where after I can increase exposure.

Ultima seems to be different though – I believe Beyond Limitless was too focused (compact script), like Ascension and therefore gave me extreme side-effects… I could do only one loop every other three days and effects would always show hours later.

With Executive Limitless on the other hand it is much smoother and the effects are way better compared to Beyond Limitless.

Hence, I’m looking at an Ultima with R.I.C.H, Executive Limitless, and some modules.

@TheBoxingScientist, how does a Q-store Ultima compare to the regular programs in terms of processing, efficiency, smoothness, and last but not least results?

EXACTLY. The sole reason why I much rather prefer a dense Custom over a compact one because of the dense Custom the results will be far greater in scope and much more rewarding, even though it takes time to get there.

I’m sure one can add an unlimited amount of scripts to a Custom as long as it builds towards that Archetype like in Legeau of Legends where you build skillsets from start and level-up from there, everyone has to start from the bottom and level up.

Is there gonna be choice in options like A and B while making customs, the way it is for terminus and terminus2.

Read this…

At this moment, you have to write your preference in the notes if you want Ultima B. Are you wondering if it will soon be a check box like there is for Terminus and Terminus Squared?

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Yes that can make it more easy and clear

Chaps on the subject of building a custom ultima sub if I was to include Libertine core what other ultima can i use to create an edgy vibe like invincible presence would that work ?

Would you please elaborate?

Think of making these 2 custom ultimas today

Wealth + Creativity + Productivity
|1|Limitless Executive Ultima Core|
|2|Ultimate Writer|
|3|Financial Success Reality Shifter|
|4|R.I.C.H Ultima Core|
|5|Fortune’s Favorite|

Love + Romance
|1|Love Bomb Ultima Core|
|2|Iron Throne Ultima Core|
|3|Diamond Ultima Core|
|4|Paragon Ultima Core|
|6|Instant Spark|

@SaintSovereign @RVconsultant @Fire @Azriel or anyone else

Would you please elaborate on why you got Paragon in this one?

I don’t know. It might work well.

I understand the purpose. I’m just concerned that there are multiple topics in this.

I also realize you might be trying to be minimize the number of builds.

What about 1 for wealth and productivity (as that seems to be already in RICH), and 1 for creativity?

@SaintSovereign and @Fire might be best to comment on this.

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I accidently put that in there meant to be Transcendental Connection

You are right so i may just do Rich, LEU, trailblazer, sultan
then possibly Yggdrasil and something else