Custom Sub Proposal - Feedback Request

This is my first one, so asking those experienced here for their input-

(Charm Mosaic)

True Social Core: To enhance social dynamics and charisma.

Heartsong Core: Key for deepening romantic connections and attracting love.

Synergy: Beyond Connection: Important for fostering deeper and more meaningful social bonds.

Synergy: Divine Dominion: Adds personal power and leadership in social situations.

Synergy: Voice is the Law: Ensures your communication is impactful.

Synergy: Winner Overdrive: Boosts confidence for social and romantic connections.

Approachability Aura: Makes you more approachable and increases social magnetism.

Direct Influencing Aura: For subtly influencing social situations in your favor.

Instant Spark: Ignites immediate attraction, ideal for romantic connections.

Omnidirectional: Enhances situational awareness and attention in all directions.

Joie de Vivre: Infuses joy and positivity into interactions, crucial for a fulfilling social life.

Other considerations for inclusion-

You Are Not Alone: To foster a sense of community and support in your relationships.

Lion IV: To embody courage and leadership in romance and friendships.

Ego Adsum: This module focuses on mindfulness and personal presence. By enhancing your sense of self and presence, you can become more confident and authentic, which is attractive in any social setting.

Mosaic: This module can ensure that the effects of Heartsong and True Social are amplified and work well together, providing a more cohesive and powerful subliminal experience.

And is it allowed to run a custom with a main store title, such as the upcoming new Limitless?

@Forum_Ambassadors @AnswerGroup


Custom looks great!

If the Cores are in one custom, they will work well together. Mosaic is for stacking with other customs or main store titles.

Yes indeed. Add Mosaic to this custom for better stacking.

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Would you include any of the other considerations?

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Modules you can look into:

  • Eyes of Zenith
  • Enchanting Smile
  • Ethereal Presence
  • Elegance
  • Entranced
  • Synergy: Secrets of Seduction
  • Synergy: Beyond Seduction

What about the other modules I mentioned?

You Are Not Alone: To foster a sense of community and support in your relationships.

Lion IV: To embody courage and leadership in romance and friendships.

Ego Adsum: This module focuses on mindfulness and personal presence. By enhancing your sense of self and presence, you can become more confident and authentic, which is attractive in any social setting.

Also, your thoughts on Synergy: Wonder of Life vs Joie de Vivre?

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All those choices are great :+1:


Are the same rules for NSE Cores applicable as with Major Cores. That is no more than 2 Cores recommended in a custom unless advanced user?

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It’s not that clear cut.


The custom looks good!

Did you consider LB?


I think there are elements of Love Bomb in Heartsong, with perhaps not as much focus on self-love or to heal that.

Also, Heartsong with True Social suits my goals and objectives more right now.


Other module considerations -

New Romance Experience Core: Enhances the romantic aspect of your life.

New Learning Experience Core: Accelerates learning and adaptability in social scenarios.

Subconscious Flow: Helps you enter a state of ‘flow’ easily, enhancing performance in social settings. Aligns your subconscious with your conscious goals for love and friendship.

Aura: To create a welcoming and positive atmosphere around you.
By projecting a positive and attractive aura, you may become more appealing to others, leading to better social interactions and connections.

Power Awareness: Aims to increase your awareness of your personal power and influence.
Being aware of your power can boost your confidence and assertiveness in social situations, making it easier to connect with others.
Confidence and assertiveness are attractive qualities in romantic relationships.

Risk with too many Aura’s is they are quite energy demanding and can be draining?

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IIRC correctly several auras tend to merge into one with different aspects. Shouldn’t need much more energy.


Yes, the custom looks great.

I think that one key to designing a custom is to take a frank and accurate look at your situation.

For which modules do you feel the greatest affinity?

Which ones feel more remote and which feel like you could almost express them and achieve their objectives right now?