Custom Advice - Input

I think Primal and Ascension are perfect for your goals except bringing in a third woman. Primal Seduction would be MUCH better for that, especially with inner circle. When I ran primal seduction in custom,my manifestation of woman and woman coming into my life was MUCH higher than on primal+inner circle. Now inner circle did manifest the right people for certain goals -Emperor and DR goals, so perhaps that could have been a factor.

Primal definitely helps with passive attraction, and sexual attraction in general and creates an awesome experience of sexuality, wild man dominance, and flow but manifestation was much stronger on PS.

My argument for Ascension for you-would be in further clarifying your goals.

If your replacing Ascension then

it sounds like your looking to build home and relationship life, while getting clarity and taking action towards the financial freedom. I would go Ascended Mogul for that for now. HOM is better when you have some structures in place, Ascended Mogul would be better for ‘hunting’/ ‘getting after it’

I think you would meet your goals with AM/RM/Primal, AM/Primal/Inner Circle or AM/RM/Primal/Inner circle. Personally I would do AM/Primal/Inner Circle for custom and run RM on the side. Then once you have some structures towards financial freedom in place, you could switch one of the cores to HOM.

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I do choose to accept this mission, but could you send it to me over on my Shoe Phone? I can’t leave the Cone of Silence :I

Hopefully someone gets that loose reference, lol

Thank you both @Azriel and @RVconsultant for taking time out of your day to answer. I’m going to give this my full attention with another read tomorrow after sleep :sleeping:


Good point mate!

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You do things to get smart.

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BTW whatever you decide it’s cool with me. I just want to chuck some ideas your way for you to consider.

@Azriel might have better ideas than me regarding what you are wanting to do.

Take your time dude, and please post back your thoughts.

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@RVconsultant hey man, when did you become Forum Moderator? I hadn’t even noticed the change from Ambassador!

Of course :slight_smile:

It’s no accident that it’s in there :wink:

Yup, definitely. You said it perfectly. And I absolutely agree with your suggestion for AM.

We’re on the same page with this :slight_smile:

If I end up with a count of 19, and they let me throw in the fourth, I may just throw Renaissance Man back in there for shiggles!

Stark scares me, lol. I know Saint has stated several times that the meme about Stark being feminine and what not is not factual whatsoever, but unfortunately there’s still that engram, lol. I’ll check out the sales page after this post.

As for HoM, I like the idea. It’s part of the Emperor series, which was my first subliminal here. However, @Azriel’s input that HoM is better once one has the proper foundation built absolutely makes sense to me, as that was the reason I decided to put Emperor a bit ahead in my road map :slight_smile:

There are several background reasons for the choice, I’ll share a few.

Yes, my girlfriend wants it. It was her idea in the first place, so I’m not necessarily concerned with ‘convincing’ her, if that makes sense?

I agree that I don’t need many sexual subliminals. I briefly considered Primal Seduction, @Azriel, but one, I actually own that and I’ve run it a bit. I like the feeling of it a LOT, but actually going out and approaching women isn’t really what I’m looking to do at this point. I’m looking for more a more… Hybrid approach, allowing these women to manifest in the best way and then handle seduction. I THINK that makes sense.

Second, Primal Seduction is known to be dense as fuck lol. I actually don’t care about density generally, but I don’t want PS to overwhelm my mind with the desire to seduce, game, approach, etc etc.

Primal suits my idea of what I want because of this on the sales page:

Primal What if you decide that you do not wish to leave your sexual and dating life up to external circumstances and what others dictate to you? What if you decide, that since it is your life, you should have control over it? Welcome to PRIMAL

There’s a similar line on the Emperor page, which was part of the reason I got it originally, funny enough.

I haven’t run Primal yet, so it’ll be a shot in the dark pretty much but I’m willing to take the chance :slight_smile:

I have DIAMOND, which I’ve used to great effect with my gf, SM Q/U and Primal Seduction Q/Iron Throne U, so those are handled.

You frame the best questions for the moment I’ve seen here since AMASH.

Primal, for me, is going to assist me with truly accepting my sexual nature, which is an important goal to me. It’s not unique to me OBVIOUSLY, but I’m a highly sexed guy and Primal has been calling to me for a long time lol, just like Khan.

I actually have both within me, and haven’t been able to find the source of it, though I’ve come a long way towards healing it through various modalities. Also, while she wants the threesomes because she also likes women, she’s also insecure about it for a couple reasons. That’s part of the reason I’ve placed manifestation modules and Inner Circle. Not to manifest women, I do that often. But to manifest the right ones for our relationship, what I want and what she wants together :slight_smile: I hope that makes sense.

Well, having removed Ascension already, the latest updates are the I’ve also removed Renaissance Man. I agonized over it for a bit of time, but realized after reading the sale page again that, while I like this line…

Renaissance Man Renaissance Man is a subliminal designed to shatter the blocks on self-expression that you have — be they self-made or forced onto you from the outside

But then the next line had me realize that for my current goals, it doesn’t quite fit

and allow you to unleash your creative spirit and explore the endless mystery of life and reality to excel in anything that has an artistic or creative aspect to it (such as programming, security, theoretical physics etc.)

The lines following are beautifully written and, again, they speak to me, but the previous one…I can’t justify it in my core draft, my goals with job currently have nothing to do with RM’s objectives. I could use it in my personal life as I am creative in nature (most sexual people are), but that’ll be my third custom, not this one.

Also, I did slightly modify the module draft list, I’ll add it at the end.

As a store title, or core? I know you generally champion recommendations, so I’m not sure if you’re recommending putting it in the custom. I was considering buying Libertine the other day.


I had TC in there for the longest, but I removed it two days ago or so and haven’t found a space to put it back in yet since I have all of those manifestation modules in there :roll_eyes: I do like the idea though, as it was my idea that it would complement IC in some way, as well as Dynasty.

I’m glad you said this. I completely agree. I doubt it’ll matter to me once I’ve done it a few times, similar to how driving doesn’t excite me like it did when I was first learning to drive. That’s part of the reason I decided yesterday to add some financial focus in there.

So, right now, I have is
Inner Circle
Ascended Mogul

As for the current modules (very temporary and open to suggestions)

Iron Frame
Lion IV
Faith Unyielding
Gratitude Embodiment
Carpe Diem Ascended
Eye of the Storm
SPS: Nervous System
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Positive Being Attractor - Wealth
The Flow - this one is here because I love the description, but idk if it’ll be in there for the final draft. My next custom will be either be a full on wealth one, or my spiritual one.


The Flow: If you ever believed you were part of something more, The Flow will help you truly understand this. The Flow will help reveal to you the interconnectedness of the universe and the secret of inner peace. You will develop your sense of tranquility, becoming a walking beacon of serenity

I didn’t mean to post that last one without adding…

This module seems to me that it will absolutely complement Primal.


@Simon you changed back to the avatar you had back when I joined last September, such nostalgia!

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Another core list I’m considering is Ascended Mogul, Primal, Inner Circle and Mind’s Eye.

There’s so much potential with this in conscious guidance that I can’t deal.

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I don’t remember. One day @SaintSovereign contacted me and said “Guess what?” And that was kind of that.

On other things:

Libertine as a store title, unless you have in mind or want to create an Ultima Custom.

Thank you also for expanding on your thinking. Yes it does make sense.

Alright let’s try something else. Forget the limits on number of cores and number of modules, just post everything you would want to put in, even if it’s 30. I think you get the idea.


Inner Circle

Iron Frame
Lion IV
Faith Unyielding
Gratitude Embodiment
Carpe Diem Ascended
Eye of the Storm
SPS: Nervous System
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Positive Being Attractor - Wealth
The Flow
Lifeblood Fable
SPS: Respiratory System
APS: Legs
Aura of Craving
Chosen of Venus
Current Invoker
Direct Influencing Aura
Dragon Tongue
Fortunes Favorite
Harmonic Singularity
I Am

The ones in bold are what I added. I didn’t even go past I Am, lol… These modules are tempting as hell.

Okay great. Now let’s do a process of elimination. Think of your goals but also think about the priorities within your goals.

Now edit the list in your next post to make it a list of ones you just have to have for the next 6 months. Even if it’s 20+ that’s okay. I think the method will become obvious to you quickly.


I’m picking up what you’re putt- what I’m putting down, I’m picking u-

I’m on it.

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Right on mate! The idea is to keep narrowing down the list to THE priorities.

What has to happen for you in the next 5 months.

What has to happen for you in the next 4 months.

What has to happen for you in the next 3 months.

Just keep posting man, let’s get to where you look at the list and say “YAY! That’s it!”


I’m seeing the process for sure, and looking at it in time increments like that wasn’t an idea that came to me, so thank you. It’s quite useful in many ways.

I took the day off of touching my custom at all as I have an obsessive personality and was experiencing something similar to writer’s block last I messed with it.

Plus, it’s always a good idea with any project to take a break and come back to it later with a fresh mind and perspective, I find :slight_smile:

I’ll be updating my next draft in several hours

I understand obsessiveness so I understand wanting to step away from it.

Somehow I think you’re going to be doing great with the subliminal and getting results from it. I consistently see humility, confidence, kindness, intelligence, and wisdom in your posts.

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🥷🏽 Many thanks for your kind words.

I just realized that I’ve ignored a core as a possibility in my custom due to fear of it’s cold nature.

However, I have been seeing a few posts detailing how, with the Qv2 update, they have noticed an increase in sociality, which with this title is OBVIOUSLY huge.

I think we all know I’m talking about…


As it stands now, the only reasons that stand in my way logically are the same that caused me to back off of it.

  1. I’m still healing from fracturing my ankle putting on snow chains (I’m a truck driver for those who haven’t seen my journal) last October, so the big reason I switched from Emperor was that I felt that being at home was a good time to focus on healing titles (Regen and later Rebirth), since I wasn’t guiding Emperor in my work. I didn’t actually experience recon from lack of action, unless it came in the form of choosing to run Ascension for a few months until I could return to work.

My doctor hasn’t figured out the reason but, here I am nearly 6 months later, finally getting towards healing.

I have considered removing one of my Enhancement modules for the Legs module, unless there’s a more general one I missed that deals with the skeletal system in general

This custom is going to be in use for 1 year plus, and thus I am taking its formation seriously. Since I plan to run it for so long, density matters little to me, except in the case of PS as I mentioned a few posts back.

Today, I’m going to focus solely upon cores and what cores are most important to me, @RVconsultant. I’m going to go through the entire store and one by one eliminate them until I’m down to at least 5. That will help me to them build a great ‘body’ around the ‘brains’ of the subliminal

I read two separate responses you made to people yesterday, advising them on their customs. In those posts, you mentioned that during processing, the Q program should catch any programs that won’t work well, so I’m actually leaning towards trying to formulate a custom with 4 cores. My idea is that I’ll have one MAJOR core (i.e Emperor or Stark) that is attended by supporting major cores (like Inner Circle for example)

Oh and rest assured that I will be sending the final draft to both Saint and Fire in PM (unless one of them commented here) to get final input from them, of course :slight_smile:

I’ll keep on updating as I go. I hope this helps someone in the future building their own custom.

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