Anywhere here holding cryptos? Personally, I just recently got really, really into it and, IMO, this is the future especially with all of these countries/companies making lowkey big moves in the sphere. Personally, I am holding ETH, XRP, XLM, LINK, Litecoin, and a neglible amount of BTC. I’ve been super huge on XRP recently. I think it has massive potential. All this “Great Reset”/digital currency talk from the big players has me wondering. I am trying follow trends and learn as I go. My intuition tells me cryptos will only keep going up and up.
Share questions/thoughts/insights/news/advice if you’d like.
Disclaimer: I am honestly still a newbie at crypto. This post is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a financial advisor. If you any of you have been into crypto for any amount of time, you’re probably more knowledgable than me. Do your own research. Etc.