COWolfe ascending (Ascension based custom and universal results enhancement)

  • That’s seven days off as of today, and the end of a six month run. I’m hoping that Dragon Emperor arrives tomorrow so I can start that run on Sunday.

  • The wife is really pushing back on my eh, call it increasing sense of confidence and self esteem. She criticizes every time she can over big things and small ones. She just called me a “piece of work” and said I didn’t care about my family because I spent ten bucks on a book.
    This is her normal reaction when I start feeling better about myself. I really wish I knew for sure where this was coming from. I have a couple of theories, but I’m not sure which one is true.

  • I have to qualify on certain job related skills every six months. My employer is, to put it mildly, not well organized, and usually lets us know about it with only two or three days notice. According to the rules, that doesn’t allow time to re arrange our schedules. I’m scheduled for early Sunday morning and I work a twelve hour night shift on Sunday, so I’m not going to get much sleep. This has happened repeatedly before, and I always felt agitated and upset about it. Not this time. Now my attitude is just “it is what it is, and I’ll manage”.

You’re improving yourself, and getting better. Those close to you will be reminded and recognize you for the catch that you are. Keep going mate.

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I know. I think part of the issue she has is that she’s afraid that if I improve myself, I’ll find someone “better”. Keeping my sense of value lower is her way of keeping me. She feels that she isn’t capable of developing herself enough to keep up, so when I do it it terrifies her.

  • Dragon Emperor has arrived, and I’ll be starting it tomorrow night so this will likely be the last entry for this journal unless I think of something between now and then.

  • I had a very productive day today. I got some cleaning done that I’d been putting off for a long time, got ready for my qualification in the morning, and got dinner on the table. It didn’t feel hard or like I was under time pressure at all like it used to. I also didn’t feel a lot of resentment about being the one who had to do all the work. I used to feel that a lot, but my wife’s condition isn’t her fault and it just is what it is.

  • I forgot to mention this. During my washout week, I started reading books that will help me develop while I’m going to sleep and right after waking up rather than uselessly dinking with my phone (he types on his phone). I really feel I’ve turned some kind of corner. Good start going into Dragon Emperor.

Which books? I’m reading Marc Allen’s “The Millionaire Course” through once and then going back to begin The Work of it.

At the moment, I’m reading something on “Energy Psychology” which might really help DR function. Next up is that one on persuasion that you recommended.