Compilation of results and reviews

That is indeed a big change. From not earning anything to earning a penny, from not exercising at all to walking a mile, is equivalent to germination of a seed, which does have a high probability of becoming a plant or a tree.


Result from emperor, and just the ZP build in general.


This is a nice result I got from both WZP, and Emperor ZP enhanced it more;

My existence :sunglasses::wink:


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

On what basis are you making the claim that these subliminals “clearly don’t work” - when there are literally thousands of results reported within this forum.

People have literally transformed their lives with these tools (like me) and you’re sitting there behind a computer screen going “you’re being fooled!”.

I’m sorry but what the fuck?

Who are you?

What subliminals did you use, how long did you use them and what actions did you take?

Anyone with at least 20 IQ can search journals and main discussion threads around here while reading impressive results.

We have millionaires, casanovas, business owners, life coaches, fighters, coders and gamers… all kicking ass on the daily and you’re sitting here on an internet forum trying to attack a company that helps other people.

You are a troll that isn’t worth anyone’s time and this is why I’m blocking you, which I rarely ever do. I refuse to tolerate weasel behavior of this magnitude, especially in 2023.

If you were honest about your own experiences then I would take you seriously but instead you want to just downplay people’s lives and piss on a community that probably would have helped you if you’d given them the chance.

I literally went from being a complete mess with no sex life and no income, to having a thriving romantic life and my own business. Whether or not you perceive that as a “real result” is none of my concern.

Multiple years of my life where I overcame internal issues, healed trauma, got myself out of a hell hole and finally took accountability of my life through fire… and you come out from the woodworks basically to downplay the most important periods of my life.

You might have deep internal issues but that doesn’t give you the right to project all of your dumpster shit onto other people - especially people who are trying to become the best version of themselves.

@master_action, I’ve grown to a level where I don’t give a fuck about what random people on the internet like you opinionate, but when you try to downplay these tools in the manner in which you’ve done… you not only insult me - you insult everyone here.

Maybe you didn’t get the results that you wanted, ok cool. Why not make a thread and allow us to help you, like 95% of sensible people who possess common sense?

I don’t know if you work for competitor companies or if you’re just a troll. Either way, you’re not about to keep talking shit with absolutely nothing to back up your statements with.


Despite multiple flags on this post and the strike against the Campfire Policy (PLEASE READ: Official Campfire Policy) I’m going to disregard the flags and leave this post up because of the excellent response @Luther24 gave.

Every day you are being manipulated by a countless number of things, and yet you decide to come up with “SubClub is silencing negative reviews!”.

As @Luther24 said your post is insulting to the members here and, which is even sadder, you could have gotten help instead.


I don’t need to waste my time going back and forth with a bot/shill. All I’ll say is that I’m a non biased customer who has used subliminals from both SC, as well as certain competitors. And there’s no comparison. SC products are simply inferior. When I look at this forum, all I see is a circle jerk of fanboys who sheepishly go on the attack whenever someone so much as suggests their money may have been better spent elsewhere. The same handful of dudes are always on speed dial to swoop in to negative reviews, make excuses for the company, and gaslight the customer.

In the other thread it said just above your post “has posted the first time for three years.” And your very fist post is vandalism? That tells something about your mental and emotional state and it’s not good for you. You can say you’re an unbiased customer all you want. I, for one, don’t believe you.

So go back to your favorite one and do not waste our and your time. We are not interested in your opinions and you about ours. Simple as that.
Bye, take care and good luck with whatever you want.


Based on what claims? I like to participate in these things if they are “covered” with valid arguments. If you didn’t get results doesn’t mean that no one else doesn’t get them, or they are lying.

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My man use some of what’s left of your brain cells, if he was a bot, why would he write like that :thinking:?
A bot’s speech would be very objective in the way it would write a text :face_with_monocle: but hey, you’re the one here with a closed mind.

Anyways, as for your negative perspective on “real results”, I would suggest you to actually realize first that you’re projecting your lack of faith, and insecurities, on the members of this forum.

you say subs here don’t work, right?

Let’s see :face_with_monocle:

  • @friday became very successful in the medical field, as well as reaching a point where he can cause you to get anxious if you bring your girlfriend (if you had one) around him.

  • @Hoppa has achieved wealth that most people in the world would consider as their lifelong wealth goal.

  • @Yazooneh completely transformed his physical appearance, his social circles, and even the country he lives in.

  • and just recently @bombayduck went through a shit ton of mental clarity to claim back the control of his life.

So you say you didn’t get results, but maybe that’s cause that’s a you problem.

It’s like saying playing a character in a game that everyone else plays, but then shitting on the character because you suck with them.

All I’ll say is this:

Re-evaluate yourself, cause it’s definitely a you problem.


I find it interesting how all of you seem to be notified whenever there’s a negative post, even though this whole thing started with a comment from a low ranking profile on an obscure year old thread with barely any engagement. How much are you guys getting paid?

Quite a lot, to be honest, it is a shame, that you are not paid, maybe other competitors will pay you. Ask them :slight_smile:


If you actually get results from this stuff, kudos; you’re an anomaly. But I’ve been lurking on this forum for years now and im sick and tired of seeing people waste their time with these products. Im not here to shit on anybody. I just want to wake up some of you lost souls. It’s 2023 and it’s high time for some REAL change.

Right from the horses mouth

Real advice mate. If you wanna really help someone, go to help homeless people or do some charity. I am sure you will do good for humanity.

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With SC, I use the product as instructed for a month with no discernible change. With the competitor, I notice significant changes by the second or third day. By the time a month has gone by it’s a night and day difference. Need I say more?

Still no valid arguments…, just trash-talking.
Alright, this is coming from a guy that is using (well it’s post-poned for now) subs/fields from different creators and i’m actually loyal to one creator, but I decided to try Subliminal Club in order to enhance my journey even more.

So far this journey is going in right direction and I’ll be sticking with them for quite some time, but one thing botheres me and it isn’t about subliminals that this company is producing, it’s about people (some people) here. Why are people so negative? I like fair competition. That means to respect anyone and everyone unless they are producing negative type of subliminals/fields.

If you are using, for example, subliminals from this company, respect their way of using them (talking about instructions thing). If you want to hate on them, hate but explain why are you hating on them a.k.a list proper arguments. A lot of people like when their company is getting hated if arguments are listed because they can improve their way of creating/producing things.

Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.

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Happy to hear that you’ve successfully experienced great subliminal results from competitor brands. I’ve heard the same as well. Doesn’t mean you have to come here and flex about it.

Just because you’re experiencing no results with a specific product doesn’t mean the product is the problem, especially when you have countless amount of users on this forum who attest to its quality. Talk about having your head up your own ass.

Your solipsistic worldview will only hurt yourself in the long run, mate. Happy to hear about your results, but no point in putting down others while you do so. It definitely shows your lack of internal growth.

This message was paid for by the Subliminal Club Company


You sure about this? I was thinking this when I worked on my self-improvement and was quite sad, but then I looked back 2-3 months and realized that I changed few things that led to positive outcomes.