Empire Building(ASBR + HOM + alternating third sub

By the way, previously it took quite a bit of resistance from my part to avoid sub hopping. But after adding HOM and listening to one loop, it feels as if it has deleted the desire for adding new subs in my stack. My thinking changed to more longer term, anxiety about the goals has decreased while determination is increased. I also noticed some social skills results and some strategising results but they are still nowhere near developed level.

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Any other ways than the trading bot to earn income from abroad currently?

If possible, any skills you could monetize?

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Not sure honestly. Officially, we can’t really accept payments throug VISA or something, technically even crypto. Practically though, there are ways but they are not accessible to me yet and might lead to some problems here. I don’t know enough to talk about it. The bot is going to work on Russian market.

As for skills, I really do hope that the real estate stuff plays out nicely and as planned. The beauty of it is that you technically don’t need any money to get first rental units but it requires some additional knowledge which I don’t have just yet.

And if that doesn’t work, I’m not sure really. I could try out being a realtor or I could learn some webdev. Or utilizing AI for arts and not only, stuff like copywriting as well… Those are just from the top of my head. What would you recommend?

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Well that sucks. Big time.

As for skills… If you are good at marketing/sales, you should be able to make yourself really valuable in all kinds of venues.

Also, critical thinking and problem solving skills might prove profitable. I’m currently concentrating more on that side. But of course, I’m in a different situation. I have a team doing the daily stuff, so I can concentrate on more advanced topics.

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I have some very limited experience in sales but I’m currently planning to work more on that area since I’ll need it for real estate.

Fwiw, look into image streaming. I’ve had great success with it, just grew very lazy. It nearly doubled my verbal memory according to humanbenchmark.com and subjectively, I was way sharped, verbal fluency was higher, as well as problem solving abilities. Currently restoring the habit of streaming.

And by the way, can you recommend any books or courses on sales and marketing? Thank you very much!

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Let me think a bit more on this…

@ksub @Vesper others probably have better recommendations for this.

My problem is that I’ve gone through so many over the years and gotten bits and pieces from them. But I haven’t taken any notes as I “trust” my memory (and laziness) too much. They are all just smashed in together, with no clear differentiation.

Andre Chaperon, Perry Marshall, cxl.com , conversionrateexperts.com are some good people/resources that come to my mind now.

Edit: @BLACKICE has excellent recommendations.


Thank you very much!

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HAHA, that’s some incredible manifestation results, though I have no idea what sub that is. Probably HOM - it deals with banking, etc.

Just got the news that mortgages might come down to 3% (from 8-15) after January 1st. That means I gotta speed up with my plans, huh

It might come down. It also might not, keep that in mind

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@ClasSICK : While I second the marketing resources that @Hoppa suggested, Andre Chaperon and Perry Marshall might be too advanced for a newbie. Go with clx.com and digitalmarketer.com .
Start with a few courses and certifications in the topics you like or you’re working on. Don’t go learn something you’re not actively interested in. In marketing, implementation is everything and information overload is your worst enemy.

Learn the things you are going to use immediately and become good at them. Better be great in only a couple of different marketing areas and outsource the rest than have shallow knowledge at a lot of things and wasting time and money on failing campaigns and not even know why your campaigns are failing. For example, I still know very little about SEO but I’m not planning on learning. That’s not my best skill set and the learning curve is steep. If I need SEO, I’ll just pay an expert to do it for me. Same with copywriting. As far as paid ads, chatbots and funnels, I can compete with the best so why waste time learning something new when I can just pay someone who is way better at it than I am?

Last thing, do read Alex Hormozi’s two books, especially the one on offer creation.
Stay away from Clickfunnels. They were once great, today it’s just a company that wants to sell you their outdated and overpriced platform and pretend to teach you marketing.


If I had to say what are the best book for sales and marketing but that also indirectly helps with it but isn’t in that category it would be:

How to win friends and influence people
The power of the subconscious mind
The Charisma Myth
Read people like a book
Way of the wolf
The art of persuasion
Higher Status by Jason Capital (best book)
The power of charm (second best book)
Influence by Robert B

Iman Ghazhi Agency course for marketing (haven’t tried it personally but a lot of the successful people in marketing started doing marketing because of that course).
For sales courses, it will really depends on what kind of sales your doing. Someone doing corporate sales will have a complete different set of sales skills compared to someone who’s doing high ticket sales (some people think that all sales are the same - it’s not).


Thank you @Vesper @ksub @hoppa

You guys are my inspiration on the forum, hopefully I’m gonna get to your level soon enough

Meanwhile, I just got some earphones to listen to the books/courses on my way to/from university. It takes 3 hours of my day, now I can use them productively


I let go of my old identity. What was acceptable before isn’t now…It’s time to mature, to stop fearing new things, to embrace them fully, learning along the way, extracting lessons from both wins and failures, following my deepest ambitions and living according to my truest emotions and self.

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to introduce some rules:

  1. Get everything from my to do done before 8 PM
  2. Get to bed by 10:30PM and sleep by 11pm, wake up no later than 7:30am
  3. Utilize Parkinon’s law to the max, use timers and do deep work. And actually time block some things in my to do because “trading bot” sounds too vague and it either leaves me working on it for 8 hours straight or 10 minutes lol
  4. Build to dos before sleep and play out the next day in my head while falling asleep

Rules might be updated later

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Seems like this mental reframe before sleep did me good. I’m finished with my whole to do and it’s not even the middle of the day.

I’m going to focus on sticking to the routine and increasing the time spent on crucial activities. I’ll write down what I need in the format Current → Future

Image streaming: 10 5d/week → 60 5d/week
Real estate: currently I’m just watching 1 video from the course per day and practicing a bit in finding good objects, etc. → look at at least 30 objects per day, quickly assessing their potential
Trading bot: 30 min → 2 hours
Intermittent fasting: 2-3MAD → OMAD

So roughly I’d guess I’ll be spending around 1 hour per day on streaming, 2-3 hours real estate, 2 hours on the bot. + Uni homework might require me to reduce the load at times. Seems doable overall

As for the results I’ve noticed recently:

  • Cut out energy drinks. I’m not against them but it was like “Why would any high value person drink it? And why would any person trying to get as much money as possible be spending money on energy drinks?”. The overall change was effortless. Even more, I noticed resistance to buy them (which I gladly accept and move on)
  • My artificial sweetener intake is slowly dropping. It’s as if my normal dosage has become way too sweet to my liking. EDIT: I’m drinking coffee with half the usual amount of sweetener I put in and it feels too sweet even now. Amazing
  • Trying to connect to some important and useful people, potentially gonna get some manifestation pathways
  • I’m noticing some reactions from the world when it comes to my goals. It’s hard to explain by words so here’s a simple example: you are trying to manifest money and then on the next day you find a penny on the street. Or your friend gets unexpected money from somewhere. - I see those things as signs that my manifestations are gonna materialize soon enough and that the world is reacting to the changes in my inner being.
  • Clarity, clarity, clarity. I need more clarity, I need EoG ST2 and I need overall clearer daily plans. That’s one of the most important realizations I’ve got lately
  • On my previous streak, Emp + EOG, my girlfriend has become more submissive but it felt as if we kinda lost some warmth. Don’t get me wrong, the emotions and stuff were still there but it was as if my aura was non-inviting, so to speak?.. I’m not even sure if I can describe it. And I noticed something similar in my interactions with the family. It’s like I was impatient having unproductive dialogues which don’t bring anyone closer to the goals. I appreciate my family and love them but man, I was pulled to get out and do my stuff rather than having empty conversations. On HOM, it’s like that warmth is increased while also patience in social situations has grown as well. And not only in my family, overall with people around me. That’s nice. I hated talking to people mostly but now I’m way more open to it and HOM made me think long term and strategically while also cultivating a good reputation. PCC in it is definitely felt because I’ve used some laws unconsciously and only later realized that (is it due to NLE in Emperor?). Also, had some examples right in front of my eyes what happens if you don’t follow the laws - I really do think it’s the manifestation of PCC through NLE in Emperor.
  • Overall, my patience is growing
  • NWE is so subtle I can’t really remember any wealth experiences but my mindset is so much different than it was before. Many fears have reduced, clarity has increased, overall understanding of money has grown. I do understand when I have the new wealth experience but it’s like they go straight into subconscious and leave my conscious memory
  • Became way more confident, not afraid to tell the truth to someone’s face or set up boundaries. Not like an asshole but as a grown, mature man. This is big for me and while it still requires some work, I’m glad with the progress.

Some other notes:

  • Recon is basically non existent for me now. The only form is thinking that the subs don’t work. But I just ignore the feeling.
  • I seem to have high flow factor. I need to align myself even more and take full advantage of it!
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It seems that my attention span is currently a weak point of mine. But it will get better with streaming, fasting and good sleep schedule. Also I will add Buteyko eventually. It’s a must but I’m not going to do it now just so I can adapt to my current routine better

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@SaintSovereign @Fire is there a way to increase the processing queue? To speed up the process? What are the factors responsible for it?

I have a feeling that image streaming might help. It obviously requires some testing but just from my experience with it, I’d say it has high potential to help.

Does IQ matter when it comes to processing queue? EDIT: I think I remember some posts saying Limitless or Quantum Limitless have improved results of other subs for people

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After some discussions with my dad and overall thinking through, here’s what I conclude:

  1. I have a new strategy to implement with the bot. I’ll put my focus on it now, to code it as fast as possible and then backtest, tweak it, etc
  2. for real estate, if I do everything perfectly + have great luck, I need 3 months, it seems. And if I don’t, I’ll need at least 6 months for everything. It sucks. I figured I should stop with that mental masturbation like “finish course and then act” and switch to “act while watching the course and learning along the way”. So after I code the strategy, I’ll be looking for mortgage broker, appraiser, etc - and most importantly, good objects
  3. no third point, I’ll just put it here for the dramatic effect :wink:
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I like Vesper’s books because they’re about more than just closing calls, they’re about changing you as a person to become the type of person that would succeed in the first place.

Having the types of conversations that these types of books allow you to have, you start seeing social dynamics everywhere, you start practicing them and applying them everywhere, and then you get better at socializing while positively putting on some sort of image - a necessary and beneficial skill to have.

And a big chunk of your sales skill is just your socializing skill - are you able to sound human, trustworthy, respectable? Because if not, everything else looks like a cheap tactic.

For example, I love and hate “How To Win Friends And Influence People,” because it’s a book that so heavily relies on a certain level of status. It’ll take you from good status to great status, for sure, but imagine how creepy it would be if a homeless guy walked up to you and with a bold, confident smile, said “Hi Name…”

While Vesper’s books are great for every day interactions, which are ESPECIALLy important in real estate, I’d say for the very sales-specific stuff, there are a few top books

Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff
Gap Selling by Keenan
Challenger Sale by some conglomerate of people
SPIN selling

Those are kind of the core 4

And I’ve heard realtors have a lot of success with Ninja Selling by Larry Kendall


Also since you’re focused on Real Estate, and an innovative trading bot, and multiple channels of wealth, I’d suggest switching out New Emp for Nouveau RICH - you’ll still get 90% of the emperor scripting from HOM too so unless you love emperor so much you want to triple down on it, Nouveau RICH seems like it would add a lot to your stack

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Couldn’t agree more ^


Thank you for your input!

NR definitely seems interesting but something about it seems off for me, as if my subconscious is telling me that it’s not the time for NR yet. But I will keep it in mind.

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