[Chosen/Stark] The Morning Star

Did 1 loop of Paragon at 11 am and 5 more minutes at about 17 hours.
When I did the 5 minutes I had a 38°C fever, soon after I felt how it went down, took a reading again 37.6°C

All my symptoms felt anchored at the middle of my chest, while doing the 5 minutes loop I felt a release in that area and the symptoms began to decrease.


I hope you feel well soon.

Remember there is also the free Covid19 subliminal.


Thank you very much!!!

Yes I remember that :wink:

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I did a 6 minutes loop of Paragon this morning and now I dont have a fever anymore, currently 36,5°C.

I still have a headache and dizziness, but Im gonna stay in bed today too. I might do 6 more minutes of Paragon when the sun sets.

My mood is a lot better though… I just need to sleep, last night I woke up more than 8 times, maybe 10… couldnt rest at all.


Good to hear that you are recovering fast, man.

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Two nights in a row in which I barely slept… headache, coughing a lot… my chest and throat are super soar and in pain.

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I hope you feel better soon dude. You’ve got this my man.


Thanks dude! I hope I feel better soon too… the worst part is having such a shit quality sleep.

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Im taking an early washout…

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I slept a little bit last night, but Im still sick… headache, dizziness and lots of coughing, no fever though.
Manage to do 10 minutes of Paragon early this morning.

Im bored and irritated…

My girlfriend is also sick in bed.

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Are you and your gf taking meds to treat the illness? Sweating, hot shower and drinking lots of warm water always help me, maybe it helps you too. Get well soon.

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Yes we are taking meds, also my dad is a doctor so we are well taken care of.

I just took a very long shower to relax my body and I keep a huge jug of water on my night stand.
Thank you very much for caring man!!

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The sun is shinning and the air feels pretty fresh and energized… Im gonna take a walk outside for a while… 3 days in bed is driving me a little insane.


I did 1 loop of my custom and began feeling real good and relaxed… so much that I fell asleep.

First 90 minutes of good, resting and uninterrupted sleep since sunday!!!

Im blissing out!!


Well Im still sick and not getting any better… today Im seeing a doctor.

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Things went fine at the doctors, now Im on antibiotics and painkillers for the headache.
I decided to treat myself so I bought True Sell and Paragon Sleep.
Of course Im doing Paragon Sleep today, I havent got a good night sleep since sunday…


@SaintSovereign do you think you can take a look at my ticket #9819 I got charged multiple times for my last purchase… I dont know if you guys recieved that payment and can cancel it. Im contacting my bank right now.

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Fever is back 37,5°C… I did 7 minutes of Paragon and now Im doing 1 loop of Paragon Sleep.


Ended up only doing 7 minutes of Paragon Sleep.


Paragon Sleep

Well since I have Bronchitis and Im taking antibiotics since yesterday I didnt expect Paragon Sleep to automatically gave me amazing results.
The thing is I havent slept almost anything since last sunday, all the coughing, the chest and throat pain, the fever… you get the picture.

Yesterday I did 7 minutes of Paragon Sleep and when it was time to sleep I just doze off (this is very important cause I was developing a fear of night time, since all the sypmtoms get much worse at night). I woke up about 4 times coughing, but the overall experience was much more enjoyable.

I slept longer, woke up in between significantly less times and woke up today feeling rested for the first time in the whole week… with a much better mood.

I had the habit of putting my headphones on and listen to something to fell asleep, last night in one of the times I woke up I thought… Sleep Naturally… removed my headphones and easily doze off again.