Chase’s freewriting journal

After a long hiatus it feels right to have a new journal :kissing_smiling_eyes:

I took a few month break from subs and from forum; I only became fully aware that I had been low key overloaded for a long time about more than one month into the washout. The longer break I took the less I felt like listening to subs. It was actually a refreshing feeling that I didn’t know I needed.

My current custom is

Magnetic Bliss
  • New Wealth Experience
  • Ecstasy of Gold ST1
  • Carpe Diem Ascended
  • New Dawn
  • Sultan
  • Lion IV
  • Nature Winner
  • ARES
  • Inner Voice
  • Stress Displacement
  • I.Q. And Cognitive Booster
  • The Streams
  • Stillmind
  • Fusion Optimized
  • Harmonic Singularity
  • Deep Sleep
  • Inner Gasoline
  • Stop Porn and Masturbation
  • DEUS
  • Omnidimensional

Looking back one clear sign of being overloaded for me was I didn’t know what I wanted, or put another way I wanted everything. The things I wanted changed every other day or easily being influenced by external circumstances. It’s only during the long washout that I saw clearly the things/subs I didn’t need or didn’t make sense to have. By extension I was able to pick modules for my custom without regrets. Even with the new modules pack - Synergy - came out I still find my custom perfect, just what I need.

Another sign that I was overloaded was (or maybe I was simply childlish in the sense that I knew the words but didn’t understand them) I wasn’t able to see the purpose of making custom even if it hit me on my face. The words of Saint and Fire had been right there from the beginning and I read them and quoted them but it was only during washout that it dawned on me what custom was for - I built my own archetype or better yet no archetype at all; archetype itself is a box.

One add thing about me when it comes to making a custom (and by extension life in general) is my mind takes in “irrelevant” factors when it comes making decisions, or out another way, the decisions were more or less made subconsciously. There must be a certain “flow” in the custom consisted by modules put in a certain order. The order itself was governed by the name (the word itself and the letters in it) and the picture of the module. All of which I have no conscious control over, it either feels right or not. I could override it by thinking rationally but if I don’t feel it I don’t feel it. Like how we feel about music or art, it is independent from outer influences (even for me who usually got swung by others’ opinions). Even the name of my custom was picked simply because the words and letters look right

A lingering effect of a long washout, though slowly fading, is I now listen to my custom irregularly. By that I mean there is plenty of rest days (sometimes 9 days between one listening to another) and there is no fix schedule for listening.

I think the custom is working for a few reasons, yet the simplest of them is I literally smile every time I listen to it. I don’t know for sure which modules cause that but my intuition tells me it maybe Carpe Diem Ascended, Nature Winner, ARES, Inner Voice and Stress Displacement.

I slowly noticed that subs and customs that I listened to likely impacted those closest to me more than it impacted me externally. By that I mean, take the current custom as an example, since I listened to it a couple family members were able to get discounts for items they wanted, simply at the right place at the right time. Me on the other hand… :rofl:

Anyway it’s good to be back after a long break and let’s keep in good spirits :hugs:


Never mind decided to write about the effects of certain modules that I noticed.

Fusion Optimized: it was at the front stage for a week or less where I kept researching the purpose and effects of supplements, and buying a few of them.

I.Q. And Cognitive Booster: again for a few days it took front stage where I had the urge and did use my left hand instead of my right (my dominant) for most things. I remembered associating myself as a young Clark Kent since I had to be careful on how much pressure I put when doing chores lol

Stop Porn and Masturbation and Inner Gasoline: truth is once I stopped listening to alpha archetype subs and put in conscious efforts I stopped PMO during washout but these two modules definitely help prolonging nofap, and yes I indeed feel the sexual electricity from time to time.

Inner Voice: this is another example on how custom works on others instead of myself, by that I mean I was expecting encouraging words directed to me yet it was directed to others. A family member was a big gossiper and had been talking non stop, in short I was irritated and wanted to tell them to leave me alone yet a voice asked me would I rather them be sulk in the corner or be lively as they are instead, and just like that the whole perspective shifted.

DEUS: instead of making the custom stronger (which I am sure it does when the time is right) it seems to bring it to my level instead. I am able to listen to full loop without apparent recon. Intuition tells me it is this module that helps me adapt to subs and vice versa.

New Wealth Experience (and maybe EoG ST1): family members able to get items for a discount price. I was able to get what I wanted without obstacles (before what sometimes happened would be the shops were closed out of the blue or the items ran out when I wanted them etc.) A funny manifestation for me personally was I wanted something let’s say cost $10 and I found $9 was a more acceptable cost, so in my mind I wished it was something like $9 and had a feeling that’s the cost I paid. Within 48 hours it was on sale and ta da :drum: it became $9.99 :rofl: I literally lol when I saw it and paid for that item with gratitude.


My music taste changed somewhat since the custom. I listen to techno occasionally before but they are my go to these days (if I listen to music at all).

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Good to see you back, bro.

And your renewed confidence and expanded awareness about your custom is awesome!


Thanks brother. It’s good to see you’re a constant force :battery:in forum as always, many new faces here, and it seems some old friends not as active these days or is it they are spending time in black forum (which I have no access :pleading_face:)?

I credited all those to the long washout that gave me clarity lol it was really a refreshing feeling (to my surprise) and as the break went on, the feeling of no need for subs actually got surer, as in my life is fine without it, which was opposite to how I thought about it before.

Looking back I had quite a superstitious sentiment towards subs, still do if I am completely honest. There were moments where I got lucky after listening to one sub or got unlucky after a different sub, and I associated those moments to the sub itself. Hence even to this day I religiously avoid Regeneration (BTW does anyone remember this sub exists :laughing:) and you wouldn’t guess it Genesis.

Custom is actually a way for me to make my own version of say Genesis with controls. I am a huge fan of succinctness, I now understand I choose modules that I need and leave out anything that isn’t closed to useful to me with absolutely no overlaps. That’s the point of the custom. In fact with the new Synergy pack and the direction Q store is going, I feel like cores may no longer be needed (I know they never are required but even less important now). What I am saying is we can now easily make our titles via custom instead of making a custom if it makes sense lol


Got an insight/encouragement from Magnetic Bliss. While it doesn’t look like it, at least to me, it is after all a wealth custom (seriously for some reason I myself always forgot it is wealth related, no kidding, to me it is a self development sub), hence while the insight is applicable to life in general it comes in a money setting.

I paid the same cost as everyone else, I have equal rights and I deserve to have the same enjoyment in this place as anyone else. I can relax and I am entitled to all the service and space the place provides.

While the word entitlement brings a little negative association to mind, this is what I need in my life and I am worthy of it. All my life I had been the opposite of entitlement, I felt awkward and meek even when I paid for the price as anyone else as I either felt out of my element or I didn’t wanna be a burden or bother. But why should I feel this way, it wasn’t a favor and I owed no one anything. I repeat I am worthy of the same service, the same space and the same enjoyment as much as others.


Thank you, Chase. Only recently did I find myself coming back to being myself. Weird. I went in a round about fashion to be better and realized that I didn’t need to change myself personality-wise. Guess it was a search for the authentic self and the Zero Point helped me there since one can’t hide from ZP but it will help us find who we truly are.

A few of our friends have disappeared true but many have changed their names so many times that it is a bit difficult to keep track lol.

That’s the beauty of the subliminal bloom. Have taken washouts of various durations. From 3 or 7 days to a month or two.

All the washouts have been self-revealing. An uncovering of the layers between us and our true selves.

That’s absolutely fine. SC is inclusive of all beliefs. The variety makes life fun and enjoyable instead of all of us being of the same mold.

Regeneration has been very helpful for me. Removed a lot of unnecessary baggage along with Elixir. They both also helped me be more ready for Dragon Reborn.

I did a cycle of Genesis and that was enlightening too.

That’s excellent! You have found what works for you and are adapting the tools to fit your needs.

I was ruminating over the developments we had over the course of the years here at SC. The most obvious changes where the tech builds. From pre-Q to Q to ZP.

But we can also say that we have progressed from the Age of Main Store Titles to the Age of Customs to the Age of Synergy. And these are no small leaps since it leaves more room for exact customization (like the one you described with regard to your own custom(s)). And this in turn will help us tailor our life to the way we want it to be.

Of course one can consciously guide main store titles to do a lot of things. But those who love customs know there is something very beautiful in the drafting and crafting of them. And their execution too.


Random misapplication of sayings aka Rambling of an silly mind

“No one puts new wine into old wineskins…but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.”

Meaning: do not mix listening to old Q subs with new ZP subs. When creating customs use only the latest cores with the new Synergy modules.

“As above so below, as within so without”

Meaning: if one has blonde/Ginger/Dark top, their carpet matches it.
If one attracts poverty or wealth because of they think they are poverty or wealth, then when they attract the opposite sex that is because they think they are the opposite sex.

“If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain”

Meaning: if a girl or guy won’t response to one’s advances, one needs to double down and be a stalker to get to them. Bonus theme song - :notes: One way, or another, I’m gonna find ya I’m gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya

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These days my listening timetable to custom is so irregular that no one call tell when is the beginning of the cycle and when is the end, hence I kinda discarded the concept of cycle. I go along purely based on my mood and intuition. If for whatever reason my mood was less than ideal before the listening time I forwent that listening; if I felt sleepy or tired, I forwent that listening.

I said this again and again since the new journal but still let me say this one more time, thanks to the long washout, I knew what normal base line was, by extension I am now able to sense and spot the very beginning of overloading. Looking back I also noticed that the more frequently I listened to subs/customs, the more I was dependent on them, in the sense that I had to listen to them no matter what and kept looking for any kinds of manifestation everywhere I turned; now the less I listen the less I care. Finally I need to give thanks to Stillmind for assist observing the whole process.

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Carpe Diem Ascended is working. Just like the description says something simply as helping or communicating brings a smile to my face.

Mood and good vibes!

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Once again the custom works buuuut on family member instead lol A relative lost contact with an acquaintance during Covid and had since occasionally looked for him. I got to take care of some business yesterday and she tagged along. Ended up we bumped into that acquaintance and they were happy to catch up.

Still expected the worst in daily life, after all I had been brainwashing myself for years with that mentality so I understand it takes time to overcome it. Though I can tell the intensity and duration of such thoughts are diminishing, thanks to Stress Displacement and Natural Winner.

My intuition suggested me to listen to 5mins custom instead the usual 15mins but I was in good mood and decided to go for full loop. Guess what I fell asleep; not only was I listened to full mask loop but also most of the ultrasonic, with earphones :man_facepalming: this wouldn’t have happened if I just listened to my intuition.


This kind of thing happens. I think it’s just due to our webs of connection and lines of influence. It’s not just mystical to say this: We are interconnected. You can smell the food being cooked in the next house. It’s just the way the world is.

So just enjoy seeing it and learning how it works and how to work with it.



No kidding. Off the top of my head LBFH and Chosen also worked (more) on family members too, by that I mean external manifestations, they were hard to miss.

Before the washout I’d pay so much attention to those phenomena and built up expectations. One misconception I had about subs for a looong time was - the “right” sub equals to no troubles in daily life whatsoever; no one single thing would go wrong in life. Of course now I am aware not only this was superstitious but also absurd. But that was how I felt, and I felt what I felt even though it didn’t make sense. These days from time to time I still catch myself hoping for such effects if I am honest.

Yet I am caring less, as in those thoughts appear less frequently. I remember how we used to look at the modules list in a custom and read their description (like counting money lol). Well I am kinda the opposite of that now. While I can easily recite the modules in my custom the custom as a whole is “hazy” to me. You know how many youtube subs have only a title and a few lines of description to let you know what it is about (just to be clear I don’t listen to them), that’s how I feel about my custom even though I built it with care and time. It’s like my mind is taking the concept of subs to heart - suggestions that slip into your mind without conscious mind catching a hint on what it is about - and prevents me from remembering what the custom is about :smirk:


Sounds like you’ve got some of that karmic/psychic family connection thing going on. Do you ever get the ‘Think of family member, and then phone rings from that person’ thing? My theory on this one is that when the person focuses intent to contact you or even just to think about you, you get a little ping of resonance from them, which triggers you to have a thought about them.

But it’s probably one of those circular causality, chicken-and-egg types of things that are hard for me to parse.

I think we all think kind of like that when we’re starting out. And it comes back from time to time. haha.

I relate to this strongly*. It may be a good thing. It seems to indicate a kind of flexible, evolutionary mindset. Less fixated. And more open to the unfolding of process.

But on the other side, I actually worked with two AI language models to develop ‘statements’ of the integrated archetypes of my customs. They’re not the ‘final answer’, but it did scratch an important itch.


The phone rings thing actually happens to the female relative mentioned above. I also think the external manifestation and connection thing happened due to the proximity of those members to me both mentally and physically. They, or their needs, were on my mind even if I wasn’t consciously thinking of them, and they spent more time with me than others.


This, again, is really cool. And I relate.

It’s this sense of allowing the sub to “belong” to the subconscious.

Like gently launching a kayak off from the shore to be carried by the waves.

Releasing control

Trusting the process


I have stuff like that happen to me all the time. Its so cool! Maybe one day we will be able to make phone calls but only using our brain hahaha

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As soon as the morning began I was bombarded by unpleasant news from a family member (wasn’t bad per se, it was old ghosts lingering). While unpleasant that news didn’t bother me too much, what had been bothering me was how that member kept dissecting that news via mostly neurotic angles, and bringing that up non stop. I couldn’t catch a break.

On one hand I totally got them, I know what’s like being anxious and obsessing over something. Though I tended to do it in my head keep it to myself. On the other hand it is for this reason that I was really bothered by the over sharing; it was like I was being forced to be neurotic as I had to keep thinking about that news while I could have been relaxed. Additionally I am more nonchalant these days, obsessing over something no longer sits well with me, and I much prefer this new me. I feel like the situation is dragging me back to the old me and preventing the progression of my transformation.

The quote from Palpatine is right on point that (and I take a step further) if we want to change our story we have to get rid of those who bring up our old self.




Has been having ear inflammation for the past few days. Apart from the usual pain, itching, swelling, redness and heat, I am also tired and having neck+headache. The inflammation first came a few years ago out of the blue; the first time was the worst to the point I couldn’t open my mouth. Since then it became a recurrent issue one that happened a couple times a year and it could be either ear by chance.

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