After a long hiatus it feels right to have a new journal
I took a few month break from subs and from forum; I only became fully aware that I had been low key overloaded for a long time about more than one month into the washout. The longer break I took the less I felt like listening to subs. It was actually a refreshing feeling that I didn’t know I needed.
My current custom is
Magnetic Bliss
- New Wealth Experience
- Ecstasy of Gold ST1
- Carpe Diem Ascended
- New Dawn
- Sultan
- Lion IV
- Nature Winner
- Inner Voice
- Stress Displacement
- I.Q. And Cognitive Booster
- The Streams
- Stillmind
- Fusion Optimized
- Harmonic Singularity
- Deep Sleep
- Inner Gasoline
- Stop Porn and Masturbation
- Omnidimensional
Looking back one clear sign of being overloaded for me was I didn’t know what I wanted, or put another way I wanted everything. The things I wanted changed every other day or easily being influenced by external circumstances. It’s only during the long washout that I saw clearly the things/subs I didn’t need or didn’t make sense to have. By extension I was able to pick modules for my custom without regrets. Even with the new modules pack - Synergy - came out I still find my custom perfect, just what I need.
Another sign that I was overloaded was (or maybe I was simply childlish in the sense that I knew the words but didn’t understand them) I wasn’t able to see the purpose of making custom even if it hit me on my face. The words of Saint and Fire had been right there from the beginning and I read them and quoted them but it was only during washout that it dawned on me what custom was for - I built my own archetype or better yet no archetype at all; archetype itself is a box.
One add thing about me when it comes to making a custom (and by extension life in general) is my mind takes in “irrelevant” factors when it comes making decisions, or out another way, the decisions were more or less made subconsciously. There must be a certain “flow” in the custom consisted by modules put in a certain order. The order itself was governed by the name (the word itself and the letters in it) and the picture of the module. All of which I have no conscious control over, it either feels right or not. I could override it by thinking rationally but if I don’t feel it I don’t feel it. Like how we feel about music or art, it is independent from outer influences (even for me who usually got swung by others’ opinions). Even the name of my custom was picked simply because the words and letters look right
A lingering effect of a long washout, though slowly fading, is I now listen to my custom irregularly. By that I mean there is plenty of rest days (sometimes 9 days between one listening to another) and there is no fix schedule for listening.
I think the custom is working for a few reasons, yet the simplest of them is I literally smile every time I listen to it. I don’t know for sure which modules cause that but my intuition tells me it maybe Carpe Diem Ascended, Nature Winner, ARES, Inner Voice and Stress Displacement.
I slowly noticed that subs and customs that I listened to likely impacted those closest to me more than it impacted me externally. By that I mean, take the current custom as an example, since I listened to it a couple family members were able to get discounts for items they wanted, simply at the right place at the right time. Me on the other hand…
Anyway it’s good to be back after a long break and let’s keep in good spirits