Change Forum Name?

Can i get my name changed to panako, to restore all order in the name change-verse? Pretty please?

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Order is restored when people don’t immediately come out of the woodwork and the requests stop coming. I actually thought you were joking about the panic/panako thing.

And Lineer, you really would pick a name associated with a critical weakness in strong people to take with you into your future?


I think that was Achilles’ greatest weakness. :sunglasses:

By this I solemnly swear I have chosen a new name Achilles :slight_smile:

What’s the idea behind that? Could you elaborate? :blush:

It is one of my favorite characters and since I am listening to Spartan and always have been trying to improve my body from an early age and also Achilles was the best warrior of his time, I would like to have something from him in my nickname.
And also he was a demigod.
Only one thing I do not like about him was his death :slight_smile:

Forgot to mention. Two weeks ago I read this


There’s nothing better for a warrior than dying on the battlefield fighting, I guess. :wink:

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I agree with you but I have been saving money for retirement for some time and it would be a waste :slight_smile:


Wasn’t that Icarus? Pride comes before the fall and such? Although Achilles was probably also a bit arrogant and prideful since his immortality was given to him.

That’s usually the part we don’t like.

Still, as far as self-development goes, Heracles/Hercules is a demi-god whose story includes constant growth and the overcoming of challenges. And although nobody’s quite certain if the events with his wife happened before or after his Labors and if he ever did get his immortality at the end, he did the work. His mother didn’t dunk him into a magic river when he was young and gave him an edge without ever having to earn it (or burned him to a crisp and then abandoned him depending on who you ask).

Achilles’ dad Peleus is also decent although there’s a reason why the term Greek Tragedy exists, there’s not a single hero without tragedy. Not to mention if Eris’ invitation hadn’t gotten lost in the mail, the Trojan War and thus the death of Achilles would probably not have happened.

And thus endeth the possibly fictitious history lesson.

Dying mid-orgasm surrounded by sexy nymphs (or valkyries) right after a great victory?


Personally, I would rather go with this scenario:

How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?" “In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden’s mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty,” he replied.”


Voytek / Varuna

WhiteTiger / GoldenTiger

BlackAdder / BlackTiger / DarkAvenger

Hannibal / FireDragon

Ninjistic / Sage_Sanguine

Could people please catalogue other name changes before we change any more?


Lineer2 / Achilles

bombayduck → ?

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DarkAvenger :blush:

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Hannibal / FireDragon


There was a user called Ninjistic.Not sure if Ninjafox has changed his name too.

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EmperorOfFreedom → Pyro

Celestial → SWITCH ( I think)

Dragonrider → DRAGON-LESSON → Dragon-Lesson

TheEvo → Ingress

bihcar → Xavier

raphael → Lion

Ninjafox is still the same I think.


Just a small detail, I am still Lineer2, nobody has changed it so far :).

He’s so determined that I believe that he’ll stick to the new name. Let’s make his dream come true, guys. :blush:


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@SWITCH did you used to be Celestial?

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Could I get a new name, please?
Thank you

New name: Achilles

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Done. :slight_smile: