Change Forum Name?

White tigers are a subset of the Bengal Tiger.

I wonder if @GoldenTiger misses his old username.

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Nah I’m good :grin: I still have love for my old username, but tbh Golden represent me more, if you would of seen my hair :eyes:

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And risk somebody taking DarkPhilosopher?! Never gonna happen.

Besides, I’m more of an ArcticWolf. Or WhiteWolf if we’re doing colors.


Haha… ArcticWolf sounded badass and cool, but WhiteWolf just sounded cute… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :star_struck:

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It’s all about perspective. To another ArcticWolf may sound like the latest Axe Body Spray and I’d invite you to call Geralt of Rivia “cute” to his face. :wink:


Axe body spray, that brings me back… does that mean I’m old? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I’mma have to pixilate myself first to meet the legend of Geralt of Rivia! Or just fall asleep and be like that Guy guy in the movie Free Guy lol…


are we still able to do name change?

If so, can you change mine to “BrainDance” please

@Houdini you can request it here.

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@RVconsultant I’d like to request a name change please.

You can put in what name you want to change to.

I would like it to be Amor.

@RVconsultant @DarkRainbow please can you assist in the forum name changes.

Who would like their name changed, and what do they want it changed to?

I think several members want names changes. Perhaps everyone can list their requirements in this thread so RVConsultant can deal with them all at once.

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Why choose braindance ? why not choose a fitting uplifting name ?

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Can you please change my name to DarkAvenger

Thanks again guys.

Is there a feature to have (formerly XXXX) beside a user’s name for a period of time after a name change?

Some people have changed more often than the Batman casting… I’ve lost track of who’s who.


As you evolve change is an inherent process.

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That is definitely a support ticket item, and a good one too!


Thanks @RVconsultant

You are a good man we had our indifferences but i want to put them aside and be good friends with you.
