Chan Thomas's theory of the subconscious

Has anyone here encountered Chan Thomas’ theory around ESP and the subconscious? If so, what did you think of it?

Link here here the book on Internet Archive. This is from the same guy responsible for the so called “CIA classified” book the Adam and Eve Story about catastrophism. Much like Wilhelm Reich he seems to have developed his own unique vocabulary and observational framework in an attempt to explain something there is no precise terminology for in the scientific world, and as a result the book is a patch work of observation and hypothesis or educated guess work, underneath which one can glimpse a truth not fully quantified.

(Note: Some of the more interesting material from the book is at the end in the physics speculations)


I haven’t heard of him before. But I’m looking forward to reading this. I think when people talk about gut feelings that’s a minor form of ESP. In society however you’re conditioned to only trust the 5 senses as a basis for attaining information about surroundings.