Candace Owens x Andrew Tate interview

I don’t really watch him because there’s nothing to extract.

I generally try to stay away from politics, news, government drama, corruption, traditional redpill, etc.

It’s all quite predictable and boring.

I’m most of the time just working, playing video games, reading books, spending time with family, working out, going in nature, cooking, or exploring various forms of art, interest and passion.

There are a billion more interesting things to me than Andrew Tate.


-looks at @Mike_Tyson-


@Mike_Tyson’s first post on this forum will be a fucking knockout.

Mark my words


:wink: you know who he is…

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I love threads like this one :laughing:

I’m just glad to see some people listen to the same things I do… especially the more “controversial” ones these days.

And I don’t fan worship anyone. I listen for useful information and mindsets.

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You just saved me 3hrs of my life. Thx :handshake:

I did not see Oppenheimer yet but I very much liked Tenet. It was a brilliant movie.

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My face was in a state of confusion for most of Tenet. I still don’t know what it was about.

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Lmao. It’s just my personal opinion, you shouldn’t let it sway you that much.

What if you’re missing out on what could be the best 3 hours of cinema you’ve ever experienced? A lot of people say it’s a masterpiece and Nolan’s greatest work.


Do not worry, I also did not like some of the Oscar movies. Everyone has different tastes.

I’ll take my chances not watching it, you just gave me a good excuse lol, don’t like bombs either.

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Yeah you can watch Oppenheimer once but that’s it.

And there were maybe 2 or 3 joke scenes and nobody laughed for those scenes, so it was really awkward for me to just laugh alone in the massive theatre, my voice almost echoed caused everyone was soo quite.

I rate a 6.5


There’s always something I enjoy about Nolan films. Not running out to see Oppenheimer tho.

For whatever it’s worth, I had been looking forward to watching Oppenheimer since it’s first trailer over a year ago and after watching it in IMAX tonight, I was definitely satisfied and enjoyed the movie.

It was interesting, great acting performances, I absolutely love the deafening audio Nolan employs in his films because it contributes to the experience (when watched in IMAX of course, not through other mediums however) and I felt the story was engaging. I absolutely loved the atomic bomb scene, the visuals were absolutely gorgeous but also very sinister at the same time.

The movie drags on from the atomic bomb explosion however, and it could have definitely been trimmed down by a half hour at the very least. That’s really my only critique of it, everything else delivered the way I was hoping.

Opinions are just opinions guys.

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Nah, it’s their loss for not getting the jokes lol

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We just massacred @ksub’s thread, lmao. Luckily he’s alpha enough to not care hahaha


@Luther24 : Don’t worry about that. I wasn’t even expecting many comments on this thread to be honest. :joy:
The Oppenheimer convo is actually pretty interesting!


The Tate brothers are awesome. Have said that before. Or at least I have said that I like Andrew.

Now most people who dislike the Tates might call me (and others like me) a fanboy. Which is interesting since they too have people they admire. When we point this out to them, they will say that they don’t idolise anyone. But what happened to applying that logic to us? Oh well.

Getting back on topic, the main content of Andrew Tate is regarding the importance of masculinity and how it affects the world. And that the lack of it is what is the problem with the world today.

I used to have the belief that men and women are the same, that we are equal, blah blah. Basically feminist propaganda. And people like Andrew enlighten us about sexual dynamics and how bringing out our masculinity is what helps men perform optimally in the world.

Now some people might say he is just repeating what others have said. But then so are practically everyone. Most of us here are void of original ideas but we accuse others of being like ourselves. On top of that we point fingers at people who are more innocent than us without doing our research.

Yes, Andrew is innocent. How do I know? Cause it has been close to a year and they still can’t jail him. House arrest yes but still not jail. If the same type of investigation was done on most famous people, they would be in in a month maximum.

But forget all that. There is a deep thirst among young men to return to the wisdom and instincts of being a man. That crying, being depressed, jerking off, being portrayed as bumbling fools on TV, bowing to feminism, thinking of themselves as inherently evil, etc are all destroying them. Which is why voices like Andrew inspire men to be men.

I got enough of this rhetoric from the world that men are evil. Just look at social media and the media at large. They will minimize the issues of men in divorce courts, child custody, work safety, war injuries, etc while vilifying them as the root cause of every evil.

Without men, civilization cannot be built and it is the agenda of the powers that be that they feminize men and make them slaves so that we don’t think for ourselves and bow to the elites. All these things Andrew teaches. And these are important lessons.

If what Andrew sells isn’t something you want to do, that’s fine. Even he has said that it isn’t necessary to purchase anything from him if we don’t want to. But when people ask what they should do and whether Andrew can teach them, should he say no then?

I haven’t bought a single product from him but find his message very important for boys and men. If you want to ignore him, fine. But at least give him a good listen.

The Candace interview with him is very good especially since she asks very good questions. Other interviews of him are good too like the ones from Valuetainment, Tucker Carlson, Piers Morgan, Pearl, etc.

Yes they are long interviews. But we have no problem wasting our time binge-watching TV shows and movies that program us to be simps. Listening to him is more useful even if you only agree with ten percent of what he talks about.

Rant over.


The guy is a psychopath.


Personally, I don’t see why this thread is still up.

The forum has been explicit about not allowing topics on politics. One could maybe stretch it to say Andrew isn’t a political figure but instead a men’s self-improvement coach or something akin to that but Candace Owens? She’s explicitly a political pundit. This interview is to further a certain viewpoint on politics and is going to be divisive on this forum.

If this is allowed then one could equally share Bernie Sanders, AOC or any other political figure interviewing a popular left-wing media personality to further their viewpoint. I hope this is not a case of favoritism.


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