Can We Get A Normal Product In ZPT Format?

We still need more narrow focused titles before another format comes out.

I know they are already working on replacing Zero Point but I think there are obvious products missing in the line up that should be addressed.

Would you mind sharing why you think so ?

There are products missing for those who most likely will never use customs.

Deep Sleep → needs to be put into it’s own Sleep Mastery ZP title (booster title)

Polyglot → needs to be put into it’s own Language Mastery ZP title (booster title)

True Sell → needs to be put into it’s own Sales Mastery ZP title (booster title)

I know the product request page has some absolute bangers for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu / Archery / Swimming etc

I know the product request page has some absolute bangers for variations of Power Can Corrupt using The Art of Seduction, The Art of War, etc

I know there is a title specifically for improving Feminity that was requested that would essentially be the female equivalent of Godlike Masculinity.

There are obvious gaps in the SubClub line up that shouldn’t be too hard to fulfill before adding another format. Zero Point is already leaps and bounds greater than what other producers have to offer. So it wouldn’t hurt to work on some community desired products that clearly fit the ethos of SubClub.

Okay my bad It was mainly about upgrading zp tech that I was curious why you thought so

But yeah I can see why for the linup

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Yeah. Like I am looking forward to the new ZP technology, plus I want to be apart of the research team.

But I believe there are clear improvements to be made with the line up before that happens.

Like … we have a title for lucid dreaming but we don’t have a title for deep, refreshing, nourishing sleep that focuses on maximizing REM/Deep Sleep.

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From what I rode long ago it’s probably because the precedent title in QV2 made for such (sleep) was too efficient

Might be wrong but I do remember seing the mention of such title one appear at one point on the forum
Is there any archivist ? Well help me, I don’t know anymore

Seeker is nowhere to be found. He was the right person for that but after he got three customs each 2 or 3 cores, he suddenly disappear. I wonder what happened.

Seeker must be enjoying is mind tearing reality subs
maybe @StateOfBeing ?

This is the post.

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“too” efficient is very subjective. Not a fan of not creating a product because something is intense for someone but could be the solution for someone with insomnia.

Plus testers actually said it worked very well.

You don’t have the data that we do. The product is too dangerous, leaving testers drowsy and sleepy from the time they wake up until later that night. I also experienced this, as well as @RVconsultant.

It’s not going to be released in its current state.


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Is it being looked into with current ZP technology? @RVconsultant said it worked “really well” but again my point still stands. A subset of a handful of people isn’t enough data to determine if something is too powerful or “dangerous”.

How many times and places are you going to ask this? Just give it a break man


It’s not a handful of people, and we decide whether or not a potential title is too dangerous for release. We have liability issues to consider. If someone uses this title to assist with a sexual assault, for example, it’s our livelihoods on the line, not anyone else’s.

We will consider a ZP version somewhere down the line.


What about a supercharger for increasing the REM phase so that we can absorb subs better?

ZP is probably the best bet. Maybe the newer scripting method I used for CWON.


I wanna ask something:

Do customs get new primer updates regularly?
Because last I remember, I think the primer is similar to the one that EF and QL have, right?

I was wondering if the new scripting method would be included in the customs’ core scripting, because what I noticed from CWON, or more accurately, what I felt from it, would be really nice for Mind’s Eye, and that’s something I’d be interested in :eyes:

I don’t think the primer would benefit from the change. It might actually make things a little too subtle and “behind the scenes,” at best. At worst, it could neuter the title. That’s why we’re not upgrading everything. It’s less of an upgrade, more of a parallel scripting method.