Can Any Product Completely Remove Anxiety?

I completely understand what you’re saying. It takes so long to fix it without the use of subs. I kinda wish I used subs to boost it as well. Always worrying about things that won’t or never happen, it’s more stressful than anything else. Stress and anxiety always go hand in hand.


I empathize completely and I get it. I would still give Dragon Reborn a shot. I was an overly emotional anxious mess prior to running it. I have no idea how I wasn’t more suicidal than I was prior to Dragon Reborn. Probably because I didn’t and don’t want to leave my Wife by herself.
One thing I feel a lot of people miss is how much mental and emotional maturity is tied to resolving anxiety. To an extent anxiety is just magical thinking about what we can or cannot control. It’s potentially giving mean to something when there may not be any
Once you or anyone understands how meaningless and pointless most shit is nothing will really phase you anymore


Your thinking is highly flawed and does NOT at all match reality.

For example, soldiers from the time they are a recruit to being deployed on a battlefield are trained in a way that massively lowers anxiety.

If the army can take a civilian and give him the emotional control to handle being in a firefight then surely there is a way to remove anxiety.

The idea that the only people who can ever not feel anxiety are psychopaths is not only highly pessimistic but completely irrational.

Given the results i have already seen with subliminals i have no doubt in my mind that this goal can be achieved.

i do not really think that is accurate,

i think anxiety is more about basically the body’s alarm system being overly sensitive.

I think anxiety is related to how our ancestors in caveman days lived in a very dangerous environment where the brain needed to be hyper aware and constantly scanning for potential threats…i think now this super alarm system is not a fit for our current modern environment

this would be my theory on why humans have such a high level of baseline anxiety

but just a theory…i could be way off

but i do disagree with this idea that anxiety can be removed by changing your mindset or perspective…i think that is 100% false and i cannot remember ever seeing any scientific evidence that anxiety can be removed by positive thinking, changing mindset,etc…

anyways, the point of this thread is which subliminal product can remove this emotion.

thanks for suggesting dragon reborn; i will look into this product.

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has anyone tried sanguine as a way to delete anxiety?

i have never tried this product but i have heard it gives you this constant emotional feeling of “everything is ok, all things will eventually end up exactly like i want”…is that true?

if yes then i imagine there is not much anxiety while in this state.


Ascended Mogul, the very first sub that I purchased completely erased the lifelong anxiety that I was living with up to that point.

@MadaraUchiha : I talked about it here : Anxiety or fear won't start



what makes you say this?

i do not really see this product being discussed often.

what has been your personal experience with this product when it comes to anxiety?


what an interesting comment.

i barely even know anything about ascension but im going to start researching it now.

i do not like combo subs and prefer to test everything one at a time so im ignoring mogul for now.

also, im assuming the anti anxiety results you got came from asencion…do you agree?

EDIT: so it seems you also ran rebirth and limit destroyer at the same time…so that complicates things as hard to know which of the 3 played the biggest role in this result. i suspect its either ascension or limit destroyer.

I never ran pure Ascension but I’m sure that result didn’t come from the Mogul component. Keep in mind that I also ran Rebirth and Limit Destroyer at the same time. But most of the time I ran Ascended Mogul.


I agree with your belief that anxiety can be removed but it would be a process and probably not an easy one.

Also i feel there are factors at play when trying to do so.

I feel there are things you can do on top of running subs to accomplish this goal.

One being Meditation. It physically shrinks your amygdala in your brain which is responsible for fear the smaller it becomes the more fearless you become.

Magnesium deficiency is another factor that can increase your anxiety so having adequate levels will assist in the removal of it.

I have recently been supplementing with peptides and one that is supposed to help with anxiety is one by the name of Selank

As far as subs go i think you may be on to something with Sanguine. Anxiety is an emotion that ultimately stems from fear.

Personally for me Ascension has dramatically reduced my anxiety and i believe its due to the increase in confidence that zaps anxiety to nearly nonexistent levels.

Lately the sub that has added to the reduction in anxiety has been CFW and i suspect it’s due to Love Bomb being in the script. When your frequency rises to the level of Love its pretty damn hard for anxiety a fear based emotion to exist.

Hopefully you found this helpful. Good luck👍



If you want the simple answer, there it is.

Improvements are possible but if you completely eliminate all the anxiety you experience and never experience it again, that would NOT be because of the product.

That would be because of the product combined with the action you take.

Freedom from negativity when it’s eliminated so completely it can never be felt again is the LITERAL DEFINITION of enlightenment.

And besides, I’m sorry to say this, but I think completely eliminating anxiety is a stupid goal. You should feel anxious from time to time. They’re psychopaths because something is WRONG with them. Do you want to be morally and ethically depraved and feel absolutely no remorse or anxiety about it? No!

Anxiety is the fuel that, in healthy quantities, can inspire us to push harder, stay focused.

You may feel extreme anxiety right now, but your ideal shouldn’t be NO anxiety… it should just be healthy, easy, manageable levels of it. I’m sorry you have a hard time managing your anxiety and I definitely think you deserve to get to the point in your life where your anxiety doesn’t hold you back from accomplishing the things you want to accomplish - that’s definitely a worthy goal.

But so long as you think you’ll only be happy when you’ve completely eliminated all anxiety, you’re still giving your anxiety control over your life, which means you’re still in the throes of your anxiety’s full force. Curing anxiety starts by accepting that it can not be cured.

Hope that helps.

What kind of anxiety did you overcome?

Stuff like like waking up in the morning with a deep feeling of impending doom. Some of it money related, some it childhood trauma related. Stuff like looking at myself in the mirror and thinking : “I’m not going to make it through life”.
That type of things, for years!
The funny thing is that I wasn’t even running Ascended Mogul for that, I had different goals. One morning I just noticed that I had been waking up in the morning feeling and thinking different. It almost like you notice that a heavy weight was lifted off of you but you don’t exactly know when it happened.


My original goal to use sub was to erase anxiety. I used first sub from another producer and it worked so much that anxiety was erased BUT my motivation was also reduced too much and I developped a big problem of procrastination. So I stopped listening to these subs and anxiety came back and my motivation also ! Then I discovered Subclub. So I jumped on Sanguine and it was fantastic. I would say I reduced 70% of my anxiety without destroying my motivation. Love Bomb is also a good complement. But when something very important is at stake I feel again anxiety especially with public speaking. With Wanted and Stark I have found a way of considerably reducing anxiety. I use also a custom focused on reducing anxiety and it works very well


After many years of subliminals and hypnosis I have noticed some reduction in anxiety. I still have a significant amount of anxiety in certain situations.

I suppose it depends on the person and their situation.

Why don’t you build a custom subliminal which focuses on reducing your anxiety to a minimum. Raise a ticket with the customer support team give them as much information as possible. Things like where you feel it stems from. They will foreward the ticket onto Saint or Fire who can perhaps recommend specific modules or build a module that you can use as part of your core.

can you please share some specific before and after results?

meaning could you list different areas/situations/moments in your life where you used to experience anxiety but no longer do?

the more specific examples the better please

i think this is a very flawed way to analyze the situation.

yes different people experience anxiety in different ways and different situations

but that is irrelevant because those are just SYMPTOMS

different people experience different SYMPTOMS

but the actual CAUSE of all these symptoms is anxiety

so even though we all might have different symptoms. We all share the same enemy causing these different symptoms

and by removing anxiety then all the symptoms would be removed automatically.

can you please share some specific before and after results?

meaning could you list different areas/situations/moments in your life where you used to experience anxiety but no longer do?

the more specific examples the better please

Sanguine is the most underrated subliminal product its an absolute blast even if you use it in isolation :slight_smile:

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