Bujin's Khan Journal

ST4 Day 1: Slept really badly, seemed to be stuck in REM sleep most of the night. But I had an odd and very vivid dream. If I manage to remember a dream it usually means it’s meaningful in some way, and usually has a lot of symbolism, but not this one.

I was floating just above the ground, with a feeling of weightlessness, and there were lots of leaves floating all around me, obscuring everything. After a while a goblin-like creature appeared through the floating leaves and glared at me, then disappeared back through the leaves. Apart from the moment with the goblin, it was a very peaceful and oddly beautiful dream.

Haven’t managed to come up with an interpretation.


Slept well last night but still woke up feeling exhausted. ST2 was the same for the first week or so, only ST4 is worse. I’m guessing this will last a few days as well. Yay.


The last couple of weeks on ST2 were pretty tough, where I was going through a fair bit of reconciliation over some major issues. These last 3 days on ST4 have been noticeably different, there are still a few issues coming up but it’s a lot milder and my mindset is better with less resistance to things that do come up.

Oddly I had a lot of people staring at me today for no apparent reason. And I don’t meant glances, I mean heads suddenly swiveling around to stare at me for several seconds before breaking eye contact and moving on. It happened all day. It was downright weird.

The tiredness seems to be improving faster than expected, I feel better this evening that I did earlier in the day, and definitely better than I did yesterday.


Day 5 on ST4: The deep tiredness is gone, but still feeling lethargic. Part of me keeps thinking I made a mistake and should go back to ST3, but I figure that’s just the usual mind games the subconscious plays when it’s being stubborn about new programming. No doubt it would be easier, but ST3 will still be there if I decide I want a boost in taking action, and I won’t go back just because ST4 is hard right now. And I still have my eye on Alchemist.

I’d love to report more “results”, but right now I’m mostly just focused on getting through my work days until I can get over this tiredness phase.


The lethargy disappeared yesterday and I had a pretty productive day, getting some stuff done that I had been putting off. It was generally a pleasant day.

Today was interesting. During the day there was a period where I was taking it easy, and I started to feel irritable and agitated. I tried to ignore it and I ended up feeling vaguely angry, but at nothing in particular. As soon as I got up and did something it completely disappeared. Guessing this must be the action scripting coming out.

My libido was really good on ST2 but dropped when I started ST4, but today ramped up dramatically during the afternoon. There was also a feeling of energy deep at the base of my belly that would move to my genital area at the slightest sexual thought. For some reason I started focusing my thoughts on the root chakra, and in moments started to feel energy writhing at the base of my spine. Really had to focus on my work to get through the rest of the day.

I’m still evenly splitting my listening time between ultrasonic and masked, and with ST1 and ST2 there was not a lot of difference in feel between them. But with ST4 masked feels oddly heavier than ultrasonic. Not sure why.

Seems Alchemist is close, so I’ll need to decide what I’m going to do once it’s released.


Had a dream last night:

I was strutting down the street like a total pimp. My trousers had a third “leg” for my dick, which was so long it literally dragged along the ground as I walked.

That was it. Real dream. I have no idea what it means. Interpretations welcome. :slight_smile:

My libido was still raging this morning, although it settled down by this afternoon. I haven’t felt like this in 25 years. It’s insane. I’m wondering what would happen if I added Down Below.

One thing that still confuses me is that I’m still mostly feeling antisocial. When I want to socialize I can do it easily, but I rarely have any desire to. I’m not sure if this is some form of reconciliation or something else.


So I bought Alchemist. But I’ve decided not to start it yet, apart from the superchargers.

ST4 has been difficult for me, more difficult than ST2. The longer I listen to it, the deeper I seem to go, and the worse the reconciliation effects are. ST2 was a roller coaster ride, with distinct ups and downs, but ST4 is just a constant barrage. Lots of emotional upheaval. I figure it’s now a pitched battle between Khan and my inner demons. Currently listening ~20 hours per day, give or take.

So I’m going to continue listening to ST4 until it’s no longer difficult, whether that’s 1 month or 12 months. It kind of invalidates my reasoning for skipping ST3 to move to Alchemist sooner, but that doesn’t really matter.

I won’t be updating this journal further though, I don’t think it’s been particularly useful. I’ll post again when I stop Khan, with the final evaluation of what it’s done for me.

I’ll be reading the Alchemist journals with interest. Good luck to everyone on their new journey.


Love the subtle flex :wink:


Can’t wait to hear.


Thanks for the reminder @R.E.M.P.O. I actually finished Khan 2 weeks ago but wanted to give it some time for everything to settle before concluding this thread and starting a new sub.

I’ll post a full wrap up of my Khan experience this weekend.


The alchemist? :smile:


Yeah. I actually started Alchemist on Wednesday. I’ll also add a few loops of Power Can Corrupt starting next week, it’ll be interesting to see how they work together.


I stopped listening to Khan 2 weeks ago so this post is intended to wrap everything up. It’s a very long post, and it gets weird. Interpret it however you like, I don’t mind.

Before covering my results with Khan, it’s worth going over my reasons for using Khan and what my goals were. I’ll also summarize my experiences from each stage, and finally cover my results.

I’m in my late forties, not looking for sex or money, and I couldn’t care less about building an empire. I’ve achieved most of what I wanted so I’m more interested in self development and rekindling a passion for life that seems to have waned during the last couple of years.

My first SC sub was Spartan, and I had very good, if unexpected, results where I lost about 20 lbs in 2 months. So I decided to give either Emperor or Khan a shot, mostly out of curiosity to see what the experience would be like. Both appear strange choices given what I said above, but SC promote their products as adapting to a person’s goals so I thought it would be an interesting experiment. I chose Khan because of Total Breakdown, which I believed could help lift me out of my jaded state. Aside from that I had no real goals and so had no idea how to take action to support any changes, which is such a key part of the process. In the end I decided to trust that my subconscious would know what I needed and would guide the experience. It turned out to be life changing.

ST1 (total ~450hrs): I started this during 2 weeks vacation I spent at an isolated property I have in upstate New York, hoping the inevitable introspection from being alone would help ST1 do its job. However apart from some instances where I felt unusually happy it was mostly pretty smooth, without much emotional upheaval at all. It didn’t change much after my vacation either. The most obvious effect I had was a steadily increasing libido, but I never had the total breakdown I was hoping for. I don’t know if that’s because I didn’t need it or something else. However it might be due to the fact I came to terms with my past a few years ago and wasn’t afraid of the those scars anymore, they were part of who I was, so didn’t need to break them down. I did feel somewhat more positive and less jaded though so maybe it did what it needed to.

ST2 (total ~425hrs): This is where things started getting rough. The first week and a half I just felt exhausted. A number of negative experiences from my past also came to the surface and I had to relive those experiences - I guess I hadn’t come to terms with everything in my past after all. However I also had some very positive experiences where I felt powerful and in total control. Notably ST2 seemed to have energetic effects on me as well, there were a number of times where I felt energy radiating from chakras, indicating these were opening up and clearing out blockages. My libido went through the roof. Overall it was a roller coaster ride, periods of rough reconciliation followed by periods of feeling fantastic.

During this period Alchemist was announced, and I immediately knew that was the sub I was waiting for. After considering different options I decided I would skip ST3 and go straight to ST4. My reasoning was simple - I still had no specific goals for taking action I so wasn’t sure how to make ST3 work for me. Also ST2 seemed to be having interesting effects so I was hoping ST4 would continue that.

ST4 (total … err, it’s complicated): Started like ST2, i.e. feeling exhausted. This lasted about a week and slowly faded, but what didn’t fade was the reconciliation. It was brutal and it was constant. Why? My theory:

Khan is basically about social and sexual dominance, although it contains a lot more. And ST4 contains both ST2 and ST3, i.e. Total Programming and Total Action. So what happens when you’ve got this sub beating at your subconscious for 20 hours a day demanding you take action, and you don’t know what action to take or what to aim for. Maybe my subconscious did have goals for me but my conscious mind didn’t have a clue and didn’t know how to take action to achieve it. The result? Massive reconciliation.

After 2 weeks making no progress, just feeling increasingly miserable and desperate, but refusing to give in, I performed a set of rituals designed to open paths and give me some answers. A couple of days later this thread appeared: Multiple instances

It was just a curiosity at first, the idea of running multiple instances or multiple speeds, but I tried it a few times. It made me nauseous and gave me a headache, but I felt like I needed to experiment with this to see where it led. So I went full in, running either 2x instances ultrasonic or 2x speed masked for ~12 hours a day, but still sleeping with 1x ultrasonic. While running this I felt a constant pressure in my 3rd eye area and would frequently feel like I was tranced out.

4 days into this all the resistance suddenly fell away…

It’s difficult to describe what happened then. I felt both intensely powerful and intensely grounded, like I was both an unstoppable force and an unmovable object. I kept seeing an image of myself in my head as a pillar of steel. I was so focused I felt like I could almost bend reality with my will alone. There was also a palpable sense of being guided by something, and when I closed my eyes I would sense a light shining above me. All my previous anxieties and fears fell away like some old, rotting skin being removed and discarded. There was also a sense of connection to everything around me.

The peak of this experience lasted about half a day, then slowly faded over several days, but left some permanent changes. I no longer feel any fear or anxiety over anything, I can still feel stressed by a situation but it never manifests as fear or anxiety, so I can continue to function fully. I can become intensely focused on a task easily when I want to. I no longer care at all about people’s opinion of me. I also still have this sense of being guided, but it’s more subtle now.

I don’t really know why I had that experience, but I outline a couple of theories later in this post.

Anyway I ran this 2x setup for 2 weeks, then decided to crank it up for the remaining 2 weeks that I planned to run Khan. Given that experience above I wanted to see what would happen. So I ran 2x instance of ultrasonic, but one instance was running at 3x speed and the other instance was running at 1x speed. With masked I just ran one instance at 3x speed.

The pressure in my 3rd eye increased, and I had deeper and longer periods of feeling tranced out. I had some strange extra-sensory experiences. More feelings of connectedness. I also had two additional remarkable experiences:

The first experience was a spontaneous stream of consciousness session that lasted about an hour. Through this I ran over decisions I had made in my life over a period of about 30 years, seemingly minor choices that had profound effects on my life, and how they related to each other, and more importantly how they related to my decisions now. Things started to make sense. A path through my life I hadn’t even been consciously aware of started coming into focus, which explained so much.

The second experience was much rougher, and involved running through all my beliefs, deconstructing them, analyzing them, and discarding them. Every belief, every idea, was discarded as ultimately being limiting and untrue. Even that first experience above was deconstructed and found to be limiting, that pillar of steel felt like a prison, so was discarded. In the end the only belief that survived was this - choice.

I only ran this setup for 1 week in the end, it was just too unrelenting. The main difficulty being I was working throughout this period, and it was bloody hard maintaining my composure at work with all this going on.

In total I ran ST4 for 5 weeks, but adding together all the multiple instances I estimate it was the equivalent of listening ~1100 hours at the regular rate. In the end I think I got what I wanted out of Khan, even though I didn’t know what that was when I started. It also caused a number of repercussions in my life that I’m still trying to understand, but I won’t go into that any further.

Now that I’ve stopped Khan I can identify what I think are the permanent changes. The loss of fear. The intense focus. A deeper understanding of what drives me. A deeper feeling of connectedness. Discarding my false beliefs. I feel highly present most of the time. Plus other things I’m still working out.

And I no longer feel jaded.

So why did these experiences happen? Some thoughts…

  1. I’ve been involved in esoteric practices for 30 years and had several profound spiritual experiences in the past, so I was somewhat predisposed to this sort of thing and definitely open to it.
  2. Listening to the subs at a higher rate was inherently stressful, e.g. the ultrasonic setup at the end was like having two people yelling at you at the same time, with one yelling at 3x speed. This probably resulted in raised cortisol levels and made my serotonin levels fluctuate wildy, which I think caused that tranced out feeling. There’s no telling what other chemical changes may have occurred that contributed to triggering those experiences.

Finally, do I recommend doing what I did? No. I definitely took it too far. It was brutal and put me in a highly stressed state for weeks. Better to take the time and run the subs as recommended, taking action toward your goals, and enjoying it. I started Alchemist 3 days ago and I’m running a vanilla 1x setup. Nice and boring.


Any life advice you can give since you accomplished both financial and women related? One for financial and one for women please Thank you @bujin

how you relived them?

This is a very interesting. Did you feel that ultrasonic worked different than masked in any way? If so how? Thank you for your input


Congrats, @bujin. Such an awesome wrap up of Khan. It’s journals like this that inspire me to continue. Even though everyone’s experiences with the same subliminal will be different, the template will be the same.

Am still on ST1 and soon going into the 3rd week of it. And very much bracing myself for ST2 with all the warnings everyone keeps giving for ST2 including you.

Thank you for sharing and all the best for your Alchemist journey.


Some old feelings and insecurities came out so I had to experience those again, and reconcile them with who I am now.

Maybe, but it’s hard to quantify the differences. For me masked seemed to have a more conscious effect since things came to the surface more often. But the difference is probably minor in the end.

Ha, giving advice is easy. Any idiot can give advice. Most is just another band-aid on top of the countless others you’ve probably accumulated. One thing this whole experience reinforced for me is that the most meaningful answers come from inside, not from some perceived or self-proclaimed expert.

But if you still want advice I’ll give some. They’re trite, but if I’d understood either of these when I was younger my life would have been very different. You may not like them though.

Secrets lead to a sense of shame, which lead to fear of exposure, which lead to distance and barriers in relationships. What you hide, even the small “harmless” secrets, are like little worms eating away at the core of an apple, even when it seems beautiful on the outside it’s actually slowly rotting away on the inside. Your partner should fit you like a pieces in jigsaw puzzle and create a sum that’s greater than the parts, but that can’t happen when you hide many of the pieces.

If you’re looking for success or wealth to make you happy or give you purpose, you’ve got it backwards. Money has no inherent value. Money isn’t bad or wrong and there’s nothing wrong with having lots of it, but it doesn’t mean shit. You can be a billionaire and still be worthless. People strive for wealth or success as though it’s a worthy achievement in itself, a never-ending hustle to accumulate wealth, as if having it will somehow make you better than you are now. But for most it’s just a way to manifest an endless list of distractions to avoid seeing how empty they are inside. So find your purpose first and use your drive to achieve that instead and you’ll be much happier. Money may or may not come, depending on your purpose. But it can’t be the purpose or the driver since it has no inherent value.


I agree very much with these wise words. I think @DarkPhilosopher thinks the same as well :wink:


That was inspiring @bujin . Thank you.


Inspiring journey. It seems like you never felt energized after a session of sleep. Try not running the subliminal’s at night because deep sleep is important for the regeneration process of your body. Also the best way for the subliminal’s to be processed in your subconscious is at night. It looks like you were running these all night long every night which seems like a bad thing to me. Preferable listen 7 hours less which are 7 hours wasted in my opinion if your subconscious doesn’t accept it. Try it and let us know what you experience :slight_smile:

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Already switched to doing that over a month ago, I find it more effective and produces less reconciliation.