Bujin's Experimental Log

Weird, my arms feel firmer as though I’ve been working out, but apart from the usual physical work on my property I haven’t worked out at all these last couple of weeks.

My appetite has been outrageous though. Meat, cheese, nuts etc - just a constant stream of high calorie foods all day.

Stark was better for me back in 2020. Now, it seems that I have reached the time to run Emperor.

Maybe at some point, I’ll go back to Stark again.


Woke up feeling tired, really low on energy and with a dull headache. Not sure if it’s recon or the effects of physical shifting or something else entirely. It might sort itself out later in the day, but for now I’ll just take an unscheduled rest day.

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Probably neither. A close family member passed away yesterday evening. Sometimes I forget that emotions can affect me physically. It probably messed up my sleep as well. Either way, I’ll take the weekend off subs.


Sanding thoughts of support to you, @bujin.

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Thank you.

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I’m almost back to my usual self today.

Running Spartan + Commander now.


Yesterday, a couple of hours after I ran Spartan + Commander, I experienced gentle waves of pleasure emanating up from my lower abdomen. I’ve mentioned something similar a couple of times already in this journal - this stack seems to be stimulating my Lower Dan Tien in some way.

I ran Emperor + GLM today and my libido kicked up another notch. I went into the office today, and walking along the Hudson riverfront with lots of pretty young women was very distracting. I basically had a semi all day, even when just sitting at my desk.

The last time I had anything similar was when I ran Khan back in 2019. It not at that level yet, but it’s slowly getting there.


I’m not looking for romance right now so the libido increases are more of a distraction than anything else, but I do see it as an indicator of physical changes occurring in my body.


Spartan + Commander today.

Yesterday was supposed to be the end of this cycle, I considered just continuing on but I’ll wrap it up today and take the 5 days rest. I’m curious if I get any bloom. I tend to not really experience bloom, but then I haven’t run ZP subs this intensely before, at least since the private Wanted testing.

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I originally ran this stack for a laugh, but I’ve been loving it. I think I’ll keep Emperor in long term.

I won’t do it yet, but looking ahead I might create an Emperor custom at a later time, maybe something like this:

Emperor Q Core
Commander Core
Godlike Masculinity Core
Divine Self-Image
Earthshaker: Authority
Faith Unyielding
Furious Ascent
Invincible Presence
Iron Frame
Righteous Ire
Victory’s Call
Void of Creation
Vortexdive Crucible
Whispered Power

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No bloom as yet. I just don’t seem to get it, or it’s really mild. Not sure if that means anything.

Some mild recon, feeling bored and unmotivated.

Given all that, I might just start the new cycle tomorrow.

Will continue running daily, but gonna start with just Emperor and Spartan this time:

Day A: 1 x Emperor
Day B: 1 x Spartan

then after a few days increase to 2 loops:

Day A: 2 x Emperor
Day B: 2 x Spartan

And see what happens.

GLM and Commander are nice, but Emperor and Spartan are where the real rewards lie.

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Are there any rest days in between?


Second draft of an Emperor custom:

Emperor Q Core
Godlike Masculinity Core
Direct Influencing Aura
Divine Self-Image
Earthshaker: Authority
Furious Ascent
Invincible Presence
Iron Frame
Power Awareness
Righteous Ire
Victory’s Call
Void of Creation
Vortexdive Crucible
Whispered Power

Dropped Commander, Achilles and Faith Unyielding and added Direct Influencing Aura, Fenrir and Power Awareness. I have a gut feeling Achilles would result in me wallowing in those negative feeling rather than push me to productivity. Faith Unyielding was there for faith in myself, but Emperor seems to cover that beautifully already.

Power Awareness is for more potent manifestation, Fenrir to counter-balance the more emotive and empathic side of me, and Direct Influencing Aura just to see what it can do - I’ve never used any aura modules before.


module explanations always sound like a grimoire:

“…and Fennel, for binding the dreams of those who are lost…a solitary mouse’s whisker, for sensitive discernment amidst forces of greatness…and a secret thrice-forgotten, to preserve fortunes yet unrecognized…”


I look at them basically as recipe ingredients. And like any recipe you need to consider how it affects the overall flavor, not just the ingredient in isolation. e.g. Mastermind is there to add an element of thoughtful planning to the overall goal, but I don’t see it turning me into a calculating mastermind.

For this custom I want the overall focus to be on power and dominance and control of my reality.

It could be a dud, it could be a disaster, it could be a revelation, but the fun is in the experimenting.

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Hmm, what about swapping GLM for Sage Immortal?

Would that merge physical dominance with spiritual dominance into a unified whole? Or would that just diffuse the focus into an unwieldy mess?

Ran Emperor x 1 today