Building my empire - BLACKICE's Journal

This is highly interesting. I never believed in this stuff but I must admit during this time period things I thought I have left behind me all of a sudden came back. Interesting.

The moon controls tsunamiā€™s, hurricanes, it controls the tides. Humans are made from 75% water, which is oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen, hydrogen and helium are the three most common elements on earth. Yet the planets donā€™t affect us? Let me tell you, it does.

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Iā€™ve been taking it easy the last few days and have only been listening to QL ST1, plus Sanguine in the evenings. No NZT-like illumination (yet), but I have been very focused on reading and am completely ignoring fiction books (which I often read at night before bed) in favor of more personal development books and articles. Most recently, exercise physiology and related cellular metabolism. Iā€™ve also arranged my first cryotherapy session for this week, which should be quite interesting. Iā€™ve also found myself becoming much more interested in learning NLP and conversational hypnosis, which I feel will be very helpful for business.

With the launch of Emperor V4 last night, Iā€™ve updated my day stack:

  • Quantum Limitless ST1 Masked
  • Emperor V4 Masked

Iā€™ve got that stack on repeat during the day now (except when on calls), and will be doing 1-2 loops of QL ST1 plus a loop of Sanguine before bed, so that stack is the same as what itā€™s been for the past week now.

No more major business stuff going on for the remainder of this month, just laying groundwork for projects launching in January and cranking away on the logistics of our new product launch. Mostly focusing on wrapping up loose ends, and recharging a bit as we go into the holidays.

I will share my supplement stacks though, as Iā€™ve tweaked that a bit since I first posted:


  • Decaf Bulletproof coffee
  • 5k IU Vitamin D3 + A + K2
  • Aniracetam 750mg
  • Choline


  • Choline
  • Zinc 50mg
  • Glucosamine
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid
  • Ashwagandha
  • Berberine


  • Glucosamine
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid
  • Berberine

Evening (1hr before bed)

  • L-Theanine 225mg
  • Omega 3 fish oil 2.4g
  • Magnesium L-Threonate 1.5g
  • Glycine 3g
  • CBD oil 25mg (also contains 500mg lavender oil)
  • Melatonin 3mg

I dropped the Lionā€™s Mane mushroom for a while as it was giving me crazy dreams which, while interesting, did result in me feeling less rested in the morning.

Until next time!


I keep thinking I ought to update more often, but the past week has been insanely busy, in the best possible way.

Iā€™ve been listening to QL ST1 and Emperor V4 in a 1:1 ratio as much as I can during the day, although this past week was filled with conference calls and meetings so I definitely didnā€™t get listens in every day.

That being said, some very interesting things have been happening.

Iā€™m still having issues sleeping, but Iā€™m not feeling tired during the day. 20 minutes of meditation, followed by my QL/EV4 playlist is enough to get me filled with energy even if I only manage a few hours of sleep.

Iā€™ve been having weirder than usual dreams, and some seem to be problem solving or educational dreams. After one specific dream, I woke up and was mentally doing calculations from percentages to fractions in my head. The conversion of 0.25% to 1/400 seemed important, though I donā€™t remember why. I use math every day of course, but I donā€™t recall ever thinking about conversions in that way in many years. At least since not grade school. There were other dreams, and all included numbers of some sort as a main feature.

I seem to be downright obsessed with health at the momentā€¦ Iā€™ve been reading health books almost exclusively, and have been going on long walks every day that Iā€™m able to. I was out of the city twice this week for board meetings, but the other days I walked 4-6 miles each day. As I mentioned in my last update, I did some biohacking this week. Originally I was just going to do a cryo session, but I ended up doing a workout on a device called a Vasper, then the cryo, then red light therapy. The vasper was so intense that I felt nauseous and lightheaded afterwardsā€¦ I can do endurance no problem, but Iā€™m not a sprinter. Especially not while under load, and all my limbs at once. That was Friday and Iā€™m still sore. Totally doing it again. :sunglasses: Cryo was fine at first but the last 45 seconds (3 minute session) were painful. Also doing that again though!

Iā€™ve never given a ton of thought to manifestation before, but over the past few weeks Iā€™ve had several instances where things happened exactly the way Iā€™d visualized them during my meditations. This week however, was a whole new level.

A couple of months ago I did an intense neurofeedback-powered meditation retreat called 40 Years of Zen, and on the last day I did a gamma training exercise that had 2 significant results. The first one could be a post on its own, so Iā€™ll circle back to that another time. The second thing was a flash of insight as to a way I can enhance my companyā€™s technology to make it exponentially more effective. Some of it I know how to do now, but one part of it requires a type of equipment that I donā€™t even know the name of, let alone where to find one. So, I set that thought aside for a while to focus on other things.

Fast forward to this week. I was thinking about that idea again while meditating on Wednesday morning, before heading up to my business partnerā€™s estate (itā€™s a mansion on 30+ acres, if thatā€™s not an estate I donā€™t know what is) to meet with the director of 3 other divisions. Iā€™ll call him C, for the sake of clarity. At one point in the conversation C was talking about a fellow he knows who wants to work with our group of companies, but nobody has time for it. As he described the technology that the other guy (henceforth called D) has, it became apparent that what D had was, in fact, the exact type of sensor I was thinking about earlier that day. C asked if I wanted to meet with D, and I said hell yes I do.

Within an hour, I had a meeting scheduled with D for Friday afternoon, already a very busy day (biohacking plus a board meeting). At the meeting on Friday afternoon, C and I met with D, and he told us about his technology. Weā€™re going to run a trial this week with some samples from our lab, to see if it works as promised. Heā€™s very eager to work with our group of companies, and after that meeting itā€™s now up to me to determine if we invest or not. Iā€™ve devised some very specific test protocols that will be very evident as to whether his tech works or not. If it works, then I will be working on that project alongside my main business.

The other developments this week were that Iā€™m now on the design team for our new office building, and much of the operations side of our business is being folded into other parts of the organization. After December, we wonā€™t have to deal with warehousing/fulfillment anymore, nor marketing/PR, which will save $15k+/month plus a ton of time. That leaves me free to oversee R&D for product development, as well as working directly with both my business partner and his head of marketing in a more strategic/business development role. All because I showed him what I can do, created solutions for problems and brought together disparate resources that heā€™d thought were impossible. Then, at the board meeting, I flat out told him I can do more. That I can be another C.

He nodded.

So within the span of a week Iā€™ve gone from managing 1 company to having the time-consuming logistics stuff taken off my plate so I can work on much higher level stuff, and possibly handling the launch of a 2nd company. That last bit remains to be seen, but it feels promising. IF the tests show it works as claimed.

One important thing to noteā€¦ Iā€™m NOT sitting at home listening to subliminals and hoping the world will be handed to me on a silver platter without having to do anything. Iā€™m taking the biggest actions I can, and putting everything Iā€™ve got into everything I do. The mindset stuff from EV4 is a big boost to it, and likely contributed to me being able to look my business partner in the eye and tell him that heā€™s underutilizing meā€¦ that I can do a lot more. Weā€™ve had 50%+ growth over the past year, and itā€™s accelerating. Being able to say I need someone else to do the boring stuff so I can focus on the specific things that I do that really move the needleā€¦ thatā€™s the benefit of the Emperor mindset.
With this new opportunity from D, I need to brush up on some science that I havenā€™t looked at in years (and some Iā€™ve never looked at). So, hereā€™s to QL letting me learn enough about this tech by January to determine if we want to invest in it.

If this is just ST1, Iā€™m eager to see what the other QL stages do. It does stack extraordinarily well with Emperor V4 tooā€¦ amazing combination.

Until next time!


Back from holidays!

Not a lot to report, as Iā€™ve spent most of the last couple of weeks traveling and relaxing. I took a break from Emperor V4 to just run QL ST1 as I was supposed to be on vacation and not having my mind in GO mode with business ideas.

The only business stuff I got into while away was finally taking time to read Principles, by Ray Dalio, which was quite good. Otherwise I enjoyed hiking and meditating, as well as traveling to visit some friends for a couple of days. My wife and I decided to avoid the family drama this year (I love my family, but they do enjoy their dramaā€¦) and it was nice just being by ourselves in a cabin in the woods.

I had my assistant drop us off and pick us up; there wasnā€™t even cell service. Had wifi though, but we only used that to FaceTime with family on xmas day.

Iā€™d expected to sleep much better there, but oddly enough I slept very poorly. The mattress was fine, and it was pitch black outside at night, but there was an almost imperceptible hum that bothered me. It may have been a power transformer outside, but walking around the property didnā€™t reveal what it was.

Over the past month or so, Iā€™ve been really obsessing over health & fitness, as well as style. I assume itā€™s the Emperor scripting, as Iā€™ve never really cared much about fashion before. Not that I dress badly, itā€™s just never been important to me to have one name brand over another. That being said, I really wanted a nice leather jacket. A few days ago, my wife and I were out and she decided she wanted to check a particular store as they were having a post xmas sale. Typically I head right for the Husband Waiting Zone (aka the chairs near the dressing rooms) and look at my phone, but that day I went browsing through the coats. I ended up finding a really nice Armani suede jacket. I may not pay attention to brands, but even I know that one. Normally $600+, with the sale I got it for half price.

And it feels pretty awesomeā€¦ :sunglasses:

As for QL:

I had high hopes that QL ST1 would help me sleep better, but alas that hasnā€™t been the case. I did notice a couple of minor things though; Iā€™m able to convert between fractions and percentages quite easily now (something I had no problem with before conceptually, but Iā€™d usually reach for a calculator), and another night while playing board games with friends, I was able to read words (on a game card) upside down so easily I didnā€™t even notice they were upside down at first!

Aside from that, I honestly didnā€™t notice anything really obvious from QL ST1. Iā€™m already a fast reader, I can already remember things with very good accuracy, so maybe I just didnā€™t need much balancing?
Yesterday I switched to QL ST2, as well as adding EV4 back in, and thatā€™s when things got interesting.

Yesterday was my last day of holidays (back at it todayā€¦) and I was doing my best to relax. I was listening to QL ST2 and reading through a summary of some medical studies, and certain words seemed to jump out at me, as if they were bolded. On a hunch, I did some quick searching for other references, and over the course of about an hour, came up with a concept for a new product idea. Itā€™s not even in the space my business is in, but itā€™s exciting enough that Iā€™m having a prototype made to test out. It wasnā€™t like a fully formed idea just popped into my head, more like I saw how previously partly-formed ideas could fit together.

Not sure if/when Iā€™d have time to build such a product/business, but weā€™ll see how this year plays out. I also noticed an interesting sensation in the first few minutes of ST2 (which was absent during listening this morning) - I felt as though I was lightheaded and floating/rocking slightlyā€¦ like bobbing in the ocean. Very subtle, and not unpleasant, though it faded quickly. Might not be related.

Until next time!


Ok, so this has been a while! :open_mouth:

Iā€™ve lurked a bit in the past few weeks, mostly around the launch of Emperor Fitness and some of the Q discussions, but otherwise Iā€™ve been pretty focused on my own projects. In a past post I mentioned that Iā€™ve become very interested in health lately and that only intensified after attending a conference in January.

The event was called Abundance 360, and featured some of the most influential people in the tech space, as it relates to the future. I bumped into Dean Kamen a couple of times, sat next to Joe Polish, and shared an elevator with one of the VPs of Uber (yes they are working on flying cars).
But most important was the biomedical presentations. The presentations on the current state of regenerative medicine were mind blowing, and made me realize that I knew next to nothing about whatā€™s really state of the art. For example, I thought stem cells were amazing, only to be told thatā€™s 10+ years ago. Thereā€™s much better technologies being made available now.

I was surrounded by not only billionairesā€¦ but billionaire geniuses. It was so inspiring it made me feel almost giddy, and yet a bit depressing at the same time, somehow.

Throughout the whole month, Iā€™d been listening to QL ST2 every chance I got. While reading, while cooking dinners at home, while out for a walk, and while flying for business trips. Iā€™d also been listening to Emperor V4 alongside it previously, but that just made me angry. I was frustrated with everyone and every thing. Nobody seemed to be doing what they were supposed to, and it felt like everyone around me was making foolish mistakes. I made the decision to remove EV4 for a while and just focus on QL, which was ST2 as Iā€™d just finished ST1.

I admit that I didnā€™t consciously feel a lot from QLā€¦ certainly nothing like the effects reported by other people here. No sense of calm, no enlightenment, no faster reading speed (though Iā€™m already rather fast) and no increase in fluidity of thought or speech.

But then I got my interest sparked in regenerative medicine, specifically for biogerontology (anti-aging). Since then, Iā€™ve done a considerably deep dive into this topic, and it seems my appetite for knowledge on this topic is insatiable.
Even without QL playing, I can devour the books Iā€™m reading on this topic with the same ease that I could an adventure fiction novel. And itā€™s making senseā€¦ Iā€™m seeing patterns.

This has a fascinating pull that is causing me some inner turmoil.

Iā€™m now far more interested in a specialized field of medicine than I am with my current business venture, but my company isnā€™t big enough yet for me to step away without things crashing down. I ought to be reading business books to increase sales, or finding ways to cut costs or scale production.

Instead, Iā€™m reading studies on modulating Wnt pathways and restoring mitochondrial dysregulation.

My plan was to build a business to 7-figures+, sell all or a majority, and then retire in my 40s. (At which point Iā€™d start or expand upon another business venture, as I suck at being idle). I am well on my way to that right now, and my wife and I have already started looking at properties in the country on which to build our dream home.

And yetā€¦

Now a growing part of me is actually considering going back to school to study functional medicine. The quickest path there is still 5+ years, and would cost more than weā€™ve got stashed away, so Iā€™d be looking at student loans again.

Iā€™ll most likely choose some intermediate route, more in line with the biomedical technology field, but the pull of getting into the regenerative medicine space is very strong. A calling, if you will. Some part of me really feels that I can make a difference, and I think I need to try. Somehow.

Until next time, hopefully it wonā€™t be 2 months again. lol.


Wondering how are you doing now ?

I think it was definitely over 2 months this time :rofl:

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probably he is busy with his harem and bank vaults of jewelry :grin:

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Busy, yesā€¦ Harem? Noā€¦ but I do live with 2 beautiful girls, although one of them is a bit young and our relationship is most definitely NOT thatā€¦ :rofl: (that was terribleā€¦ for clarity, I was referring to my wife and daughter.)

No vaults of jewels thoughā€¦ only cash and stock shares here.

I actually am working on something update-worthy, but not yet.