Budewr’s journal

also im seriously considering Ascension. tmw i will make my choice if ill buy it or not. or maybe until this week

if yes, i will see if the first 2 weeks of it, if it doesnt work ill refund it,

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im almost 99% sure im going for ascension, but idk if i should start tmw or wait for the end of the week.

maybe ascension is just enough for my goals, and all the other additional scripting in emperor is not helping atm,

maybe to run ascension until emperor QZP comes out or something

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” (Henry David Thoreau)

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love this quote man,

Cool ! I thought so too! Pretty deep

How are things going with ascension?

very very deep thank you for sharing loved it!

i havent bought it yet, today i will and play it overnight,

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Let me ask you something, have you ever seen the movie limitless? You remember this scene:

That moment when everything turns bright, the lamp, the colors, and he just gets it. This is how I feel each time when I listen to my custom which has 3 cores. 1) emperorQ 2) starkQ 3) Quantum limitless st4.

What is the problem I hear you think, well it is about the off days, when I am off NZT and I realize how much my old self sucks! I wish there would be tech to zap the old me into the NZT me and then, ideally, it only keeps it growing. Maybe this is too farfetched but I will keep on listening, just to so see how far I can take this because I can not get enough of the changes.

I am also telling you this so you know what you might expect when you get over this blocker! :metal: :sunglasses:

Amazing things happen here!


yeah man pretty sick movie, one of the reasons why i bought QL, loved it

hahahah i envy you for that damn my brother, emperor and stark??? thats sauce my bro, damn your custom give me an inspiration to maybe include stark within my custom in the future alongside Emperor or ascension with QL

so youre saying that on your off days you dont feel the effects like you do on the active listening day?
the off day feels nothing for you?

maybe try the old pattern? 5 days on 2 days off, that might solve your problem

hell yeah :sunglasses: :sunglasses: !! i got pumped im excited bro thank you

just bought ascension and im pumped :sunglasses:

yesterday i added ascension to the playlist and removed emperor

but yesterday was one of those worst sleeping on subs day

my playlist:
1x LDU
1x Ascension

yesterday 40 minutes of a loop passed with LDU and i couldnt sleep for some reason or the other, maybe cause i drank cola zero which has caffeine that evening, but it was the worst i couldnt fall asleep

40 mins passed and i was getting pissed off, so i went and jerked off just to make my body feel tired and exhausted to just sleep cause i have things to do early in the morning, and i dont like breaking my routine

after i came back, went to bed resumed my playlist, 20 mins passed and the whole 1 hour of ldu finished and i couldnt go to sleep

brought the volume to one click lower, then ascension started then i slowly fell into sleep finally hell man

i slept at 2:15 am maybe, now and woke up at 8:20 am, i dont feel tired i quickly got out of bed

okay so i dont know if this me hallucinating but i feel some confidence or some inner energy, but its very very light almost not obvious if youre not aware, i noticed because its not usual for my bassline

its just very light and slight so idk maybe im just drunk :grinning: cause its barley noticeable so i might be just hallucinating idk

but its worth writing down

Something I noticed my back posture is less effortless it feels more natural than me putting so much work on it

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Ok something also interesting happened

I usually dont do cardio before i hit some weights unless its legs day for a quick warm up, but today i said lets do 3 minutes of the stairs machine

Then i raised the level to 8 which is something sometimes i cant handle and i get tired pretty quick, but then when i got to the 3 minute mark

I said fuck it theres 2 mins left lets finish it, and damn love the push

The stairs felt easy. It didnt feel like it was working against me

I was tired yes, but that was just my body my mind was all good.

Damnnn if thats ascension ill run it forever


Ok also i feel like what’s happening is that the nagging of the uncomfortable mind just stops, you know?

Its like when you work out and last couple of reps feels hard or tiring and your mind keeps nagging on you to stop + the uncomfortable painful feeling that the body feels

But now i feel like its just my body expressing itself

The voice of the mind and the nagging doesnt talk when the body expresses itself

The uncomfortable feeling by itself is very normal, but what makes us not go too far out of our comfortable circle is our nagging mind

And now when im working out holy crap the mind just dies and my body just talks

Holy potato thats amazing, if thats how ascension is i guess i found my secret weapon, it targets my weakpoint at the max

Dude ill conquer the world HAHAHAH holy crap man im gonna cry if thats just the beginning

Also my back posture is just pog


Bro, what im experiencing is definitely ascension,

Im doing extra reps with pulls ups like its nothing i keep pushing myself to the max BROOOI THATS WASUPPP THATS WASUPPP

Its like when the mind shuts the fuck up everything becomes easy and easygoing, bro my mind telling get an extra rep cmon lets do 8 , then my usual bassline that i would stop at 8

Then my mind tells me get 10 cmon to more reps


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its very interesting to see how the submind controls our life, bro today was one of the hardest workouts, full of energy

set after set. and enjoying the hard pump and the feeling, (i do super sets to get my heart pumping)
and usually the workout would feel sluggish but today was energtic but not soo much

but what surprised me is that my mind shuts up and wants me to do more reps and no nagging at all, its very awesome man im more pumped about ascension than ever

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While your still in emperor bloom, what is your planned stack for qzp? Based on what you just posted you want spartan and ascension, to deal with recon from emperor.

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i dont think thats emperor bloom at all, i just finished a recet washout for 16 days and ive never felt any bloom from emperor from my journey with it for 3 months,

but on my washout i didnt notice that at all, so i think thats pure ascension what experiencing

probably nothing at the moment, maybe when the drop ascension and QL QZP or RM QZP i will play em,

but for now i think my stack will be ascension and LDU for a month and something, if things go well and more and more good with consistent progress with ascension , i will add my beloved QL or RM

my major full package jacked stack is pretty much the same as before but i ditched some subs that i really love for the sake of emperor to manifest faster,

so probably it would be something like this at the end like a custom maybe:
core 1 : Ascension, maybe empror but i think ascension
core 2: RM
core 3 : Ultimate artists
and other 7 models maybe 6 models same custom

QLST4 on the side, outside the custom

so my playlist would be

1x Custom like the above
1x QLST4
1x LDU

as simple as that :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

this my dream playlist, but i have to slowly progress with ascension then ill plan in the future!!

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also, its just my first day on ascension, im very happy and grateful
but what will make very happy is that those experiences are consistent

cause first time i played emperor,when i woke up i felt like inner fire inside and incredible desire for greatness

but that soon left and never came back

so im not gonna get super super super excited about ascension, actually i am but i will try to control myself, cause its just the first day

and over reacting is always not good

but im grateful

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Sounds good.

I mentioned spartan since it is probably used in emperor and primal seduction to increase passive attraction. I would assume that this is ares + fat burning.

Did you create or start a workout routine while on emperor, and is this the 10% results you talked about?

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