Budewr’s journal

Damn man, thats a superpower

Probably will drop QL its bs to me how not everything is working

Please submit a support ticket with what you would like clarification.

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I talked to saint on the private messages, and he said something about that a washout might do me a help cause maybe im stonewalling

But isnt stonewalling will also prevent any m reconciliation experiences and any vivid dreams?

Cause i recall the past 2 weeks were bunch of weird vivid dreams going on, and some recon experiences from time to time

Id say that i dont happen to face a lot of reconciliation but it comes sometimes

So the probability of me stonewalling is low i assume,

Also he suggested upping the loops might help

So id have to either choose upping the loops
Or just cutting QL for now and play emperor and LDU only for a couple of months, which is something i hate to do, but im not seeing change

But i can always return to QL or even RM, later

What do you think rv?

Also I contacted support before about my issue

I guess im just gonna drop QL for now, im very not happy with this

But i gave it 3 months and i wasnt seeing any profound effect from emperor

which is my priority,

LDU and Stark and RM had profound and clear results within weeks,

QL and Emperor and LDU seem invisible and its like im not running anything

But clearly LDU worked a lot i dont face lots of fears and a lot of stuff it worked on

But my issue is with the results with emperor and QL,

So im 90% sure that ill drop QL till further

And ill delay the idea of a custom from maybe next year at summer

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Its really unmotivating to run a stack or a combo like emperor and QL and not see good stuff coming your way and some results to support your vision or anything

Hopefully Emperor and LDU will boost the hell out of everything on track once again, cause my go with stark was easy results, maybe its because im more aligned and no too many weakpoints that stark kicks in the butt

But emperor,? Woof that boi i think will improve my life 100% pretty much my whole life would be better just running it

but i dont like that i have RM And QL on hold, i really wanna run them all, but results will be 0% if i do

LDU is small, with emperor i think its gon be good

Also i might increase the loops, so 2 loops for emperor maybe?

ill see, but emperor has to shine i dont like that i seem like the only one here whos not enjoying their results while pretty much everyone here is seeing stuff

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first day after Removing QL

its just emperor and ldu now

saw a dream before i wake up, someone disrespecting me and not talking to me with manners and being a civil human

and i lashed out at him, i was angry lol

but i dont remember details

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also i slept for 12 hours. which tells me something

wait i remember the dream lol

i went to the laundry and asked for my clothes to be washed asap and that i want to get it tmw

and he said that would cost me 500$ i lashed out hahahah and got angry at him and some weird stuff :rofl:

What has been your listening schedule for the past 7 days?

What do you want to do as your listening schedule?

What does it tell you?

its been the same, 5 days on/2 days off on weekends

i just dropped QL out my stack, to solve my issue with results

whenever i adjust anything with my listening schedule sometimes i tend to sleep more

Hi @Budewr. I see an issue here. It is the 5days on with 2days off.

The 5 days on / 2off was for the Q version of subs. Under Qv2, the recommendation is one day on, one day off and repeat. Running dense subs like EmperorQv2 5 days in a row is a bit much. Rest days are important not for processing but for avoiding overload.

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hey man thanks for the note

i have been following the new pattern for 2 months and something

then i thought i would change to the same old legacy one that was working well for me

back when i used to play StarkQ and RM, which had great results
so now im back to the old pattern

no issues here, once i feel like theres a problem or fatigue or anything for that matter, running the old pattern is always an option

Finished eating a meal in 1 hour and 12 mins maybe which is huge for my stomach

huge meal too

Have you considered listening Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while keep rest days with no Ultimas or subliminals?

no i havent, i didnt see the need for that

i tend to adapt after a week and everything goes back to normal and sometimes i feel like to sleep more

Slept at 2 am, woke up at 7 am with full on energy and good sleep

i slept for 5 hours only but i can start up my day

thats great! maybe thats an emperor thing, cause i used to get this on stark, sleep less and feel better about it

and also maybe not. cause i practiced being in the present moment before bed, which helps a lot witha good night sleep.

i honestly dont remember if thats the case or not lol

either way thats great

yesterday i worked on my music for 4 hours, which is huge for me! i can put in time now into my work!

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Im having a boner almost 24/7 it’s annoying

Also i woke up tired.and even yesterday i did too

I might need a washout its almost 3 months since i started emperor and all with my old stack

Next week ill up the loops of emperor

So it will be 2 loops of emperor

And maybe 2 loops of LD
But i have to just boost 1loop of emperor first and test how things are

i think im figuring out what does it mean when i experience no emotional feelings towards some type of music

its not a sign of losing my purpose, its a sign of trying to dig deeper into the unkown,

theres deeper and deeper levels to find,

the surface aint it chief

its like a challenge not a stop sign, dig more, find the core, find the gem

Im slowly building up habits to delete the lazy side of me

Jim rohn says “ being disciplined is a full time activity”

You cant be disciplined in one side in life, and not be in the other,

Slowly the lazy side will creep in to ruin the other side of your life

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kinda pissing me off tbh,

i buy off more than 80 tracks or 100 that i really like,

then atm now im spinning it on my mixer, i dont feel any feelings towards it,

such a weird reconciliation, impossible to not feel anything at all , i liked those tracks 4 days ago its like a year before

anyways next week im starting a washout