Budewr’s journal

only issue is the vaccine fucking passport
since i wont get the vaccine and where i live they require vaccine passports

but if i won and they gonna let me play a set at the festival . im sure ill find my way to get around this : ) muahwhawhha

wow man if i play their, ill play some good ass techno damnnnnnnnnnnnnn

yesterday when i played my playlist i couldnt sleep for an hour

the whole loop of Limit destroyer was due

and i havent gone into sleep

but i somehow found my way into sleep

i had lots of dreams. yesterday

comfort means = Death

when youre dead youre comfortable

You have wings to fly with, why are you walking?

its okay i know that im facing the fear of the unkown and breaking my own comfort but im shinning the light of awareness at it. its gonna be uncomfortable for a while. tighten your seat belt

4 days since i started the new pattern
things are okay

no clear signs of overload or any recon.

however im needing now 9 hours of sleep, even if i sleep early like 10pm

once i woke up today i felt like i wanna sleep more, but i think its just a normal thing not related or anything

and super vivid dreams, and i think i almost had a wet dream, but i woke up without an explosion

also dreamt about my old friends that i used to hang out with, super lovely friends

i hope them the best :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

also i figured how recon manifest into my life

sometimes its anger and getting frustrated but thats really rare

the most common thing

is when it comes to my purpose, music doesn’t feel emotional when recon manifests
i start to question my purpose which is music, and question why am i not getting emotional from some tracks that i really like

thats i think is how it is with me

but other than that, i barely face any discomfort, its sometimes just like saint says, its more of a cycle sometimes this fear of losing my purpose comes and goes, nothing stays

gonna test for the next week

to see how the new pattern fits me, if it feels right then im gonna keep it

learned something really great and im implementing it everyday

do what makes you uncomfortable so you can break the comfort zone

so sometimes i dont want to wash the dishes, whenever this feeling comes through i break it and do the opposite which is washing the dishes

i feel like i wanna touch my phone, i simply dont touch it

stay in the uncomfortable so youre no more afraid of the unkown and the unregular to you

its very helpful, like cleaning my cats litter makes me so lazy and i dont want to do it, and ill just do it right away

what this makes this a hidden gem in my opinion:

1- youre training and disciplining yourself on doing what doesnt feel comfortable,
which is the right thing to day living means going through stuff and experiencing it and spreading your wings to the limitless skies

2- get things done

3- subliminal results will be better. cuz youre doing some proper actiong :sunglasses:

also i feel emperor’s influence maybe ? that im more determined and im doing this no matter what?

hmm who knows could be and could not be

i noticed something while i was getting some vitamin D from the sun

i took all of my clothes except for my boxer

and i was getting some sunlight on me, (which is something i love)

however i felt something on my body which was a bee, or a bug that has a shape like a bee with a stinger on her but

the interesting thing is ,. that bees scare the hell out of me and usually when they land on me i run like a champ

but this time i was so calm and didnt even flinch, i just moved away and she flew away from me

but the most scary bug to me is the hornet

if i see those guys i run like usian bolt hahaha

but lets see if i encounter them one day and how it feels

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In my experience that’s RM. What is your ratio Stark:RM?

oh hey,

ive ditched stark 2 months ago, but sadly i cant change the title anymore

ive moved to emperor + QLST2 + LDU

will add RM later next month in my stack, once i see more of Emperor’s effect more and more cause its the most important to me

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can you please change the title of my Journal to

"Limit Destroyer Uv2 + EmperorQ + QL Journal "

i still havent submitted the mix to the festival i wanna play at

perfectionism and having a scope on my mixing mistakes is kinda killing me

Have you submitted a support ticket about this?

No I thought its not worth mentioning and opening a support ticket

Still not sure if its sub related or its just a nutrition thing

first week went just fine and normal

today is my 21 birthday, a new age a new light

i felt some frustration today, some anger but i kept it inside, i dont want to lash out on my mother cause of recon thats stupid

so whenever i feel discomfort or frustrated ill return to the present moment

and that solves it :smiley:

cant wait for super good results to unfold in my life to more grateful

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for some reason im sensing changes but no sure like i cannot point out anything but i sense some stuff

you know when you feel something is slowly off and weird and new? its like theres something new slowly creeping on me and i quite dont know what it is

i just feel something

its weird

maybe a small sense of motivation? idk something feels off, but its a good thing

maybe later ill know what it is

im kinda scared to admit

that theres a part of me that wants to give up for the vaccine passport tyranny where i live and get jabbed

what the fuck…

is that a higher perception ?from subs? that in life you have to give up some of your freedom to live a good life?

but i refuse to get this stupid jab, why am i okay with thinking about it ?
im a bit shocked,

it feels like i got a bit loose and theres a part of that wants to give up

thats weird,

but i still take my stand, you have to fight for you freedom

slept for 6 hours, and i feel like im ready for the day
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats intreseting

lots of dreams though. some bioshock 2 monster was chasing me in a mansion
i dont the remember the rest, but bunch of weird stuff

so its a good sign that subs are just fine :smiley:

yesterday i turned 21

and also completed 2 months of emperor :smiley: cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers

more to come

i will never leave emperor, things are slowly creeping

im still not sure whats happening

but i know its good things


Happy birthday budewr!!! What did you do?

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