Budewr’s journal

had a chat with my mum whos also running Subclub’s subliminals, RegenQv2

and damn i was looking to find if shes seeing any results on her side, but i ended noticing some change in the thoughts processing within me! which is wholesome

defeintly QL is doing a good job

also some Rm expression and excitment is defenitly there

:+1: :+1:

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wow today feels great

i just woke up

i posted this yesterday, i was facing this problem for like 2 weeks now since i changed my listening

i just woke up and i feel great, it didnt happen today

also i feel some heat from emperor its slowly growing, i feel confidence

i slept ony for 5 hours and now im ready to kill the day :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

its like im full of energy and i dont want to sleep more,

i think i used to face this problem of sleep and other recon from emperor

cuz im new to the script and emperor works on my weakpoints a lot of them, so maybe thats why ive been having a hard time lately, but i think now things are going well

Emperor : 22 days

watched a video by joe dispenza while i was working out, and damn i think i found the soultion to my disgusting comfort zone

wow it was this easy and this basic all along and i thought its some magic

just when you feel uncomfortable, just be present in the moment and bada boom

im put this into work, so basically anything uncomfy in the submind can be gone with being present wow,

its like whenever you got an urge to watch tv or do something not really progressing and helping your life, just go into the present moment and see how it is now

its like its gone

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How are you doing, mate? I switched from LD to BLU and it’s created a powerful synergy on every level, not only if it comes to my mental capacities but social skills, aura, mood and interactions. It’s just amazing.

hey man! im doing great, this week has been a bit tough though im alternating with RM, im dropping it for a month from now

next month ill introuduce it once again to my playlist, my top top top piriroties are emperor and LDU and QL, i love RM so much, but the recon that im getting cause of the weakpoints that those subs are covering are unreal

like those 4 subs are just a gateway to an ideal self, with all the weakpoints shattered and broken

so pretty much this stack is perfect, but i have to slow down. this week has been tough a bit (it might be due to QL1 since its a healing stage physical and mentally trauma and other stuff)

sad to hear man! but BLU sounds cool! i feel like LDU is such good sub if you give it time, im trying to expierment with it, to see if it solves my health issues that i see as limition, if it helps with that than this is the most overpowered sub ever that can be into anything that you want to be

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BLU works on your limitations too but unlike LD that works on every limitation BLU is targeted on your cognitive and productivity limitations. Basically, every sub works on some limitations but LD is focused on them completely and totally. I gave it two months and a half and I benefited from that move a lot and BLU has just taken it to the next level.

Your journey sounds really tough but Emperor + QL + LD was a brilliant move. You could add in Paragon in place of RM in order to boost the healing on QL1.

What do you want to achieve with Emperor specifically?

isnt BLU like limitless? but an ultima version?

oh yeah! i feel like im more a senstive person to energy and love i have this huge spontaneous energy that is within me, RM boosts that in a way, makes me more emotional towards music beauty and nature and everything that is pretty in this world

so i feel like im already strong in these factors of creation and being an emotional person, But RM works on crafts as well which is a main focus which is something i would say that im lacking? or maybe not cause i havent tried that hard, since creatvity can be subjective its something you build and adapt to take thoughts and ideas from the unlimited spectrum of thoughts,

so i got a bit serious on my weakpoints, LDU and QL and Emperor are defentily my weakpoints right there

thats why i think its so great!

im gonna save paragon when Q+ comes out, and also for my other main custom probably in 6-8 months when the new tech comes out, i dont wanna waste money if Q+ is coming very soon!

Boost the masculine energy and the weakpoints that i have, in terms of self drive and determintion towards one’s goal, feeling less attracted to things that dont serve me , as i am A being of love, focus on my mission and message in this world, have this confidence,

most of what im craving for emperor, is to be the person that i want to be, that my feelings tell me about,

im strong emotionally or i have quite huge femnine energy, which is being senstive and being grateful to life and feeling joy and having good feelings and love for life, but i lack lack this drive to work and to just work on my dreams and goals, i have this disgusting blockages

so when you balance masculine energy and femnine, you become Hole

i liked stark i really did, i like the social aspect of it, since being social is essinital in life, and i dont belive that emperor will make me anti-social or anything matter of fact i think it will improve me socially even more since more blockages are being removed

i choose stark first before emperor , cause i really focused here on what i want and what i crave
its like when you crave junk food when you can eat healthy and enjoy it!

this is a bad analogy hahha :rofl:

its about what i need to do!
i choose stark cuz i wanted friends and i wanted a loved partner and other stuff

but i knew also that, you dont have to find friends, friends come to you when youre looking for yourself (its a quote by rumi) so i wont worry so much about finding my joyful friends! or a loving soul to share some love together, i will find myself and they’ll manfiest :heart:

so why not go after what my fulfills my soul and also find friends on the way to it!!! so emperor it is!

even though i really liked how stark makes you so smooth into talking its very great. but i guess emperor hits a 2 birds with one stone for me :sunglasses:

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No, it’s not. It’s BEYOND Limitless. :slight_smile: It dealz with your fears and makes you more confident too, just like LD.

You would have to buy it anyway and it wouldn’t be a waste of money but I got your point here.

Have you tried Executive yet?

Emperor is very focused on building your own empire whilst Stark lets you choose your path. Is it the path you really want to follow (building your own empire with Emperor) right now? Wouldn’t it be better to have Stark help you grow in whatever direction you want?

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no but i assume it can help,

but i think ascension which is within emperor will help like 100000 times too, and emperor feels like an overall major improvment so all sides

i mean empire is subjective, im slowly gonna get into stocks and stuff, but my empire will be way different than the regular defintion :rofl: thats why i said its subjective, so yes right now :sunglasses:

had a thoughts maybe yestrday, to make a custom later when Q+ comes out that has emperor and stark both but its too early to think anyways, im looking at 6-8 months untill that new tech comes out, so maybe i wont be intrested in stark after that time

but for now its my current stack! looks perfect on paper, just gotta see how it goes

i meant like in a custom, i dont wanna make 2 customs it will cost a lot on me


i could see emperor working on the wealth side, i have more and more intrest in investing in passive stocks, its like i wanna learn more and absorb more to learn the right way then go in

fuck the matrix :smiley: i wont follow their rules


also i noticed a thing, whenever i dont feel like doing something like the comfortzone feeling of not wanting to work or anything, once i get near that thing that i dont want to do , i get an urge to do it

so lets say i wanna clean my cat’s litter box but im too lazy for today and i wanna leave for tmw,

once i see the litter box, a program in me says go do it its easy youre near it just finish it


:muscle::sunglasses: yeah my man

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more updates:

started a habit from putting a presure on my jaw unconsiosly a few months back , and my jaw hurts sometimes cuz of it

i put up a goal withn limit destroyer goals notebook , which is to remove this habit and setting the intention

now im slowly not doing it and ditching the habit, thats pogchamp

i love Limit destroyer

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More things are uninteresting to me now i would rather work than waste time

I still feel fatigued and tired in the morning evertime i wake up, i dont know why im having this

Maybe cuz i drink less water than the usual , but im testing today if thats the case


Ive been feeling lots of anger lately i can see that, thats definitely a sign of emperor recon,

Everyday i wake up im very very tired then it goes away slowly, but i was kinda fasting this week and a really bad fast tbh, i didnt drink much water or anything it was a bad idea to not drink so much water

But now im back eating regularly, i will see how the sleep goes tomorrow when i play LDU overnight

I also got the new badge pogchamps

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Less and less fear, im slowly overcoming this feeling

No more overwhelming heart pulse like my chest is about to explode


Yesterday some people came to fix my internet and they were super respectful and nice,

but im not sure if that has to do with emperor or anything im not sure, cuz im always respectful to people and thats how i expect the treatment back. so i dont know tbh

but its worth giving it a thought,

first time in a month maybe today, i woke up tired then i tried to go back to sleep for sometime then i woke up full of energy, freaking hell!

when i face that i try to sleep, but i end up just moving in bed and not really sleeping

but today is different

Wow 2nd day in a row, waking up not feeling tired

This is amazing

For the past month for probably everyday i used to wake up super tired, now 2 days in a row i wake up normally and ready for the day

Not lazy not tired! That’s awesome, less recon! Got used to the script more

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