Blacksheep - Khan Journal (ST1-ST4)

Sup all

I stopped tracking hours but I’m well over 200 now. I’d say 220 conservatively so I’ll just pick up there. I feel like I’m discovering who I really am, I feel very confident and grounded internally. I’m very happy with the results so far. I’ve started doing Feldenkrais again for my posture, and I’m going through several courses on personal and professional development. Due to quarantine it’s been difficult to observe social things, but one thing I noticed big time is I’m treated very well by other people and staff at places I go to regularly. People started calling me by my name and even my “nickname” which is just a contraction of my name I’ve never used. That is definitely new with Stage 2. As with Stage 1, the most I listen, the stronger and more beneficial the results seem.


Glad to hear. With coronavirus going on, what’s your condition for jumping into ST3? Me, I’ll be holding off for a bit since there’s minimal action that can be taken now. Even at that, I’m foreseeing a reduced amount of hours for ST2 before ST4.

ST2 always sounded the most important to me, after all it’s reprogramming, so I’m happy to continue running it for maybe even 500+ hours.

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What a coincidence!

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In all seriousness 220 hours is a woeful underestimate. I’d say a more accurate number is 280 hours. And so while I will continue to run Khan ST2 for 6+ hours a day I will experiment with a few loops of Emperor each day and see what happens.

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Experiencing a new bout of reconciliation.

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Can you describe how do you feel?

Recurring thoughts of embarrassment and humiliation from my past, feeling negative emotions about this, etc.


I must’ve listened to about 350 hours now (ST2). I tried Primal (In addition to ST2) for a few days and it was interesting. I noticed some younger girls eyeing me up while I was out. Also some other clear indicators that it was working. Internally I felt fantastic, like a God or movie star or something like that. I’ve stopped using it for a few days now, but that supreme self confidence is the last thing I’m noticing to fade. I mean to compare it to Primal Seduction, as I’m not convinced Primal Seduction is more powerful than Primal based on my own and other people’s experiences.

As for Khan, it seems like a more subtle subluminal. I’ve had very powerful internal effects. I don’t doubt myself at all anymore in social situations, but so far Khan hasn’t matched Primal or PS in terms of raw attraction. When I started Primal, I noticed immediately that women were checking me out. So far on ST2 I feel very confident, and as I’ve mentioned people treat me much better than ever before, but there is not as much attraction as with the other subs. Despite this, I feel like Khan is an excellent “Base Sub” socially and it’s helped me a lot in a general sense.

I might just start ST3. Fuck it. Well over 300 hours at this point.


You’ll like ST3, that won’t compare to anything you’ve heard before.


While I never run Primal or PS, I really agree with your description of Khan. It literally opened up a new world for me, on which I can now build upon with other subliminals. But without having that base first, it would not get the same result.

However, I never tried St3, only St4. So I am interested in your reports :wink:

By the way, don’t you have quarantine?

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Began stage 3 last night and it’s been an interesting day so far. I took action on two specific issues that I’d been putting off for weeks. Also, while I was playing video games, I couldn’t get into them as I felt like I was wasting time. For all of this, I forgot that I had started Stage 3 so I don’t think it’s placebo. I went to bed very late last night and had to do something very early so I didn’t even remember running it. Another possible effect was increased gregariousness with a friend of mine when we hung out.

@friday we do have quarantine but plenty of people just go outside anyway and run or hang out. However yes it is quite dead in terms of the number of women I’ve seen recently which sucks. Supposedly my State is lifting quarantine soon so we’ll see.



Yesterday I noticed I looked different in the mirror, a good way. Hard to describe, more lively I guess. Well today my father told me that I look different, saying that I seemed in a good mood.


I tried Primal Q as Khan hasn’t been released in Q form yet. To be clear I’m still running Khan ST3, but I wanted to try out Q tech. Once again, upon starting this new Sub, I had to sleep for like 14 hours. This happens every time I start a new sub from Sub club. I’m not sure why, but it’s a tell tale sign I’ve started a new subliminal from Sub Club. Hopefully something report soon, running:

2X Primal
The rest will be Khan ST3


Khan’s coming tomorrow morning. Get ready.


sooner the better

Jumping into it immediately?

Might as well


Alright bois, looks like I’m running Khan Q ST 3 from here on out. I’ll just stick to Khan from here. The only reason I tried Primal is 'cause I wanted to try Q.

Good luck everyone!


Khan Q is definitely more powerful. It affects my state almost immediately and I feel good. The only thing I’m concerned with now is overexposure given its power level. I was mentally fatigued after 5 or so hours of listening which is unusual.