Black Adder - Eye of the Tiger Volume 1

Are you looking to scale up this business?

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is this an Ultima?

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The only reason i have a company is its the most tax efficient way of retaining what i earn.

I have no plans to upscale my business.

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Yes just ordered it :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Hoppa

I’ll explain.

I don’t see everything here on this forum. I don’t remember everything I read here. However when I do, and I think I can build a metaphoric bridge so we can work in whatever ways we can to raise each other up, I attempt to build that bridge.

I realize I took a bit of a risk by drawing your attention to what @TheBoxingScientist might be doing, as well as @TheBoxingScientist’s attention to your skill set and success.

As a general reminder, when I make a comment or ask a question of someone, no one has to do any thing. I won’t get mad or hold it against anyone if you don’t want to.

One reason I like this forum so much is the altruism and self-monitoring people already do. They really take ownership of this forum, as well as for the culture harmony and beneficence. I just make a few comments here and there and hope it accelerates and amplifies those positive things that are already here.


No worries.

I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t feel like it anyway.

Tonight I just happen to be a bit bored.

And I enjoy talking about business with people. How to build systems, stuff like that.

What better way to spend your Saturday evening that talking about business :wink:

As long as it isn’t mine. Then it would feel like work.

Also a disclaimer:

I’m not looking to sell anyone here anything. Nor am I looking for business partners.



In honor of your success, I have ordered Black Adder II, a pizza, and Chimay Premiere to celebrate.

I first discovered Black Adder when I was on a vacation with my parents. I turned on the TV in the hotel and saw 2 people dressed in 16th century attire bantering. It was outrageously funny. But within a minute, the ending credits began rolling. A man was walking through a garden with another skipping around with a lute. I had to find out what it was so I went to the lobby and bought a news paper to look at the TV schedule. I’ve been hooked on British comedy ever since.


Ahhh shame i cannot be there to share the pizza with you :slight_smile:

I would have invited you, but some how I think it would be quite a commute for you.

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Day 26

Ran 2 loops of my custom over night.

Received my new custom

Index Gate
Technological Prodigy
Beyond Limitless Ultima Core

After two loops it put me into a very logical state. I felt like that bloke from the TV show the big bang. Its exactly what i need right now.

I have decided to add a few more modules to my emperor custom namely

Immortal’s Blade

In these harsh times health is extremely important Asclepius I believe will help heal me of any physical injuries or illnesses i might encounter.

Immortal’s Blade I am not the one to believe in curses however something made me want to plug this into my existing custom coupled with fearsome this should help me through difficult challenging times.


Sheldon Cooper mate!:grin:


Looks good.

Please read about Health Codex.

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Health Codex was on my radar however since i am already well versed in biohacking I decided not to include this one.

Day 27

Ran 2 loops of my custom over night.
3 loops of my ultima custom

Most of the morning I felt lazy and unproductive, agitated and angry. Just could not bring myself to do any work. By the late afternoon the laziness, anger seemed to vanish and all of sudden I was back to my super human self.

Laser focus, getting things done, breaking down lines of code and learning to use every single feature in microsoft visual studio like a ninja. By the evening i was so proud of myself having achieved so much in a space of a few hours.


Hey man! I read your post about your family in another journal. I would strong encourage you to read about Dragon Reborn. Yes, I’m a fan… well, of you and DR!

No pressure. Really, I understand you’re getting into your groove with your custom and such.

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@RVconsultant DR is a great idea, the reason i have delayed running it is because from what I have read those using DR seem to get very laid back and relaxed. I cannot afford to do this as it could put my work in jeopardy. Perhaps I will run DR on my few months off when the lock down is over.

I understand. As I said…

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Day 28

Ran 2 loops of my emperor custom over night.
3 loops of my ultima custom

The ultima takes a few hours to kick in when it does kick in I am fully focused for the job at hand. I find that I work late into the evening not realizing that hours have passed.

Another thing is I never seem to get tired of learning my mental agility is at an all time high.


You new ultima custom is short, simple and straight to the point

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Yes it just works I was debating to myself at the time should i include additional modules but I thought the less, the more effective it would be in terms of quickness of results.

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