Black Adder Custom Sub Journal - "The Evolution"

Dude, I totally sympathize!!! I have been following your journal. As of yet, I have had minimal manifestation of Libertine or my customs below…

6/18/02 Q:
Alpha Body Language
Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
Earthshaker - Sexuality
Emperor’s Voice
Focused Arousal
Gorgeous Manifestor
Instant Seducing Tactician
Instant Spark
Iron Frame
Lion IV
Long-Range Seduction
Male Enhancement
Physicality Shifter - Sexiness
Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Primal Seduction Q Core
Sensuality & Handsomeness Improver
Sex Mastery XQ Core
Sphaera Magnetica

7/12/20 T2:
Alpha Body Language
Approachability Aura
Aura of Craving
Earthshaker - Sexuality
Facial Morphing
Godlike Masculinity
Gorgeous Manifestor
Instant Spark
Iron Frame
Lion IV
Male Enhancement
Physicality Shifter - Sexiness
Primal Seduction Q Core
Seducer’s Gaze
Sensuality & Handsomeness Improver
Sex Mastery XQ Core
Sexiness Unbound
Sexual Manifestation

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@unusualfellow i am just trying to see if there is a pattern here ?. Did yiu feel the aura modules began to work ? then the results faded ?. I am guessing that you did go out and interact with lots of women ?. Not necessarilly cold approach but just talking to lots of women ?

Yes, there were times I felt the auras may have “executed.”
Nothing ever appeared overt, hence I upgraded Q to T2.
I live in a nice well-traveled part of my city on top of a bar
and work a very social job, offering me countless
opportunities to interact with women.

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For me the auras seem to work for me in the beginning i had middle age women looking at me in the gym. However these are not the women I was attracted too. After this experience the auras just seem to stop working. Even after the new version of Libertine came out I ran that at 1 to 2 loops. The only results were the occasional bursts of anger perhaps this was reconcliation due to my brain not able to execute the script.

I actually thought it might have been an issue with the fact I was unable to execute the T2 build so I downgraded my new build to terminus even then i cannot see anything tangible.

Unwanted attention is flattering and certainly a marker
but not too satisfying. And Libertine supercharger was
masculine so who knows if that plays a part in auras.

I’m going to have to write a long support article about this topic and just beat people over the head with it, because I’ve said this so many times, and the people who listen get results.

Everyone reading this, please repeat after me: Stop. Looking. For. “Overt”. Results. ESPECIALLY when you’re running sexual subs, but more of that in a minute.

Swap “overt” out with any of it’s synonyms. “Overt” is a vague goal, there’s no benchmark, no way to qualify the subliminal’s results, because the very nature of looking for “overt” results will end up with you moving the goalposts, which is defined by the Internets as: “an informal logical fallacy in which previously agreed upon standards for deciding an argument are arbitrarily changed once they have been met.”

In other words: When you look for “overt” results, nothing will ever satisfy that requirement, as you will always question whether the subliminal had an effect and end up dismissing it as “not overt enough” and fail to act on what’s happening. Case in point:

People generally don’t show overt sexual displays in public or around others. Those who do – especially women – are shamed for it. Therefore, it is very unlikely that in a public setting (and by public, I mean any setting that isn’t 1-on-1) that you will EVER have a woman just walk up and grab your crotch and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Instead, they’re going to do things (eye contact, suggestive body language, laugh at jokes that aren’t funny, et. al. – Google this, there’s tons of literature) to catch your attention and signal for you to approach and shoot your shot.

Thus, the proper way to run a subliminal (and even more so with sexual ones) is to be realistic about your baseline and anything that occurs above that baseline, realize that it’s actually the sub doing it’s thing and TAKE ACTION.

When you create a pathway to manifestation, the new thought patterns begin to act. And as all things, something in motion remains in motion unless physically stopped. It takes time for that motion to begin, and early results will often not be very profound, depending on your level of mental development in regards to the subliminal’s goals. But, when you act on the small results, the process of alchemy intensifies, and that’s when you’ll see things skyrocket.

However, when you consciously go against the subliminal because you aren’t sure if it’s a result because it’s "not overt, you are actually creating both a conscious and subconscious block and killing the pathway to manifestation.

Hence, why this occurred:

These opportunities where you “felt the auras may have executed,” they DID execute. And if you had acted on them, even a little, that pathway to manifestation would open a bit wider, and more and more great things could happen. Don’t argue with me about it – trust me. I don’t think you all realize just how much we are into this business, industry and craft. On a given day, from 9a - whenever I go to bed (last night it was 3a), I’m constantly reading journals, support messages, research, conducting my own tests. I have seen this pattern SO MANY TIMES. It even happened in the Libertine test, where the one person who didn’t “receive results” did the exact same thing – he had mind blowing sex romps with a woman, but logic’d it away because of “this” and “that” and etc.

Our very own @RVconsultant, who tested Libertine privately, is a testament to what happens when you just act. He noticed an attractive woman (who was with her boyfriend) seemingly following him around in a store. He wasn’t sure if it were the aura, but he still took action – just a little bit – by making a joke. She began to act like a little school girl with a crush and continued to follow him around, popping up in random aisles where she clearly had no business being.

Of course, since she was there with her boyfriend, he didn’t pursue, but had he continued to escalate, she would’ve been his.

As for @TheBoxingScientist, I’m not saying to hit on women you aren’t attracted to, but it’s clear that you created a mental blockage by thinking it wasn’t working after that. And now, I still don’t believe that you aren’t getting results, but possibly aren’t being honest about your baseline, or you’re dismissing them. The third option, which @Fire believes, is that you have too many auras in your custom, which we’ll reach out to you about.

We know our aura technology works, and it works well. Remember the first Q test, emperorQ? Remember how everyone started reporting (without us saying anything, even though the same thing happened to us) that they suddenly had problems with insomnia and going to sleep? Yeah, that was the rudimentary aura and energy sourcing that causes that. It’s very consistent. In a dense sub, it’s going to take longer to work, because the sub is doing much more than just generating an aura.

@TheBoxingScientist – You’ve been running this custom for 49 days or so, and you’re seeing progress with the other modules, just not the auras, and you’re saying that you’re going to quit at the 55-ish day mark if that doesn’t change. That’s reconciliation. The anger, the urges to switch products? Classic reconciliation.


Well I did make a point of asking whether multiple auras could run at the same time and the answer was yes hence me proceeding with the multiple auras in my build.

Why would I lie Saint ? I am sorry it really pisses me off when you accuse me of lying. Would would I gain from from not being honest about my base line. I am not here to discredit SC.

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I should have been more exact in my wording.
By overt, I meant things like “eye contact,
suggestive body language, laugh at jokes
that aren’t funny…” I didn’t mean indiscreet.

I will keep using these subs because I believe
with enough time they should only strengthen.

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Yes, as I said above, we’re going to reach out to you about that.

I didn’t say you were lying, and we know you’re not here to discredit us. What I said, is there’s a possibility that you’re not being honest about your baseline, as in, honest to yourself. @Friday actually posted a humorous, but clearly humbling comment this morning about his own experience with Libertine Ultima. He received a strong aura response from a woman, but then had to ask himself, “what exactly does that mean about my perceived attractiveness?”

Since the aura isn’t working for you, from a pragmatic standpoint, we have roughly three options:

  1. The aura doesn’t work, period.
  2. You have too many auras in your custom.
  3. Your expectations and self-perception are a bit off and you should self-reflect.

All three of these are logical conclusions. However, #1 is unlikely because we have more than enough empirical evidence to prove otherwise, including (I think, can’t quite remember), your own response to emperorQ. Also, the fact that many people on Beyond Limitless and Libertine are experiencing the insomnia effect from the aura’s energy sourcing (which just makes you very restless and active if you run at night).

#2 needs to be tested also. I mentioned in an earlier response that you may need to eat more calorie dense food and get out in the sun as much as possible in order to give those auras the fuel they need. And again, we’re going to reach out to you with some things to try.

#3 is also a strong possibility because we see this a lot. There are A LOT of lurkers to this forum. We get over 20k visits a month, and most people don’t post because the Internet is generally a hostile place and most people just don’t want to deal with it. But, we do get a ton of emails from people reporting their results and conversing with us – we don’t talk about that because we respect their privacy. When I say that we see this a lot, we see it a lot. Many people’s self-perceptions are often not congruent with what society sees. It isn’t a diss, it isn’t me “blaming” you, it isn’t me calling you a liar. I’m telling you the truth of what our options are, because that’s the right thing to do, regardless of the consequences. All I’m saying is, consider it a bit harder. Look at what’s happening when you go out a bit deeper.


Question in regards to Auras. Would Auric Overdriver intensify the aura of intensity Aura and help attract more positive situations? Or would it kind of overload it? Auras are an interesting subject

Let’s post a new thread under “Questions and Comments” and we can continue this branch of the discussion there.

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Saint you have made some valid points which I will take time to think about. Will continue with using the custom as normal and look forward to you guys reaching out to make further suggestions.


I literally have all the aura modules in one of my customs, except the module “AuraQ” itself :upside_down_face:


In a dimly lit room, two men stand over a laptop screen, the light from the laptop casting strange shadows on the wall behind them.

“Are these the latest readings?”
“Yes, the effects are more severe than previously anticipated.”
“Is he aware?”
“Quite the contrary, he seems completely oblivious.”

One of the men smiles.
“If he only he kept the same amount of detail in his journal that we keep in these reports. He would have noticed.”

The other man shrugs.
“What do we do?”
“Management says we should bring him in as fast as possible. An off-the-book location has been prepared with superconducting properties. R&D says it should contain him.”
“And the team to bring him in?”
“All volunteers, none of them have dependants.”
“Very well, let’s get it done.”

The men walk out of the room, leaving the laptop open. On the screen a series of Kirlian photos of @TheBoxingScientist, his energy field completely overwhelming the people around him. Next to them a report showing energy readings, many marked in red.

To be continued…


@DarkPhilosopher you always bring a smile to my face :smile:

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Good, you sounded like you needed one. Glad to be of service.

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The remote viewing consultant should have no problem finding her later :slight_smile:

Our job is to act open pathways of manifestation wider and wider-open the pathways…

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Although not in public, my wife does that every now and then. Especially when I ran Ultima Test3.

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That’s exactly my point. People act differently in a 1-on-1 basis. The other issue is the fact that we’re in the middle of a global health crisis. Everyone is acting differently and not acting on their urges as much. We even debated delaying the release of Libertine and other aura subs / modules, but decided that we’d rather get 'em out in everyone’s hands instead of sitting on them.


I can see why this would have been delayed. Nonetheless the current situation has not stopped social subs/modules from being popular!