Billions -& His GF's WholeHearted Healing Stack (Regen + Elixir + Heartsong + Sex MasteryQ)

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Would you please summarize what have been your biggest gains since listening to SC products?

Have you had any fears of success arise?

@RVconsultant that’s a great question, thanks.

I’ve been hyper-responsive to the Q programs I’ve listened to, while I’m honestly still waiting for an Ultima that really has an effect on me. GLM had a bit of an effect that I was able to notice, but other than that I’ve not felt much from Ultimas.

Regeneration has been a great ride, overall. I’m experiencing a lot less anxiety throughout the day, especially around my work. I’m more in the present moment. I procrastinate way less, but if I do procrastinate, I don’t become as negative and upset about it as I normally might have done in the past. Total listening time is less than a month.

Ascended Mogul was absolutely insane, and I plan on returning to it in the future as well. It is in my custom, after all. I just took a washout and then decided to heal some stuff after, instead.

The results that AM gave me for my business so quickly were outstanding. I got way more confidence and started taking bigger action. I could feel how the Ascension element of it made me more focused in my personal life and more confident in my social life. I now regularly work 9-12 hour days because I’m so gung-ho about what I’m doing. Before Ascended Mogul, I couldn’t work longer than 6 hours without becoming completely exhausted. I stand up for myself. I’m motivated. I’m succeeding. I have a business partner that I respect and that respects me. I have clients that also respect me, and vice versa. I have a hunger to prove myself that goes beyond money. Total listening time to AM was maybe 4 months, on and off.

Heartsong was extremely helpful the first times I listened to it with my partner. She calmed down immediately and became less jealous and anxious as a person overall. I’ve listened to it very infrequently, which is why those results eventually reversed themselves… but it’s also more stressful recently because of how much shit has happened in the last 48 hours. That is a big part of why we’re fighting. Just stress. If I gave this program a more serious investment of my time I’m sure it would yield bigger returns. I’ve listened to it under 10 loops total.

My Sales Custom made me so much better at sales in short order, which was pretty amazing.

I’ve fundamentally changed as a person. I have a business coach and he is floored at how much I’ve changed in the last few months. He says I’m a whole new person in a whole new stratosphere of life. That’s a pretty good way to put it.

It’s helped me orient all of my mind, unifying all of who I am towards my major goal of running a highly successful marketing agency.

Also, I found the confidence to become a licensed realtor, which is something I was always too afraid to do. I think that one is pretty interesting.

And I’m more confident, less needy, I care about my character now, more than what other people think of me.

No. Not in business. Maybe in my relationship. As I’m feeling more confident now I’m starting to wonder if I want to stay with the same person for the rest of my life. I’m thinking, if I’m that much more confident and a better person, shouldn’t I put myself back out on the market and get someone who I couldn’t have ever gotten before?

But it’s just a thought that I only started thinking 24 hours after saying goodbye to my grandma before she dies and 22 hours after watching my mom replace her hip… my point is, I’m not in my right mind and I don’t plan on acting on the impulse.

Update on my mum: she had major surgery and won’t be able to walk for about 4 months. It’s gonna be a hard time.


Sorry about your grandma and mum.

Do you have Sanguine?

Yes I was running a lot of Sanguine as a booster. I forgot about that.

I was remarkably calm about my mum/grandma, so all the loops of sanguine probably helped. I’m a pretty non-reactive person overall though so sanguine plays to my strengths.

Excellent progress!
Keep it up!

What does a business coach do that’s impossible for us to do ?
Is it really worth having a business coach?

You first need to make money to afford one,then when you make enough money to afford one, you won’t need one since you made money without one. :thinking::joy:

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One thing I’ve noticed pretty consistently is that Regeneration is a fantastic cure for insomnia.

Some days, I feel like I just can’t sleep. I had coffee too late, didn’t have a night routine, watched too much netflix… whatever.

If I put on RegenerationQ after about 30 minutes of trying and failing to fall asleep, that has CONSISTENTLY been the last thing that I remember.

I play the tape, go back to bed, and then next thing I know I’m awake the next morning. It completely eliminates my tossing and turning habit and gives me a more peaceful sleep.

It’s amazing how in that one sense, it really acts like an Ultima for me.

@RVconsultant I know that the team at SC is working on sleep tech, this might be something to point out to them. I wonder if other people have experienced this too.


Would you please submit a support ticket about this, explaining your idea, and also linking to this post?


I basically moved out and am staying with my parents. No longer living with girlfriend. This will probably be temporary, less than 1 full week.

My mom is about to be discharged from the hospital after 11 days of recovering from surgery (broken hip.) so part of me just wants to be here to help her.

But it’s mainly because I’m getting sick of my girlfriend and her demands on my time.

I only have two priorities right now.

  1. My family.
  2. My business.
  3. Nothing else.

I expected my girlfriend to support me but she became a source of stress for me in a very stressful time.

I tried to just support her as much as I could but after so many fights and stress, I became numb. I don’t have time for her jealousy right now and when she gets upset I don’t want to soothe her and help her feel better anymore. I’m getting mad and frustrated at my relationship.

I told her I wanted to stay at my parents for a while.

She took it like a break-up, and honestly, I’ve been considering breaking up with her a lot lately so I’m not totally surprised. But I don’t want to break up with her.

I want a FUTURE with her but I don’t want the PRESENT with her. I kinda just want her to go away for like 3-6 months.

Also, I never really felt the motivation to listen to SMX again… I noticed that it made sex better for HER but it didn’t make it all that much more pleasurable for ME, which is what I hoped it would do.

I wanna get her listening to seductress, and I REALLY want to get accepted to the ZP version of Diamond. I’ll probably buy Diamond myself.

I realized that I cured my premature ejaculation by learning to stop enjoying sex and feeling pleasure from it like would be normal. Now I don’t cum fast, and I have total control… girls love fucking me.

But after almost 2 years of dating the same person, I don’t have this desire to rock her world anymore, and I’ve realized there’s nothing IN IT for me with sex, so I’m kind of dissatisfied.

My partner is also not great in bed so that doesn’t help things.


Regeneration is still having a helpful effect on my sleep. I couldn’t sleep last night because I stayed up watching SNL. I tossed and turned for a while then put regen on and fell asleep quickly.

Regen’s sleep-inducing effect wasn’t as strong as it normally is, but that’s probably because I was overthinking it. … Now that I expected it to work, it worked more slowly.

I scanned my body trying to fall asleep, while listening, and had really unique, interesting sensations. I kept on feeling like channels of energy were opening up. I noticed myself visibly relax, become less tense, within minutes of starting to listen. My mind definitely slowed down.

This is a really good program.

I’m a few days away from one full month of Regeneration

I don’t plan on continuing to listen to Regeneration as a major program, although the effects were nice.

I can’t say whether or not it’s a “strong” program as the results of my life have been mixed. My relationship went through hell. Did it have a neutral effect (no effect), a negative effect (causing problems), or a positive effect (causing me to want more)? There’s no real way to know. I can’t tell what’s recon and what’s the intended effect.

I built myself a lifestyle based on business and wealth subliminals, and without those subliminals, I’m not operating my business at it’s peak. That is visible in the day-to-day of my business.

I’m going to end this journal and go back to my wealth building stack.

My ADHD custom as a core, and my SalesMasteryQ custom 1-2x a week.

In honour of @RVconsultant I will be sticking to the exact same stack for 60 days, but I realize that Regeneration is not something I want to stick to. I have more immediate goals that I’m taking action on every day, and I’ll commit to a stack directly related to them.


I’m wondering if the above 3 quotes are interconnected. Would you please submit a support ticket so you can enjoy the objective(s) of SMX?

I can certainly understand this, especially as healing subliminals can be very energy intensive… even draining.

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I think that Raphael felt the same thing. Regeneration was a good thing to do for a month, it balanced some stuff out, and then after that, he wanted to get back into more wealth/alpha subs. I think he switched into emperor.

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I’m looking at @Elme’s SMX + AM journal, and the results are extremely interesting. I might continue with a bit of SMX, because that’s obviously still important. But I was pointing out these differences to point out the fact that Diamond might be better suited for me.

I chose SMX over diamond initially because I was worried that pleasure would make me cum too soon so that I needed SMX first to make sure that diamond didn’t re-trigger my PE.

Now I’m realiziing that’s quite the subconscious fear to have. I was a bit turned off by diamond because the idea of pleasure is a mixed bag for me, so diamond is probably exactly what i needed.

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This journal was great… just to come back into it and sum it up… I got some good emotional healing out of this stack and our relationship was doing great when we were running it. I ended up not listening to Heartsong very much just because it’s SO powerful. Regeneration made me feel like I had better habits and my biz partner started commenting that I sounded less stressed.

I still use Elixir as a spot treatment for negative emotions sometimes… that or Sanguine, depending on what I feel I need.

I’m back to full time wealth subs and wealth journalling, so, if you want to continue following that journey, here’s my new sub journal:

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if you had to choose between „Stronger“ or „Eye of the Storm“ module, which one helped you most? @Billions

I’ve only ran the custom that has these modules in it a few times. I can’t say much about either of them

What are you wanting those to help you with?