Billions -& His GF's WholeHearted Healing Stack (Regen + Elixir + Heartsong + Sex MasteryQ)

I’m starting a healing journey of at least 30 days, inspired by @Lion i’ll be listening to regeneration + ElixirU, along with heartsong.

I will be listening to all tracks except elixir at NIGHT while sleeping, alongside my girlfriend. We will both listen to each sub together, and so, our stack is the same.

Mon - Regeneration x 1, SMX x 1
Wed - Regeneration x 1, SMX x 1
Fri - Regeneration x 1, HeartSong x1

Booster - ElixirU up to x1/day (weekdays only)


  • Now that I have a sturdy base in business, I need to focus on the foundations of myself before building it bigger to the exclusion of all else.

  • I no longer procrastinate out of boredom/unwillingness to work, but I DO procrastinate in response to anxiety, which still comes up once every couple of days and makes my work life difficult. I hope to heal that deeper resistance. And to heal any other adhd related mental blockages.

  • I have more power to get my way with now, I need to temper that power with wisdom and virtue now, or else I’ll have influence and use it poorly.

  • i experienced extreme anger during my washout, and realized I have healing to do or else I’ll keep on getting triggered and reacting from that state.

  • regeneration helps with habit development, as the sales page says and Raphael’s journal confirms: “build the foundation of a powerful man.”

  • my business partner said ive been high strung lately and need to chillax a bit.

  • i have looooong standing sexual shame from terrible early experiences and even worse self talk after losing my virginity. I’ve mostly solved that, but I haven’t solved those anxieties to the core of my being. The healing has gone deep, but isn’t totally done yet. It shows up in my relationship from time to time. Regneration + Elixir + Heartsong will all work towards healing that, and I’ve already purchased sex mastery q and will listen to it here and there, too.

  • To heal ADHD and any other mental deficiencies that have arised over my 26 years of life through upbringing, environment, nutrition, or conditioning.

  • I currently have to eat keto in order to avoid depression. If Regen heals my mood swings, I may no longer need to eat keto.

My 5 clear and concise goals for this stack:

  • naturally stop procrastinating
  • stop getting triggered by the important women in my life, respond to perceived negativity with calm
  • build better habits, specifically sleeping early each night, eating enough calories each day without eating junk, and rebuilding an exercise routine.
  • Be at ease in conversations, fear no judgement.
  • learn to triple my focus and complete more tasks per day without being stressed by work. Love my life and work more.

Ultimately, I think that Ascended Mogul got me the results I wanted very quickly. Now I’d like to build up some foundations and stability with Regeneration before expanding myself any further, so that i’m totally congruent.


Two days ago until now


I listened to Sex Mastery for the first time for sexual performance and emotional healing… before deciding to take on a healing stack.

I didn’t feel much after one listen, but there wasn’t much of an opportunity for sex.

My girlfriend and I went for a 3 day weekend and got an Airbnb. I was talking a lot more sexual than usual, especially at one specific moment, although I normally talk sexual here and there so it wasn’t a paradigm shift.

I noticed that I was more confident genuinely talking about sex, which WAS a bit of a paradigm shift. And I didn’t beat around the bush about it at all… sometimes I talk about sex in a coy way or with one foot in the door and one foot out the door, aka without a sexual aura, but this time I DEFINITELY made it clear I was talking about sex and was backing it up with my energy.


Still no sex, just had a good day. Decided to start regen + elixir together with the gf. Playing subs on speakers while sleeping.

Listened to our first loop of Regeneration mid-day.

Had a MASSIVE fight that night. Holy fuck. Regneration pulling up unnecessary trauma? I think so. Holy fuuuuck, were we upset. And at a beautiful fancy dinner too. Next time, we’ll listen to elixir before regen.

But as always, we made gains in our relationship during that fight. As I put it to her, there’s a silver lining to every fight we have because we only fight when one of us brings up something important but sensitive. We may not know how to talk about it all the time, but at least we try, and after the hurt feelings, we do learn from it.

Sunday (today)

Had some great morning sex. She said I took more control, and that Bobby Bullet looked a bit thicker than usual. Coincidence? Or maybe sex mastery? It seems too early for one loop to already be having an effect.

We woke up totally good and happy despite yesterday’s fight.

I listened to my first loop of Elixir and damn did I feel good after. Even while listening to it, I was getting immense pleasure from reading the meditations by marcus aurelius, and I used him as inspiration for my ideal mental state… never react, think calmly, don’t show anger, live a life of philosophy through action.



Went to go for a walk to listen to some audio recordings for work. Didnt do any of that, got distracted instead of excited about work.

Then my car died. I didnt react negatively, which is great. Just casual “ok thats fine”

Regen + Elixir already sending me challenging situations…

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Glad to inspire you to undertake an Elixir + Regeneration journey, my friend. Just like you inspire me on the financial aspect of my life. You can do it!!!


Day 3, Monday

Woke up so HAPPY this morning. I’m thanking Elixir for that one.

My dreams were outrageously positive, which never happens. And in many of my dreams, I was a healer/druid, sometimes specifically giving people “regeneration” or “the elixir.”

My mind seems ready for the changes that are about to come :slight_smile:

Woke up at 5:45am full of energy and happy about my dreams/state of mind. Went back to bed, woke up with my alarm at 6:30am again happy and full of energy.

I just lied there though, didn’t get out of bed. I’d like to start developing a morning routine that I naturally start after waking up rather than just staying in bed. I’ve had ones in the past, but they don’t stick. Anyone have any methods they used to help themselves get out of bed naturally rather than lie down more?

EDIT: My Oura Ring (sleep tracking device) commented on how well rested I must feel today based on how low my resting heart rate was well I slept. My heart rate is literally lower than it’s ever been. Having an Oura Ring is going to be great data to track alongside my healing journey


Day 3, evening.

making small progress towards my goals even this early on! Noticed that I worked 9 hours solid without any procrastination or distractions or anxiety today. It was a biiiit of an easier day today, but I was totally on it.

Also, at the end of 9 hours, at 5pm, I totally disconnected from work, cooked myself a meal and did some meal prep, and went for a walk with the GF.

I often times want to “disconnect” after work but then just end up watching youtube videos, so this is a small victory that I’m really happy about.

I’m already feeling the “foundations of a powerful man” advertised from Regen!


Kindly elaborate what you have experienced and you will be rewarded with Billions

Day 4, Morning

I managed to wake up right when my alarm went off.

First thing I did in the morning was go meditate.

Usually I don’t meditate in the morning because I fall asleep meditating, but today, I had the idea that if I breathe heavily while meditating and watch my heavy breathing, I’ll be able to stay awake and focus. And it worked!

I see this as my mind being more committed to waking up and having a morning routine. It’s already finding the solutions it needs to find in order to achieve it’s goals.

@pacman these are the types of things I mean when I say foundations. Habits. So far I’ve made small but significant progress in things like waking up naturally, having a morning routine that I do right after waking, eating healthier, and detaching from work by having healthy activities to detach with (rather than ending my work day by going on YouTube/Netflix for 2 hours).


Day 4 workday

Today’s a fucking waste. I’m distracted. That’s all I came to say.

Day 5, morning.

Yesterday, I got distracted from drinking the coffee they give us at WeWork. It’s too strong and aggravates my ADHD. I was pretty unhappy yesterday at my own work ethic. I thought about just leaving work and going for a long walk or ending early since I was distracted anyways, but, it didn’t happen.

I’m getting FAST results from RegenQ + ElixirU. And they’re so natural… it doesn’t feel like anything is being superimposed onto my being, like sometimes happens with Ascended Mogul. AM feels surprising sometimes, foreign. Everything that happens on this healing stack seems like it’s happening from within. Like nothing “new” is happening, it’s just that my blocks are being removed.

Progress: I got in a fight with my mum a bit before starting regen. For over a week, I would clench my face and clench my teeth and suppress a burst of anger any time I thought of my mum. Last night I realized that I haven’t done that since I started this stack. Emotional release/softening.

Progress: Got a quick workout in today before work. Just jumping on a mini-trampoline and then some squats as well. But it was another example of how the results from this stack feel so natural.

Learned: Sex Mastery is unisex, so I’m going to be adding it to our sleep stack. Girlfriend and I will listen to Regen + SMX on Mon/Wed/Fri together. That should be spicy. We’ll listen to Heartsong together once a week or maybe even once every two weeks. in my experience, it’s a VERY powerful sub. Once a week gets us MORE than enough results.


Day 5, workday.

Feeling the benefits of Regen + ElixirU on my PRODUCTIVITY ever since I started this stack. Reading the quotes below before starting my journey, I had hoped that they were true. And they most certainly are.

I’m feeling more and more productive and in action mode "because that’s what emotionally healthy people do."

I’m less bogged down by anxiety and avoidant tendencies (YouTube when supposed to be doing something not enjoyable, for example).

My work days have been WAY more productive, but also, I don’t work for as long. I used to work for 12 hours straight, with lots of distraction. Now I work 7-9 hours straight, but totally distraction free. I’m more effective overall.

And I’m more likely to stop and go for a walk mid day, or end work once I’m truly tired, rather than start internet binging in the middle/end of my day.

I’ll shut down for the day, read, rest, recover, and get ready for the next day, and be fresh for the next day too. Hopefully this continues and I gain more consistency in my life.

@JayFlex consistency is difficult for ADHD folk so it’s one example of what it might look like if Regen were able to heal ADHD.


Day 5, Diet

Also, I haven’t been eating keto since starting Regeneration. I usually get very depressed if off Keto, unproductive, and unable to find flow at work. But I’ve been off it for 7 days now without issue.

I’m not sure if this is connected to Regen. If it is… then… Regen is basically curing depression.

Day 5, sex

I’m excited to have found out that SMX is unisex. I’ll be playing it tonight while my gf and I sleep. Both of us listening to SMX for a while is going to be a real treat.

I’ll get Diamond Ultima a few months from now.

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day 5, evening

This is getting to the root cause of any productivity issues I’ve ever experienced. Now, procrastinating seems odd and Youtube feels boring.

I went for a walk today and noticed how beautiful the weather was.

My self talk and self image is so much better already. I’m easier on myself and don’t doubt myself as much. I’m finding myself talking to random people that end up beside me on the street.

The healing in this stack would be great for anyone on a long term seduction journey.


Mel Robins’ “5-Second Rule” is perfect for this

@palpatine - Will buy that book. i’ve heard it many times. Now it’s what I need. Thanks!

Day 6, Morning/Workday

Today my mood is fluctuating a tad bit on the low side. I’m not complaining, just diagnosing and assessing. My morning was nothing but calls so today was an amazing day to be low, since I don’t need to be top performing on calls. Just present.

When I was training our team and how to take calls, I felt VERY highly elated. I loooove training them. I’m basically a mentor/coach now for people who’s success is intricately linked to my own. Feels cool.

I’m writing this down because my baseline is moving upwards. Even though today is a “low” day, it’s a much better low day than I’ve had in other times.

All my past progress has continued to slowly and incrementally improve. I no longer need to be on keto to avoid depression. My sleep has been good. Procrastination is less of an issue. I’m happier walking around and socializing now. My anger is subsiding. I feel higher status.

I’m VERY self-aware. That’s what living in a meditation centre will do to you. So all these changes are still in their early stages, except for keto/depression and procrastination which improved right away. But even though they’re early stage, I can feel the shift instantly, small as it may be.

Not gonna apply for the Wanted test, but if there’s ever an Ascended Mogul test, I’lll definitely apply.

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Day 7, morning.

We listened to Heartsong on Wednesday and then had a brutal fight Thursday evening. This is a pattern with Heartsong sometimes.

I’m not sure if it’s recon or if it’s a part of the process. I’m not going to judge it as good or bad either way. It just is.

But damn, even if we learn something at the end, they’re rough fights sometimes.

I’m definitely going to stay slow on Heartsong loops. Like I said earlier, it’s a powerful program. I’ll stick to 1x a week MAXIMUM, more like once every 10-14 days.

Not only does Heartsong cause fights, but it detracts from the effects of Regeneration + Elixir.

As I listen to other subs, I feel the effects of Rg+Ex less powerfully.

I haven’t tested out SMX much yet, but I fear it’ll have the same effect, although I hope it’s much lighter than HS, because I’d be happy if I had a Rg+Ex+SMX stack and left HS on the back burner until those results come through. But If I had to, I’d drop everything else just to focus on rg+ex in a heartbeat.

As far as work and healing/anxiety are concerned, I’m noticing a consistent pattern. If I don’t want to work, I do something healthy to regenerate my energy rather than something unhealthy to dig myself into a deeper ditch. This morning, I was super tired, so instead of starting my day out awfully, I cleaned the house and cooked a big meal. Now I’m working just fine.

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Day 8.

Heartsong too strong

I feel like it has some scripting involving not accepting anything less than your “dream” partner. That’s great for manifestating a partner, but it’s frustrating when you’re already in a relationship with a woman that you care about.

We’re fighting, maybe it’s recon, but we’re fighting because we’re being way more particular about when each of us does something the other doesn’t like.

Also, I’m getting more in touch with my emotions and I’m opening up to my partner about them more.

I usually don’t tell her about my vulnerabilities and things I don’t like about our relationship, so now that I’m opening up a bit more… Maybe she feels like I’m attacking her when I tell her the things I don’t like/wish to improve about our relationship, and then she takes it personally.

That’s why our fights have been fucking BRUTAL, but, also weirdly productive.

In other news, had great sex and felt like I had more stamina with SMX. I always had good stamina when having sex with my partner, but now even when we’re in positions that normally make me blow my load right away, I’m able to hold out for way longer. (her on her stomach, in case you need the vivid details).


Sunday, September 19th (because counting days is tedious.)

I did something I never thought I would do and made the firm internal commitment to become a realtor, getting my license alongside having my normal business. I have more work cut out for me than before but I’m feeling confident in my ability to handle it.

This is definitely a sign of some emotional healing, as before, visualising my future as a realtor was something that made me feel panic and fear of failure, but now it makes me feel excited (alongside some panic and fear of failure). SubClub and this stack have helped me do something I’ve been afraid of doing for a long time… so afraid of it, that this is my first time even admitting it’s something I ever wanted to do.

New Goals

  • Wake up at 530am every weekday to study real estate for 1-2 hours before starting my workday.
  • Work 7 days a week, at least 4 hours on weekends.


No longer fighting. Took an extra day off just to let recon cool down. Going to DRASTICALLY reduce my stack just back down to RgQ/ExU. I want to feel the full effects of this.

A thought for stacking after healing

I realize now that Ascended Mogul got me results relatively quickly. I’m a 1000000% different person than I was before starting AM. It took a while for the changes to kick into my real life, but my situation is SO different than it was a few months ago. While money is still tight, the business is booming, and my money problems are entirely because of debt that I took on before starting this business (digital marketing agency coaching programs and a business coaching program, total debt: 23K CAD.)

Once I’m done healing, I think that running House Of Medici makes more sense than running Ascended Mogul.


Considering running a custom ultima designed to heal adhd and take advantage of the new module pack.

Organization perfected, single point, true sell, way of roi… getting all of those FOR SURE.

And then maybe eye of the storm, stronger, and rebirth. I’ll think over the last ones I want, or if I just want a 4 module ultima.

I’m not doing well on my goal of waking up in the morning and working.

Like most subs I’ve tried, I got the full effect of Regen right away and then the honeymoon effect faded and reconciliation started setting in.

I helped with counting ballots for the election yesterday so I went to sleep at almost midnight. I also ate a bunch of chinese food there… so my sleep was terrible and I woke up feeling tored and my stomach hurt.

So i just went back to bed.

But that bothers me because my goal is to wake up right when my alarm goes off.

I set my alarms for reasonable times, it’s just I need to “kill the little inside of me.” To quote Sabri Subi.