Best way of growing a twitter account organically?

I read somewhere that u gotta offer people better insights for free than the paid insights available in the market.

I thought up a solid (and somewhat original) insight about entreprenuership and posted it. 13 people saw it and 1 liked it. Thats terrible.

Other ways of growing followers:

  • @ ing someone famous and having a value generating conversation with them.
  • use good hash tags.

Any other tips on growing a twitter account from 0?

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Engagement - spend 30 mins a day engaging with other users with similar topics - comment on as many as you can. (So their followers can see your comments and then choose to follow you. ) Social media is called social media for a reason, it prefers people that use it and engage with it.

Edited to add - I brought some 140 page guide from someone a while back about - how he grew his twitter account (he now has over 300K followers) - if you would like it, I can send you a link to my google drive.

If you’re interested in this mindset and the business owner behind it, that’s Alex Hormozi.

Not sure if you knew that.

But he has the best channel right now on how to blow up, how to have a brand that provides value, how to build a business overall. Great guy to learn from.

You made ONE post.

Come back and complain about your terrible engagement after making 3 posts a day every day for a year. At that point, you’ll have earned the complaint. Until then, put in the work.

If you build a base one inch wide, you’ll get a following one inch tall.

If you build a base a mile wide, you’ll get a following a mile tall.

Moral of the story is you’ve gotta dig the trenches and do the work and do it without getting rewarded for it for a long time before you get rewarded big. Sounds like that solid and original insight was a step in the right direction. You just need 100 more posts that are that good or better.

Then one day, one of those 13 people that see your good but obscure post will look at all of the posts that you made, then look at your profile, then look at all the other good posts that you made, then give you a shoutout, and that person will be Joe Rogan or something, and then you’ll be “big”-ish. But until then, just keep going, commit for the long haul, and see what happens

Can you tell me who that guy is? The guy wid 300k followers.

I’m not complaining. haha.
U write well btw :wink:

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I grew my account to 15k followers before I couldnt be bothered with twitter anymore.

Basically comes down to this:

  • Create a list on Twitter of accounts you like and followers you would like to gain from
  • Go through this list EVERY DAY, and comment VALUE under their tweets. They need to ADD, not just “yeah, cool”
  • Post about 2-3 high quality tweets on your own timeline

Rinse repeat for months.

That’s about it.

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Looks good. I’ll try it out.