Best sub for nofap?

Best sub for semen retention and warding off sexual thoughts?


Khan Black


Add Emperor Black to that for Monk Mode benefits.

It’s like Emperor Black is Stop Porn and Masturbation + Monk Mode modules made into a title.

And Khan Black is Inner Gasoline + Inner Blaze modules made into a title.

So go with Emperor Black + Khan Black.


Khan black stage 1 worked rly good for me


Pretty advanced but if you’ve run a bunch of foundational subs

Khan Black ST1 is definitely the “best” for this.

And stacking with GLM would put that in overdrive

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This is just personal experience so take that for what it’s worth

When I’m using that energy to create things in my life it becomes kinda a moot point.

If I wanted to climax there’s no problem doing so but just to do so isn’t something that’s a priority.


without a doubt, spartan. It is anti-pleasure. fapping, smoking, junk food. It erases the need for all of these.


An anti-smoking sub, awesome


I still can’t understand what Khan Black, specifically Inner Gasoline and Inner Blaze, designed for. Could you explain, please?


Just go for Khan Black without a second thought.


Khan Black Stage 2. Everything else is secondary.

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It’s turning your sexual energy into other purposes whether it be more energy, more masculinity, more wealth, etc. Sexual Transmutation.


I would go one step deeper. Ask yourself what is the reason why you have a problem with PMO.
Normally people choose Porn to avoid a problem. So if you remove porn the problem still exist. thats the reason people who do Nofap are getting angry and are still very miserable.

So if you have a problem with lonliness - run True Social
If you have a problem with being a weak man - run ascension
if you have a problem with your appearance and self image - run wanted
and so on …

You see there is no “one fit alle subliminal” for nofap.

Ask yourself with all honesty why you use it and then the answer what you should run comes to you


I started using subs a month back for the same goal and has already been on semen retention for 15 days. I am using Spartan Apex warrior and Dragon Reborn : Limit Destroyer. for me Dragon Reborn : Limit Destroyer is amazing. Also read the book “Easy Peasy method to quit porn” . Its available for free.

I had been struggling with PMO for a decade and these things stopped them very effectively.
you can check my journey here : Enigma Journal - Spartan + Dragon Reborn LD

Best of luck on your journey !!


Sounds like Spartan & Khan Black both have multiple votes. I’ve seen MANY reports on Khan Black doing this. Spartan I’ve seen many people say it’s good for habits and extreme mental discipline overall. Bjay is right to an extent that working on your life overall is a good way to fill in those gaps overall, but specifically for sexual energy, and specifically to answer your question, NOTHING is more appropriate than KB


Would Khan Black also help with totally getting rid of sexual thoughts and preventing wet dreams?

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considering the description, it would help

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According to Dr. K the best sub for stopping PMO is Genesis…

Getting rid of wet dreams, yes.

Another thing that helps with preventing wet dreams is kegels, obviously, but also Tai Chi Brocade exercises, especially #7 or #8. (The one where you do a forward fold, touch your toes, then roll your hands back up your shins and torso. VERY effective for that and would be an example of “taking action” on KB because that specifically focuses on your sexual energy)

Getting “rid” of sexual thoughts though….

This is tricky.

I don’t want to answer the question.

I want to ask instead…

Why do you want to “get rid of” sexual thoughts…

Instead of integrating them, using them positively, lessening the negative positive thoughts while increasing the positive sexual thoughts, etc.

What is your ACTUAL goal?

By “getting rid of sexual thoughts” do you mean that you get distracted at work by porn addiction? Or you have the desire to cheat constantly? Or you see women in your life as a sexualized object?

Or are your “sexual thoughts” actually sexual insecurity… perhaps walking down the street and wanting to F every woman but simultaneously feeling like every woman is out of your league, or constantly being obsessed with your own sexual insecurity?

Just giving some examples of specificity.

Because “getting rid of sexual thoughts” without context sounds like deep shame regarding your own sexuality and some deeply misguided religious purism that’s told you you are “bad” if you have any sexuality, even if it’s positive sexuality


I mean day dreaming about sex to the point i get pre cum, i feel like this messes with my sexual energy and progress and causes wet dreams

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