Becoming High Status: Ascended Mogul, Billions' Mindset (Part 2)

You ever say anything like that to me again and I’m going to get you kicked right off my fucking journal.

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Oh, mb for being blunt with you then, but my intention was to tell you the truth. Brother to brother, guess you don’t want that.

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I don’t give a fuck if she goes. That’s LITERALLY MY WHOLE COMMENT.

I’m amazed that I don’t care.

I’m great with “truth” but you literally just assumed the exact opposite of what is going on.

WHY don’t you care? Is she not your girl?

I’m great with “truth” but you literally just assumed the exact opposite of what is going on.

You literally implied what I said. By implying you had no control and also bringing up cheating. Come on bro.

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My whole vibe with her these days is “I’m willing to drop you in a second. I love you very much, but the new rule is we have good interactions or else I don’t want to spend time with you.”

She got in line real quick and has been nothing but good to me.

I literally told her to take her emotional processing to someone else and I don’t want to hear her doubts and fears about our relationship anymore and she just complied and doesn’t tell me about it anymore.

I literally am coming from the point that if she’s going to be a good girlfriend, great, if not, I’ll get a new one in a second without a second thought.

These days, she’s being great and doing pretty much everything I want.

I cheated on her, thought about how I would feel if she returned the favour, and then realized I wouldn’t give a shit because I’d just go find someone new. I realized how much power I have and how indifferent I am to external events

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Ahh perfect then, lmfao.

And also, as a rule of thumb, men are allowed to cheat in relationships. So it’s not about “thought about how I would feel if she returned the favour”. She isn’t supposed to regardless. But I see you’re good.

I actually want her to go to more shit like this without me. One thing that I’ve changed is stopping letting her be clingy and dependent on me. We used to spend all our time together, she used to need a phone call EVERY SINGLE DAY. After I cheated on her, funnily enough, it was me making demands on what our relationship was going to look like if we stayed together. She was the one that wanted it at any cost and I was the one that wanted it under conditions. And one condition was damn girl stop being so clingy.

So i actually want her to go out to more of these, get a life. She’s way more social than me, has hundreds of friends, but feels like she can’t do anything without me. Now that’s actually been fixed already. I talk to her when I want it, not just when she wants it, and she’s adapted. It’s already been fixed and her going to a party like this is a great sign. it’s the second or third she’s gone to and I literally don’t spend two seconds worrying about it

Sorry for being an asshole. Much love <3 this is the work of processing shadow emotions.

I’m glad you think we’re similar in a lot of ways! Hopefully you still do haha. I think that when people are honest, most people can relate with them. We’re all a lot less unique than we think, we just don’t do a great job of communicating thoughts that we’ve had but never thought about it detail.

@Invictus your journal is great.

Spartan seems like a bit much because I don’t really workout all that much.

I think I’m going to go for Chosen and Limitless as a two-stack, see how I feel, and then from there add more respect from others with Wanted, if I’m good and just want to enhance sales calls, or pick something like Regeneration if it’s emotional issues that are holding me back from working at my full potential


Ofc bro, don’t sweat it. I related even with that little explosion of yours :smirk::smirk:. But I’ve already taken sort of a hold of who I am, and just don’t give a **** about what anyone says anymore. I just dismantle **** without making a scene.


Bro I totally exploded. Ka-boom. Every once in a while there’s just an assumption that to me sounds like it comes out of left field on Sub Club and the assumption is so wildly different from what I’m actually feeling, I lose my shit.

I’m also protective of my relationship. This is a journal. I’m the only one that can shit talk my girlfriend. Anyone else says anything bad about her I’ll also lose my shit haha. In my personal life I NEVER say anything bad about her. Ever. Just not how I operate.


Absolutely respect it G, tho my intention was to never disrespect her but to shed light on the manner, as invasive as that sounds. My bad.


Main reason I’ve been thinking about breaking up with her isn’t even because of her. I’m just so confident these days I feel like I could go for someone that would really stroke the status ego.


I see. Well, you do you. :ok_hand:t2:

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And also, as a rule of thumb, men are allowed to cheat in relationships

This is a weak mindset to your masculine core, when you have your shit together this isnt even important.

You’re coming at me from the premise of me doing it out of a need to prove something, I’m not doing it out of that, but because it’s something normal and natural. Obviously, you should never violate the sanctity of your marriage… it’s something more complex than that. It’s about the natural biology of man, where he is allowed to have more than one woman simultaneously, whereas it is abnormal for women to do the same thing as their biology does not reflect that (women get pregnant, men don’t)

I wasn’t urging @Billions to cheat, rather I was merely making a point.

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Just put on Limitless the movie. Typing this out during the opening credits. What a classic


One of my favorites; I rewatch it weekly
However, the real NZT won’t be a pill; It will be a subliminal. :slight_smile:

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