Becoming High Status: Ascended Mogul, Billions' Mindset (Part 2)

Started my day SO distracted. Blocked most of the distracting sites i use off my computer completely. We’ll see how that goes.

RICH is feeling nice stacked with AM.

It’s helping me focus more of my mindset on the most important money generating activities. How can I make more money. How can I manifest money. How can I act in a way that’ll bring me money.

I feel like it has a productivity/focus enhancing element because it helps me realize which tasks will help me manifest money the fastest.

It WANTS me to focus more and more of my time on sales so that dream clients can fall into my lap so it’s helping me restructure my business so that I have more time for sales.

Amazing stuff!

Im realizing im listening WAAAY too much. I’m on a one day on, one day off schedule, with a booster ultima every single day. This is the recommended pattern but I’m pretty sensotive. I’ve known that in the past as well.

I think I’m in a massive recon rut. The depression and hatred for life I feel has been similarly described by emperoroffreedom in his journal.

Why I think i’m experiencing so much recon on AM right now, apart from overlistening, is that I haven’t been taking as much action as I want to on my goals and havent been making much progress.

My mental talk has been pretty bad as I punish myself for not being disciplined at my goals. Telling myself I’m a failure, i’m a bad person, etc. Etc. Is almost a new normal for me whereas before I’ve never said that to myself.

The Ascended Mogul only has one path… success… and he’ll be the first to punish himself for not achieving it.

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I heavily recommitted to taking the most important actions for my health, wealth, and focus. I’ve been doing all of these things for only 24 hours so far but i already feel like a brand new person. You can hear how much more cheerful and energetic I am in my voice. I am more focused. I am happier. I am crushing my to do lists. I don’t feel a sense of stress about my future, I feel positive and hopeful.

Eating a consistent paleo diet. (I tried committing to keto, but right now it’s a bit above my capacity. Will be easier after a month of keto)

Completely quitting all online entertainment. No chess, youtube, or browsing social media. This was the MOST important one. I think I need to be on a paleo diet to manage it. But if I do this, all the rest of the habits will fall into place easier. So far, so good!

Meditating 30+ minutes every day. I meditated for an hour yesterday, a half hour this morning, and will meditate another 45+ mins today. Even my two meditations so far made me feel AMAZING. I could feel my body be on the verge of total panic at the beginning of it… I was holding on to so much stress… but at the end of it I fell asleep at 9pm and had the most peaceful sleep I’ve had in months.

Waking up immediately and jumping straight into the shower the moment I hear my alarm. Even putting my alarm clock into the bathroom so that I have to walk in the bathroom first thing every morning.

Working consistently from 9-6. Obviously. I need to take action if I want to make money.

Stopping work no later than 630. Subtle but important. I’ve thrown off my schedule so many times by working late and waking up late (and unhappy) the next day.

Meditating specifically at 8pm, along with any other meditations I’ve done that day. To facilitate good sleep and a good end to the day.

Absolutely no caffeine ever. Majorly important. Coffee is a short term high that makes me feel way worse in the long run.


This is amazing. Thank you for the sharing.

Do you play the subs at the same time ?

Like two tracks playing at once? No. I play them separately. I’m not sure what you mean though… does anyone play them at the exact same time?

When I get my ZP stack, I’m going to cut them all into the same audio file and listen to them back to back.

Right now I’m going to start with Chosen and Rich. Maybe I’ll use paragon or regeneration as a booster aka listen to it about once a week.

But my audio file for ZP will be thirty minutes long, and I’ll only have to press “play” once, and listen to them back to back, rather than listen to multiple separate files.

Do you mean you’re gonna modify the files by combining two or more files together? I thought any modifications would render the files useless.

Can’t you make a playlist with just the files in the order you want, in that case you can play them back to back with one press of “play”.

why would two files played back to back render them useless? it’s the exact same files, except two ZP’s @ 30 minutes instead of 1 zp @ 15

Damn. Listened to one loop of regeneration ZP last night since it was in my downloads and then went out drinking, went to a ping pong bar followed by an actual bar. Stayed out till 1am. Normally that fucks me for work the next day… and I DID wake up late… which normally REALLY fucks me for work the next day…

But amazingly I woke up with no anxiety, had a bit of breakfast, started working, and then crushed it on a sales call and loved my tonality and vibe, plus booked the second call.

So it’s amazing how regeneration seems to have helped me do things that normally make me feel stressed and anxious, but removed almost all the immediate negative consequences.

because those negative consequences are a result of a bad habit of thinking. the scripting is removing unnecessary thought patterns that lead to negative consequences :wink:

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I decided to go all out and test out ZP, so I’m going to put Ascended Mogul on hold while focusing on CHOSEN and RICH.

I might play around with my third ZP track, or might even just make it a two-track stack. Regeneration and Limitless are both appealing third choices.

I listened to my first loop of Chosen today and I felt great on sales calls. Extremely positive, confident, I liked the sound of my voice, I was developing good rapport with whoever I spoke with. I even found it easier to shoot quick videos of myself on camera.

But later in the day I had a sales call to close someone I had spoken to jst earlier that day. My biz partner and I decided to test out using a sales deck presentation instead of having a normal conversation which is the way I’ve always sold. I was very against the idea but he was really pushing for it, and I was willing to give it a shot at least.

The sales deck bombed hard, and I found myself getting so angry about it. Even four hours later I’m still angry about it. I felt like this was literally a lay up that I could’ve sold with my eyes closed, but switching to a sales deck cost us the sale.

I feel like Chosen is pulling me to show more leadership and design the sales process because thats what I’m best at. A lot of the time it’s ny partner that designs systems an I’m the one that executes on them, but in this case, i need to be doing it myself.

In Chosen Fashion, rather than attack the sales deck idea, I have several ways to pivot it into something useful… a prep pack… or a tiny sales presentation to show for 5 minutes…

Either way, inspiring and encouraging rather than shooting down an idea

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I had said that last night’s drinking didnt give me anxiety when i woke up this korning, which is great, but i think its why im holding onto so much negative emotion now later in the day.

So it wasnt totally consequence free, but still a improvement

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My mornings and evenings are getting more locked in. They haven’t immediately solved my productivity issues, but they’re definitely helpful to my MOOD which will be helpful to my productivity. Also, I might switch out RICH ZP for Limitless ZP for 21 days to make sure that when i’m running RICH i have more action-taking potential to express manifestation pathways.

Also, after listening to ZP, my dream were absolutely wild. I can’t remember them, but they were very dramatic.

But the day of listening to ZP I had a near-meltdown. Many factors were included… I got piss drunk the night before, I broke my no coffee rule, I procrastinated and ended up on youtube, breaking that rule too, I had an embarassing failure, and I overloaded the subliminals (accidentally, my computer played the next track ultrasonic automatically so I didn’t realize I listened to chosen and regeneration twice each, alongside one of rich.

But I slept super early last night, felt like a powerful leader today, took responsibility for my failure, and am feeling good and productive today.

My girlfriend is going to a party tonight and I’m very present to how apathetic I am to what happens. If she were to cheat on me I don’t think I’d be very upset. I’m definitely settling in my relationship right now. Waiting for it to bloom back to what it was. It’s more a me-problem than a her problem. I’m just 100% focused on this business. It’s not about her being the right girl or not being the right girl for me. She is the right girl, or at least, I’m living off the assumption that she could be… but I just genuinely don’t care bout anything but my business at all right now. If I get to hang out with her once a week, great. If not, I get to grind more. All good either way.

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Its funny how the last post is basically you talking to your inner self. When you say if your girlfriend cheated on you you dont care…why are you with your girl? I had to post this, my masculine core was screaming i had to help a brother up.

I understand you might be in a difficult situation in your life right now, and i respect that but respect yourself and remove those inferior thoughts from your mind. Our inner talk is the most potent weapon in the entire umiverse, if people only knew we manifest into our reality what we talk to ourselfs in a daily basis ppl were only talking positive to their inner selfs. A good example if you want to fact check this is Muhamed Ali, he went so further on talking positive to himself he seemed almost crazy to normal people…just see what he accomplished.

The best thing we can do is starting a journal so you can clearly see the patterns and change them.



Thanks for the comment.

Relationship Talk

It’s weird. I have the relationship that I want with the person I want. But right now, in this exact moment, I don’t want it.

If I broke up with her, all I would be looking for is exactly what I already have.

Not to mention, in the short term, my life would get worse. We have good routines. We actually had amazing routines when we lived together, a lot of my anger comes from the fact that I lost a lot of the good in my life when we stopped living together.

(I didn’t realize that until writing this. Thank you again journalling for providing clear insights)

It’s not a her problem, it’s a me problem, which is what I was saying earlier.

At the same time, I’m holding on to some anger around the way that her and I almost broke up. I kissed another girl, she found out, we no longer live together, etc.

If she cheated on me now, I just noticed this ease in my mind where I’d just break up with her and be done with it without much of a second thought.

I currently don’t really want a relationship. But generally speaking it’s my preferred way of being. I pretty much got my dream relationship, and now I’m just not focusing on it. I’ve moved on to focusing on the other aspects of my life and the relationship is taking a toll. So part of me is just waiting and seeing if this is an adjustment period for the relationship, or if it’s actually a major sign that we operate great as a tight-knit unit but don’t support each other’s independence well.

I think that in a month or two I’ll stop thinking this way, which is why I’m writing it down and noticing the patterns without being reactive about them. Breaking up with her now after 2 years of good and only a small period of time would be reactive. However, if I still feel the way I do 6 months from now or something then I’ve obviously been feeling negatively for way too long and need to do something about it. That’s why this journal helps me, to like you say, notice the patterns

In other news. I listened to one loop of limitless ZP and got this surge of energy and productivity half-way through. it’s not a hard work day for me, but I’m more so just checking in on things… I’m excited to listen to this while working during the work day.

I’m really deliberating over my stack. There’s a quote from Saint saying that people should listen to Chosen after listening to limitless if they have productivity issues that are stopping them from being a leader, and that sums me up perfectly. However, Chosen doesn’t just help me with leading my team, it helps me on sales call and being the face of the brand. One day the Chosen + Stark combo will make me famous!

Limitless seems like a serious enhancement to my stack. Chosen seems like a serious enhancement to my sales calls and bottom line revenue, alongside my health, happiness, and optimism. Since it’s a physical shifting sub as well I probably want to get lots of exposure to it. So i’m thinking I’ll even stop RICH for a little while to focus on building pathways to GET RICH… ie, be a leader that takes action.

So Chosen and Limitless would be better subs for building myself up than RICH would be.

I really see Chosen as the enhancement of/replacement for Ascended Mogul. The goals seem similar. If Ascended Mogul was ZP I would unhesitatingly add it to my stack, but for now, I’m testing out ZP only.

The third sub in my stack is a choice between regeneration, RICH, or nothing. Regeneration because emotional balance is nice. I get mood swings and that effects my productivity as well. RICH would help manifest money. And “nothing” would make Chosen and Limitless work faster.

There’s also the option of running Wanted as the third stack, which would give me some major physical shifting, inner confidence, might help my relationship concerns, improve sales calls if i’m the one they’re chasing, and according to @Invictus calm my adhd rabbit brain.

@Invictus i’m gonna troll around through your Wanted Journals a little more and see what I get inspired for. You got any comments on what I might do for a stack, given these comments?


The best thing I can tell you to use is Spartan ZP,
I don’t really have any experience with it, but I feel like it would pair amazingly with both Chosen and limitless, especially to keep you focused and determined, with extra physical shifting effects too.

Also about getting chased, have you run Chosen yet?

I’m actually starting to prefer the recognition I get on it, more than WANTED’s attraction.


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Tbh, that has less to do with personal power and more with being spiritually solid. You are so aligned with your soul that of course you get up at the “correct” time. You gravitate towards what you need in the moment because you’re at one with yourself. Unhindered by distractions.

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As a man, you always know in your gut what is the right move with those under you, which includes your girl or kids or whatever. I’m sure in your gut you felt that she shouldn’t go… yet you let her go. So yes, huge mistake. Congratulations. Chances of her sucking some **** is very high.

And when you do live like the man by actually enforcing your will through your inner knowing, she might test you to see if you really mean what you’re about, to which you will have to give another response by listening to your gut, once again.

I’m living off the assumption that she could be… but I just genuinely don’t care bout anything but my business at all right now.

All excuses to make yourself feel better about your bad decision.