Becoming High Status: Ascended Mogul, Billions' Mindset (Part 2)

It already is a subliminal. ZP has saved us <3


Damn. This movie makes me wanna take adderall

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I had a crazy dream last night. I was the positive Alpha, Chosen-style. We were all camping outside, there was an oven, I asked the guy why he had a fire going on in the oven and why there were coffee cups in the oven… he said he was giving the cups a smoky flavour before serving coffee in them. I approved. He was proud to show me his trick.

I had a kid… i’ve never dreamed I was a father before. But I was more focused on the group than the kid.

And I was well-liked anywhere I went in that group. I was always happy because I was the positive alpha, i created and received happiness anywhere I went.

It was like I was the leader of some modern tribe, and I was going and checking on all of my people.

In that same dream, i took a girl to my bedroom and started making out with her and we were going to have sex. The plot twist that happens is fucking hilarious.

I said “would you be my girlfriend if I broke up with my girlfriend?” She said she would if thats what I want.

I reach down her pants to start playing with her and what do I find down there… a dick! She has a dick! And i’m like “wtf is that!!!” And she’s confused too so she’s also like “wtf is that!!!”

And it’s so scary that I wake up immediately. And in real life, I have my own dick in my hands. My dream crossed over with real life. I must’ve grabbed my dick while I was dreaming about making out with this chick because it made me horny… and then my mind registered what was happening in the real world and put it into the dream.

Yeah. Hilarious interruption to an otherwise awesome dream. But the dream was really powerful… ive never had such an obviously subliminally-induced dream before, but I was 100% Chosen in that dream!


I started using alarmy to wake up in the morning and it is AMAZING. I do memory problems first thing in the morning to wake up, and I can set how many I do anf how hard they are.

It’s similar to an “n-back” program, which has benefits for intelligence… and since it’s a memory game where you visualize and memorize squares, it’ll be good for my chess brain too, which is a lil hobby of mine.

Waking up in the mornings is really important to me because one thing I realize about myself is how INCONSISTENT i am.

Some days I stick to my set routines in life, my promises, my responsibilities. I’ll be on it for a few weeks, but it’ll only last a few weeks, and then i’ll be a wreck for a few more weeks, then i’ll “recommit” and be good for a few MORE weeks… and I flip’flop like that my whole life.

It’s been the story of my experience with subs and this forum as well. I definitely post more when I’m good and feel like I have little to share when I’m not on top of things.

So I’m trying to become more consistent and the easiest way i can see to do that is regular wake ups… the same time for months at a time

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Lol. Hilarious. Thanks troll.

Limitless ZP makes me waaaay too skeepy if I listen to two back to back loops. I listened to it at 7am and crawled back to bed till 9.

And last week, I listened to two loops at 5pm and slep from 6pm - 930.

I’ll make a note of this and start listening to it before bed, not during my workday.

I do feel remarkably sharp after listening to it this morning! Still a bit tired, but sharp too! :smiley:

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Chosen has had very subtle but very immediate effects. I started experiencing these changes from the first loop, but only noticed them after a few days of feeling sifferent and realizing it was a pattern.

First of all, my panic has stopped almost completely. I have a much more grounded confidence, compared to sometimes freaking out about not generating enough revenue or worrying about what’s going to happen.

My leadeeship skills have definitely elevated for my team. I have always been a levelheaded leader that displays confidence and empathy. I’ve been able to train my two sales guys to be phenomenally good at their roles, and they’re happy in the job. So this wasn’t a major deficit for me. But i find myself being even more courteous, more encouraging, more thinking as a team instead of an individual. I realize leveraging my team is more effective than anything I could be capable of doing on my own. I am looking for ways to delegate, train, and advance the guys I have to have more responsibility.

On sales calls, I command a much deeper respect, and I truly feel like I’m being regarded as an expert in the industry rather than as a sales person. I’m controlling the frame of the conversation, but, from the prospect’s point of view, they probably think they’re as in control as I am, because my frame is “I will answer all your questions and solve all your problems with my solutions.” This is positive leadership in action.

Also had a crazy manifestation moment where I got on a sales call with a Realtor who I had many mutual connections with. We’re all eXp Realtors (i’ll be getting licensed as a realtor soon enough), and the guy i was speaking to recruited the guy that recruited the guy that recruited the guy that recruited me.

Did you catch all that? Lol.

So instantly I had his trust, sense of camraderie with him. We’re sort of a “team” already in a very loose sense, so even though we only had an introduction call, he ended it by telling me he obviously wants to work with me because we should all be working together and if I succeed he succeeds by the nature of the way eXp works.

It’s complicated, unless you understand eXp, but essentially, I met a guy who is literally invested in my success by way of the fact that I was recruited by one of his recruits, so he’ll get a chunk of any profits i make as a realtor (even though I’m not planning on selling real estate at the moment).

I love the respect I feel on chosen.

It also made me realize how to be a better person. To myself, to my team, to my business partner, to my girlfriend. It imbued in me the concept that with great power comes great responsibility, and that i have great power I’m responsible for.

Finally, Chosen has made me start to think of putting myself first. I must put on my own oxygen masks before helping others.

I’m realizing how I must be ruthlessly vigilant about taking personal reflection time, be it meditating or journaling, from 8pm-9am. Between those hours, it’s my job to reflect inwards, prepare for an early bed time, wake up early, and take care of myself in the morning by going to the gym and meditating so that I can start work 100% fresh being the best me I can be


Havent taken a washout in a while so I’m considering one, but before that, I’m just going to limit my number of loops. I’m concerned about productivity most of all at this exact moment, so my only stack will be one loop of limitless zp.

Before a sales call I had a craving to listen to a subliminal despite having told myself I need a washout. I was relying on the aura, and the aura was STRONG on my sales call… the strongest it’s been yet, but I’m feeling a bit overloaded and maybe that craving is the final sign.

I’m not sure if I should be committing to my listening schedule, which is the logic I used to justify listening to a loop of chosen, or if I should take a washout at this stage.

@RVconsultant @SaintSovereign thoughts?

I realized I need a washout. Listening to Chosen today was something I did out of craving, not out of prudence. Going to take a 5-7 day washout to start and see how it goes! I think a lot of stuff will integrate.

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How do you tell the difference between listening due to craving vs prudence?

I promised myself I would only listen to one loop today. Then i listened to two.

Then I had a sales call coming up and I felt like if I didnt listen to Chosen beforehand I wouldnt do well on it.

Those are signs of craving.

Addiction is doing something you do even when you know it’ll have negative consequences. I knew I was overexposed, and needed a washout, and told myself I would listen to one loop for that exact reason. Because I was overexposed.

So even though I knew I would feel overstimulated from an extra loop, i listened, and lo and behold I did end up feeling overstimulated.

Washout time.

I’ve set some goals for my washout. And I’ll know I’m ready to end my washout when I’m consistently hitting these goals.

They all center around actions that are in line with my priorities.

  1. Wake up at 630am every single day, don’t go back to bed.
  2. Stop working at 6pm every day, don’t use any tech after 6pm for entertainment - not even watching TV with family.
  3. Meditate 30 minutes twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evenings.
  4. Close a full priced client
  5. Arrive at the gym every weekday before 815am.
  6. No coffee

I already notice myself wanting to add more to these goal-lists and to make them bigger and better. But what I REALLY need is to keep it simple and take things OUT of my life, not add more things in. So I’ll leave it at just these 6 goals.

When I’m consistently hitting these, goals, I’ll resume my subliminal journey to give me assistance where needed.

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Interesting dream last night. I basically dreamt that I found treasure. Except it was a massive couch with thousands and thousands of toonies.

Am I prophesizing money manifestation? I hope so!

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I saw your plan to do the washout. Sounds good that you’re doing it intentionally since you posted an awareness you were overexposing yourself.

First of all, another benefit of chosen that I’ve been experiencing for a while but am only just articulating to myself.

I like what I see in the mirror more. It has nothing to do with attractiveness… although my face might be improving…

When I look at myself in the mirror now I just hold myself with more respect and regard. I don’t judge myself, and I actually feel like I “look the part” of who i’m trying to be. Insecurity around people thinking I don’t look a certain way is gone.

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I had a major epiphany around my goals.

They’re all what I enjoy. BUT. I thought that because I would enjoy them, that would make them effortless. I had fallacious assumptions and created this logical (illogical) belief because I’m happier when i don’t drink coffee, wake up naturally, sleep early, and enjoy it more, that it should be effortless. It should be my default state. I was getting worried about why I cant do something if I enjoy it so much.

Maybe I dont enjoy it after all. Maybe I dont enjoy business. Maybe maybe maybe blah blah blah.

But I realized how wrong that was at the gym today. Even though i like the long term effects of these actions, i still have to work for it in the short term. In the short short term it’s effortful, but in the LONG term it’s joyful.

It’s being miserable and unhappy that is the easy effortless thing to do.

This’ll really help me

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Interesting. Thank you for elaborating on that.

Status report for today.

Used that alarm that makes you do movement and memory puzzles in the morning to wake up. I was totally awake, then still went back to bed. Someone said to ke that you can be addicted to certain emotions, and I think I’m addicted to feeling overslept and foggy. I don’t know what to do with myself when I wake up in the morning. This really set a negative tone for my whole day.

I realize it’s been almost 3 weeks of going to the gym 5 days a week first thing in the morning. Really proud of that.

Drank a half cup of coffee before the gym, another half cup when I got back.

Meditated 15 minutes in the morning.

Overall, pretty unproductive today. Gotta work on jumping out of bed and into the shower in the morning.

I was going to take a washout… but then MOGUL ZP came out and I needed to stay true to my #1 priority… Sticking to (Ascended) Mogul.

So before my washout I decided I would get some Mogul ZP loops in so that THAT’S what ends up integrating during the break.

Then from there I’m going to listen to Mogul and RICH stacked together, nothing else.

When HOM gets released in ZP, I’ll add that to my stack.

With ZP, I don’t even need personality shifters like Chosen or Ascension anymore… RICH even on it’s own shifts your personality so much so that you’re more positive in all money-related conversations like sales. Mogul on it’s own is a powerful energy and optimism booster with it’s own aura. HOM will be some next level shit, I’m sure…

I’ll just be as focused as humanly possible to make sure all my subs are wealth related.

Since this is such a new direction, I decided to start a new journal to honour the release of ZP and considering that i’ll be running Mogul ZP and RICH ZP for a looooooong time, I know it won’t change, they’re just too perfect for me.