AzrielLight EmperorQ

Little update as I want to MOVE something and I find when I don’t journal things can get stagnate.

So in a nutshell, I will share about this in more detail later, but with some guidance and experimentation,
I am running a very different loop pattern to deal with personal specifics which I won’t say more on.

I am doing 20-30 minutes of tracks at a time, and keeping the total listening time to 60 minutes or less a day, so the last week or two, I’ve run this pattern. Taking days off intuitively as well as 2-3 days off a week minimum.

I’m doing mostly my custom Emperor, and custom Hero, with a little bit of DR stage 3 splattered here and there.

I will be getting DR Stage 3 with Pargon Ultima Core and Healing modules in terminus squared and run that for 5 minutes a day, every day or every other day, pending experimentation, in addition to the stack.

I may also update customs to terminus to run less time to same effect, depending on how this experiment continues to unfold.

So between the reduced listening and the Hero custom with ear, neck, nervous system, and respiratory module, I have noticed some improvement in resolving/healing specific issues, at least at points, both in terms of it not bothering me, and in terms of reduction of intensity. Which is great. A couple days off with some extremely stressful situations and the issue seems to kick up again, but it seems this strategy is promising for both dealing with the exacerbation and the underlying dysfunction and I will continue to run it for the time being and see if will resolve this.

I don’t feel the same level of effects of running full loops though, although it actually may be hitting me harder since I am integrating more, and notice more recon than ever, or just the experience of my life without the level of sub support I’ve had, honestly can’t tell, but I imagine recon since the effects wouldn’t diminish that quickly.

Then in the last 6 weeks or so I have had several major acute health crisis’s, and in some cases they are very real overtly obvious diagnosis issues, and in others it’s not as clear as I am unearthing an anxiety and primal sense of lack of fundamental safety lately with everything going on, that seems to blend in with these odd- acute and less obvious amalgam of symptoms

I’ve had
finger/ hand injuries that have had me have to stop climbing, and working out in the ways I’m used to
chronic wrist injury
rupture in the skin with with infection
something really weird flu/bug- wasn’t covid as I was tested for that.
deep acute hip pain that radiated into very unpleasant areas- requiring checking the internals in the adjacent areas.

I feel like I’m fighting for my life in a way, it seems my soul is screaming to move things differently and stop holding on to the way I’ve been and the way I’ve done things… not really sure what the fuck is going on, if any of it is related, I’m just in a bad spiral, a wake up call from the universe, pushing to hard physically without being careful/responsible --or if it means anything, or what-- on the plus side I’ve lost a ton of weight and look leaner and meaner than in a while.

I also see the way a part of me, or family dynamic running through me, has me almost wanting to not be well, both because I can’t tolerate my life going well, and/or it brings people closer to me and has them stop fighting, or gets me what I want- very deep child like stuff- again I don’t know what’s going on but this is what seems to be unfolding and revealed

Really fucking excited to get back to some normalcy.

I miss quality problems about money, woman, and purpose :slight_smile:



are you stacking WANTED with anything?

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Right now am just running my custom physical healing ultima (Raphael Ultima) with WANTED. So I know that any results that are not related with physical healing is from WANTED.

Frankly, am in the test-driving phase again lol. Thought I got my ideal custom in ByronQ but that might end up being modified too.

Was having a very productive discussion with @Floridianninja in the inbox. Bouncing ideas off with him and @Simon made me realize that a Emperor + RM + UA custom for wealth, productivity and creativity would be best. And a WANTED + Sex & Seduction custom for looks and game would be ideal for me.

PS: WANTED + SS will be for later though.


That sounds like a great two custom combo,
you can’t really go wrong with Emperor + anything productivity/wealth related.

I’m hearing a lot of productivity related issues with advanced users around Khan, also hearing people
say it has them driven to change a lot in there life. I guess it works differently depending on where people are at.

Adding seduction with Emperor can get a bit trickier in my experience-it still works but I have to be very intentional with my focus time and my ‘fun’ time, otherwise they two can blend and less get’s accomplished.


how’s the physical healing from Raphael Ultima going–?


Yup. And this time I will make it between 10 to 13 modules

I agree. Khan is perfect for those who are at a certain financial level and who want to up their game with Wealth and Women

Not too noticeable. Am planning to revamp this too. Make a healing ultima with only 4 modules. But will make the final decision after the new title is released incase it is health related.

Great to hear that you are able to guide your custom towards what you want.

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My new guess is this new mystery sub will be like WANTED for overall health physical changes instead of attraction ones, HERO will be the all encompassing Q+ version for physical shifting and health.

Too bad on the Ultima, adding the aesthetic modules, both in that Ultima and from WANTED, may cut into the speed of the direct physical healing, and of/course it could take time. I’m noticing some very interesting stuff with my Fitness/Paragon custom-I can PM you about it, as I don’t want to go into it here.

I think the physical modules take massive energy and the one’s our mind have the least resistance too get addressed first. So if it’s easier for you to imagine an aesthetic physical change than a profound healing one, the energy might flow there first.

Pure conjecture but that’s my theory.

yes when I’m in a good head space absolutely-it has some versatility for sure.


I really do hope so. Fingers crossed

Not sure. Have tried the ultima alone for a while and it is still the same. My guess is that whether i use Raphael Ultima alone or along with WANTED, it would take the same time since it’s working on different parts of the body.

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Going great thank you =) hope yours too mate

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times of ecstasy and times of real difficulty :slight_smile:

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So this week
I’ve only run 1 and 1/2 loops of Emperor custom
recon has me adverse to running subs in full again.

I’ve dredged up some of the most difficult internal experiences I’ve ever had
and spent the week dealing with doctors and specialists ensuring I didn’t have some very not so great stuff. I also had some sort of minor flu or bug going on at the same time and it was unclear if the issues were related. Tested negative for Covid just in case. The combination of these two things had me in the very visceral experience of some real unpleasantness and probably went to the darkest place I’ve gone yet on my journey since starting here.

I’ve kind of attributed everything happening in my life to subs both good and bad lately, and that might not be a fair view to cast.

I do think I’ve seen a fair bit of bloom though with these time off, was not really in a space to appreciate or act on it fully.

But here is what I have noticed since the storm has settled. I feel the calm, direct, matter of fact-ness of Emperor stronger than ever-I feel I can see through people in my life from PCC at the next level now.

I have zero interest in pursuing anything with woman, mainly cause I have not felt a strong ground or foundation for my life, but there are woman from previous dates pursuing me, and when I go out I receive a lot of interest, even walking on the street.

New work collaborations in fields I am strongly interested in are coming into light, with all the darkness I feel an increasing clarity, light, and conviction around what I really want and a drive to get there.

Have zero interest in PMO in any capacity stronger than ever

I went climbing again today despite the finger issue, and even with working around that, having barely eaten in a week I had still improved and everything felt quite effortless.

What I notice with QV2 is there is an energy that I HAVE to act on and if I don’t my body -mind starts contorting and getting wonky in all sorts of ways, tension, depression, anxiety.

My experience now is I have to be living fully and acting on the subliminals or there is a veritable price to pay in recon.

I’ve stalled on running DR stage 3, running my upgraded wealth custom, and creating any new customs. And I don’t think my current stack suits or fits my needs.

My main objective now is to honor the integrity of what I committed to with work projects which I’ve fallen off of, re-commit and honor some real consistent practices and structures for my optimal performance,well being, and creating of something new, and get on some level ground.


AWESOME!!! :ok_hand:



intuitively or scheduled, what in general have you found is the best listening strategy for QV2?

I’ve been running very few subs lately, and before a social outing tonight I decided to run 5 minutes of WANTED.

On my train trip over, I noticed much more direct strong interest from woman, but what I really liked and enjoyed was how much I loved and appreciated these woman and the connection I felt between us. On Emperor/PS custom-I feel it a version of that, but less visceral and I don’t give a shit, like I"m not really open to engaging 99% of the time. The touch of WANTED has me very open to engaging.

The night out was fantastic, just a really solid, refreshing, social night and fine cooking with some close friends and some new people. Felt like 100% different person at my friends event then I have a year ago, when I felt like I didn’t really belong, undervalued, and ignored.

If I am being really honest with myself, without being harsh, I think that Emperor, while creating great internal growth, confidence, sense of personal status, work equal-ness among everyone, and financial goodies, has had me enjoy life in a totally different way , a less visceral way. I don’t want to say Emperor makes you not enjoy life, cause that’s not true, but it does make you care way more about certain things and way less about others. Hitting goals, expanding, getting things done, figuring things out, takes huge precedence in my case over connections, relaxation… it creates/ contributes to a warrior-esque and cerebral quality.

Talking a hard look at where I am going I realize a couple things.

  1. I spend more time in internal conflict then acting fully towards work or getting out of the work I do into something else

  2. I’m a man of action when it comes to current work commitments (but never anymore than I can get away with), the gym and physical life, and that’s it. I don’t have routines anymore I’m not fully going after anything new in most domains of life. This kind of crept up on me, but I want to be a man of action again. Lately it’s mostly been inside of putting out fires and recon but even before that I could have been doing WAY more in a way that would have been fun and/or challenging-but worth it to capitalize on what I was running.

  3. I’ve been in recon a lot and blaming subs or not trusting subs, without fully realizing it, in regards to certain issues and things that are not going well in my life lately (in the last two months since QV2-never was this a thing for me before that so I imagine it’s a form of recon) so I need to be responsible for the power and impact these subs but let go of any blame or trust issues around them if I am going to choose to keep running them. Which I am as of now.

  4. I’m not really excited anymore about what I am choosing to run, it feels like maintaining a baseline and chores. The only two things I thing are important to do are run a paragon custom and finish DR, I want to re-design everything else in my stack for what I want to be running, align with very clear goals, and am excited about it. It may end up similar or not but I need to come from a place of consciously choosing again

  5. I love writing I want to find ways to make income streams related to writing and creating content, not as the only thing necessarily, but it’s important I start getting paid for it in some way.

  6. It’s been too long since I’ve had the kind of relationships that make like more worth living-it’s time to have that and for that reason I want to find a way to include Heartstrong in the near future

  7. I will never be more worthy or ready for anything I choose or want than now, so there is nothing to wait for, no where to get to anymore. This is a liberating realization-I will continue to seek to embody fully.


For you I’d say Intuitive, is always the best approach, however, for users who’re disconnected from their internal landscape and intuition a scheduled one might be more promising.

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Emperor is the toughest sub I’ve ever played. I can run 4-6 loops of some other Q (v2) subs with ease whilst running one loop of Emperor a day is a real challenge and there’s recon awaiting me if I stay at home doing nothing. I think the main reason is Emperor is the most action taking demanding sub with the most mind-blowing scripting available.


What kind of recon do you experience on emperor?

For me its depression, feeling stuck and powerless. a sense of hopelessness where i dread i wont reach my wealth goals in my life time


Don’t know if you had the same experience but as the weeks progressed while I was on emperor (no matter what version), Recon hit me faster and faster. For example, I could run a brand new version of emperor almost every day for 2 weeks straight then have to take 2-3 days off. Next cycle, I’d only be able to go on for a week before I needed a break, and so on.

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Same here. For the first three weeks I listened to two loops a day and only two weeks later it was a challenge to run one loop every other day. I guess it was about Emperor trying to work on deeper levels.

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I get irascible and yeah, that feeling of being stuck and powerless. Also it’s like having not even one meaningful goal in my life so feeling hopeless too.

I’ve gone in and out of something similar, and have had breakthroughs in it, will write about it at more length some time.