AzrielLight EmperorQ

That wealth title is tight, @Azriel :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:


Future custom- to run along side wealth one
not sure when I will add it yet

**Purpose of this custom is to rapidly move out of any structures that I rely on in my life and into my own self generating stratosphere-a completely new level of status, success, passionate living, and creativity that is deeply aligned with my life mission, current purpose and callings, and to turn those into, or match them with, wealth generating vehicles.

To master coaching, business and skills, as part of that process and generate a 6 figure a month income off a service and program based platform online platform.

To re-ignite my path to mastery in artistic endeavors, both for their own sake in illustrating, writing, and music production/instrument mastery- but also for business in freelancing, graphic design, blogging, copywriting and healing/effect driven music etc as well as synergistical work with other modules to create powerful on point reputation and branding.

To be completely confident and influential being totally visible, metaphorically and literally, on stage, online videos, leading groups, and in performances. To be able to walk my talk and embody my ideals as a role model and of course, despite no direct seduction modules, (still have Stark and likely Khan), get laid like a Rockstar.**

Dark Star


  1. Khan Stage 4/ Ascended Mogul

  2. Stark

  3. Power Can Corrupt

  4. Fenrir

  5. Furious Ascent

  6. Fearsome

  7. Rembrant

  8. Ultimate Music Producer

  9. Ultimate Writer

  10. Fable Lifeblood

  11. Glory Seeker

  12. Dragon’s Tongue

  13. Elegance

  14. Direct Influencing Aura

  15. Avatar

  16. Faith Unyielding

  17. Empath

  18. Torch Bearer

  19. Fortunes Favorite

  20. Transcendental Connection

(It be nice to get Alpha of Alpha and/or Leader of Men in here-but it’s too succinct currently )


  1. Stark

  2. Ascended Mogul/ Khan Stage 4

  3. Power Can Corrupt

Ruthlessly moving into my own life, domain, and control

  1. Fenrir

  2. Furious Ascent

  3. Fearsome

Renaissance Man/ Competencies/Skills Mastery

  1. Rembrant

  2. Ultimate Music Producer

  3. Ultimate Writer

Branding/ Renown/Impact

  1. Fable Lifeblood

  2. Glory Seeker

Camera, Stage, and in person image and presence/influence

  1. Dragon’s Tongue

  2. Elegance

  3. Direct Influencing Aura

Conviction, Self Belief, Being and embodiment of the path I walk and role model

  1. Avatar

  2. Faith Unyielding

Coaching, managing, and team based Skills

  1. Empath

  2. Torch Bearer

Meta-Influence-always working in the background to influence results and people in my favor.

  1. Fortunes Favorite

  2. Transcendental Connection


haha -thanks

take a look at the next one,

I really wanted to run Fenrir, Furious Ascent, Fearsome, and Lifeblood Fable ASAP
but they work better in this one I think

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Ooh. I like Darkstar. Especially for the Khan + Stark combo and the Renaissance Man concept :+1:

Are you planning to make both customs at the same time?

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That’s what I’m choosing now.
I’m running DR in a custom until DR stage 4 at 2 months per stage.
I’m not sure if I wanted to finish all the EOG stages before moving onto Khan or run EOG stage 1 in that wealth custom for 3 months alongside some Khan variant

Also not sure if I should jump into Khan Stage 4 in custom or run Khan Stage 4 solo for a couple weeks or do khan stage 2,3, and 4 alongside that wealth custom and DR custom. I’ve done Khan Stage 1 in a custom for 7+ months so not to worried about the foundation.

I also love Mystery custom 1 I have now, which I only planned to run for 1 or 2 months tops (since I’ve run many of it’s aspect in various forms already for months.).
I have to give it all some thought and see what works best. I’ll do a washout 4-7 days this week. That
will have me thinking clearer about it.

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Fenrir and Furious Ascent seem like absolute game changers to me,
probably two of the most powerful modules for my goals, and for many here that
I’ve read what there looking for.

I’m a little concerned about scaring people off with Fearsome lol.
Everyone has ‘shadow’ thoughts about others in not such the nicest light and may in a moment of weakness wish them not well. I’m curious if the effect triggers from stuff like that or only highly intentional harm and manipulation.


You are RELENTLESS @Azriel. I want whatever drugs you’re on. LOL.

BTW - Your custom has a lot of overlap with my new custom.

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It’s a valid concern. I read the Fearsome module sales page again and thought about it. Maybe the fear others feel will be in proportion to what level of harm, manipulation, etc they feel for you. I personally feel that it wouldn’t be so bad since Subclub will have thought about this and they will only add just enough fear for others to respect you. And since you will have Empath in the custom, that will be enough to allay your own fear of taking Fearsome to the extreme (if any chance for that)

In short, you’re good, bro


thank you!
I don’t know what gives you that impression but if that’s how I came across-I’m honored :slight_smile:

Yes, I love the concept and what you’ve done with your inner/outer wealth customs. Seeing yours had me consider running AM and EOG in one custom and Stark/HOM in the other like you.

Very excited to see how those effect you.

The kid’s on the streets these days call it ‘Emperor’


Awesome, I’m sure your right.
Thanks for addressing this concern.

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This combination reminds me of the Fast and Furious movies.

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I mean that in a good way. You are making great progress, but not complacent. You are always looking for self-improvement, that next step.

And you are very helpful to others. Generous with your time and very supportive. Your help with me has meant a lot. Your insight on my perfectionism may prove to give me a huge step forward. And I used many of your suggestions to build my newest customs.

I am honored that my creation had some influence on you. We will definitely monitor each other’s progress…


There is also Eye of the Storm, Stronger, and Foundation.

I thought you already were.

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Eye of the Storm is in my wealth custom,
Stronger I will consider for next DR update
Foundation doesn’t call to me currently

I had a good year but I’m not at where I would like to be with this ultimately :slight_smile:
and currently am seeing nobody. I also feel very little incentive to be proactive about it as career and money are much more on top of my mind.

May run 1 loop of Mystery Custom 1 tomorrow
after that I will do 4-7 days washout.
I don’t feel particularly burnt out, but I can tell my mind and body needs the rest and integration
I’ll keep on life as usual but I won’t be surprised if some of the bloom blows me away in the best sense.


This is what I was going to post last night:

I’m at the point where I can see pride has subtly constricted me.
I want to openly admit without negating or judging myself or my progress
that I am completely at a loss with what’s next, I’m not having the experience of life
that I want, I’m not getting the results I want. This feels like a profound healing and freedom
to admit and recognize for myself, with nothing being wrong.
Part of this is the restrictions from the pandemic to a minor degree part is just not trusting myself for doing what I had committed to doing. There is a real block towards moving towards my goal doing work I love and monetizing it, around clarity, execution. I feel like it’s getting melted away but not there yet. Questioning if my stack is well suited for this goal. The truth is elements of it are but many elements are to broad…I will continue to run DR but am going to narrow in on dealing with this issue alone.

I think part of this was recon from R.I.C.H I was exhausted and fell asleep at 9 pm and woke up at midnight.

This was after 9 days of sub use straight.

I’m doing a washout until next Monday
@Hermit and I agreed we would both do this.

Today is day 1 no subs, and I feel AMAZING! Nothings solved but it’s not a problem, I feel excited about life, free, energized, self controlled without needing to control, this is the first week day without running subs in close to a year I believe. I’m getting such a strong sense of power and the effects of the subs. I am in much need of this washout.


Beautiful @Azriel. Sometimes letting go is the hardest thing to do although it should be the easiest thing to do. I realized that before that having breaks is actually a process of letting go, and by so trusting the process.

Recognition is the first step to freedom.

Keep going strong :slightly_smiling_face:


I sympathize man!

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Ended up taking a 3 day break
lots of latent programming and bloom.
Was great to see the effects coalesce and became stronger and more tangibly part of my day to day.
and certain things which I thought were normal, fell away, since they were recon.

I ended up running Diamond Ultima on my chrome book speakers before an X was coming over, And it worked incredibly well. No recon. Full effects :slight_smile:

I tried paragon later since the chromebook worked well for Diamond, but started getting crazy recon, old injuries flaring, ringing in head. The next day felt amazing, and on benching I’ve been doing 5x5 at 225 lbs on bench I shot up to 12 reps on my final set despite elbow pain having bothered me that week.

After a month off Ultima, and various testing, it is 100% clear to me any remain chronic conditions around sinus, ear pressure, sounds in head, are not from ultrasonic but are simply recon or exacerbated by recon. They get better with time off, and the issues themselves are very, very minor.

3 weeks into DR stage 2
Whatever is left of them I feel very at peace with, hope and assured they are getting better and will completely resolve, and happy, back to normal, and able to live the life I want regardless of what happens.


I’ve still been holding off on my wealth custom pending any new updates
but I do really want to get that started on that, it was designed to go with Mystery custom one, which has Emperor, PCC, and Inner circle, but it’s other elements are all love, romance, sex, and attraction based.
So currently besides Emperor I am running very little wealth support.

Mystery custom 1 is Emperor, Power Can Corrupt, Primal, and Inner Circle cores. It was designed as a stepping stone and It’s doing what I wanted in terms independence and freedom in the domain of work, social navigating, sexuality, and staying close to the right people.

I’m completely at peace in my relationships now and more and more people want to do for me what is best for me, I’m setting everything on my terms, which include caring and consideration for other people.

It’s just when I’m in charge or have influence, more people are likely to get what they want where as with others they often leave people out as long as they get what they want. In light of this I consider it a moral obligation to be as powerful and influential as possible lol

I have noticed some recon from Primal in the form of insecurities coming up and shedding around my sexuality, and being a man in relation to woman, and I feel more and more dating, sex, talking to woman, is simply a part of who I am and my life, rather than an ‘identity’ or effort thing.

I do feel more likability mixed with challenge from others on this, rather than the sheer respect and admiration on a more focused Emperor custom. But I also have more fluidity in wanting to deal with people, both woman and men, on this custom which was also one of the goals.

PCC element has really helped in having me see work for work and just a part of my life, not something that defines me, or I have to stay loyal too.

Since running this custom ironically one work colleague I work for, who has been one of the largest challenges of the last year, has stated that whatever happens he won’t forget I was there at the start of things and I always have a home with his company, even if I don’t want to do the work I’ve been doing anymore. While the very easy going person I work has shown signs of showing distrust, however I am letting go of making that a big deal.

It’s only been a couple weeks on this custom and I am seeing some transformation mostly in the quality of my experience and relationships. Money is flowing in nicely now, and I am content, but need to consciously keep creating on this front.

Other external results include more sexually free with woman in my overt interest and communication, woman getting back in touch with me, more matches online and really good relationships with family members lately, likely Transcendental Connection is contributing to this.

Anyway, I will run this custom until March, the plan was always for a month on it.
I test ran Stark this week as well as it’s goal are very much in line with what I am looking for next and it actually works with this custom beautifully so I may swap Emperor Custom, with Stark every other day while running DR custom in the evening until the end of the month.

Then add wealth custom, stark/am custom, until the end of DR. Before moving onto khan. I’m narrowing in more and more on what works for me and what I am looking for, while building a very powerful foundation.