AzrielLight EmperorQ

Alchemist is really interesting,
it seems to temper my sexuality, it’s not gone, it’s there but it’s not steering the ship as much…
On Emperor it gets transmuted, but with Sex Mastery, Primal Seduction, and Khan Stage 1 in my customs my sexual energy is very prominent. Either I ride the tiger or it gets me. On Alchemist feels like its contained and available like in a glass bottle almost lol

I asked a check out girl for her instragram account today (inspired by @Saiyan4Bluem) she actually tried to make it easy to get her phone number, she was telling me about something and said “I can sent it to you” and I could have just been like 'sure, my number is…" but instead I said “not to worry -I took a mental picture” ( that’s intelligence getting in the way of seduction). Anyway she gave me her instagram, and I got home and checked it out. It’s crazy how many guy are fiending on her, don’t really want to DM-I also have nothing on my instagram profile never really use social media. Might be time to start pimping out my social media for seduction purposes My rule for this month if I want to and it feels good with woman I can move forward on something, but not putting in effort. .I could just write and be direct. Or ask her out in person will see what I want to do or not.


Whenever I read your journal name I get this multiple name thing of Azriel (angel name) and also Israelite (who spoke the language from which that name comes). (I’m guessing you’re not some kind of wandering Rastafarian businessman/prophet, so I figure that’s just a random association.)

Where are you in Alchemist now? That tempering of sexuality reminds me of the ‘balancing’ description of Stage 2. But I suppose it could happen at any point.

only in my aspirations :slight_smile:

I am likely not forward enough in my sexuality, Emperor has me simmering but within my own bounds. Transmuting or using in my presence. More moth to the flame energy, Libertine and other sexual subs seem to have the sexuality radiating out more and being playful or intense, more Rakish and leaning it, moth to the rolling sun perhaps. So far on Alchemist it, sexual energy, feels irrelevant unless chosen. Almost retreated. Stage 2 will likely bring this further out than before but we’ll see.

I’m just a week into stage 1. I had a few moments of listening today where I had sharp pain in my chest, and something popped, and it was if this anger and defensiveness I’ve been carrying around dissipated and my energy in my heart and thymus could breathe and expand.

Then I felt like I was in a pre-language trauma state, that I’ve gone into at times, but I was not judging or scared about having that state like usual, and it passed, and it feel like I have a clarity and quite that is really cool.

This is a meta-sub. It changes the game of the games I am playing.

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It’s 11/11

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Running Q version of Emperor X-usually run terminus

I see the difference between Q and Terminus more deeply-Terminus effects the body and energy directly and then seeps into the mind,where as Q effects the mind deeply and seeps into the body and energy. I don’t know if this is technically accurate but that is the biggest difference in how they ‘hit’

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I totally identify with this, great news!


I’ve been wondering about this. If, perhaps, Terminus tracks hit ‘deeper’ and then work their ways up. And perhaps Ultima tracks hit right at the surface and then work their ways down.

That seems to fit with your view. I wonder what you think of Terminus2-build tracks?


I wonder what terminus 2 does, on running it now but just mind eye, maybe we will get a better explanation sometime soon

As I’m relating to it anyway, Mind’s Eye is a pretty ‘meta’ program (as @Azriel has also pointed out about Alchemist and Quantum Limitless. I think @Hermit may have made this point somewhere too). Maybe Mind’s Eye is more concrete for people who already have very vivid imagery and are looking to take their imaginations to the next level. But for me, imagery and imagination tend to be ‘latent’ and behind-the-scenes.

So, as a way to ‘test’ the Terminus2 build, Mind’s Eye posed some challenges for me. Nevertheless, I’ve been running it for 5.5 months, 3 times a week. And quite happily so, I might add.

In early September, I added another Terminus2-build Booster custom. (I think of it as a booster.) It’s my Transformative Healing program. Again, 2 - 3 times a week, just before bed.

I only use Terminus2 programs in combination with a meditation session. Not that I think everyone (or anyone) else needs to do that, but I’m meditating anyway, and I feel that it brings some needed ‘spaciousness’ around what can be a very intense subliminal program.

Anyway, point is, with that second Terminus2, (it’s called The Duat Terminus2), I experienced very quick effects. I had what @Simon refers to as ‘the trailer effect’. (That’s like a lightning flash in the middle of the night that gives you a quick visual reveal of the landscape around you. Then everything’s dark again, but you kind of know what to expect. As the sun gradually rises, you slowly can see that same view again in a more stable way.)

Just 1 or 2 weeks into using DUAT, I found myself feeling strong emotions of joy and sadness; remembering past relationships with love; crying; listening to music that I hadn’t really played since I was 10 or 11 years old. I felt a strong desire to contact people who had meant something to me in the past and let them know what they mean to me. That was an interesting night.

And that was a Terminus2 program.

DUAT modules

Blue Skies
Negativity Displacer
Energetic Development XI
The Flow
Dream Traveler
The Architect
Deep Sleep

In contrast, the effects of Mind’s Eye Terminus2 have been more subtle. I get random…not vivid, but kind of…immediate imagery sometimes. Also, soon after starting to run that program, I had a bunch of what Jungians call Shadow Material that came up out of my deeper mind. Scary. But also, deepening. And clearly meaningful.

So… yeah.

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In that case, I wonder what would a combination of Q, Terminus and Ultima be like?

Crazy to think that there’s one more set of powers that they’re developing beyond Q and Ultima…and then they themselves have admitted that they don’t know what to do after that in terms of power

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I’ve only messed with mind’s eye T2 a bit, it feels like a reality altering wave
and the shifts are super seamless but potent, and then in stark moments there are incredible clear distinct jumps in the vividness of my visualization.

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That’s what I am doing :slight_smile:

My guess: I don’t think the new advances will be ‘stronger’ than terminus or T2 or even more powerful than Q- in terms of raw ‘power’ as demarcates the distinctions in Q, T, and T2, but they will have a build method that makes them faster and or more effective.

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U+ is meant to hold 4x the amount of info, so I guessed that Q+ would do the same.
But that would mean Q+ = T^2 in density so I guess Q+ might be below Terminus in density and not 4x info.

T = 2x Q
T2 = 2x T = 4x Q.

Q is below Terminus in density-but again more density/ power does not mean better.
The build of U is such that it’s a different kind of density I imagine. Perhaps 2x Q on masked and 2xQ on Ultrasonic track and a scripting shift geared towards present moment state shifts

I remember Terminus 1 loop being equivalent to 6 loops of Q

The numbers I pulled are from one of their support articles.

I believe you but don’t see that, can you point me to it?

Terminus contains twice the amount of information of a Q subliminal. Terminus Squared contains twice the amount of information of a Terminus subliminal.

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