AzrielLight EmperorQ

your getting certified!? or your seeing one?
Spill the beans :wink:

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I am studying medicine as of right now

Though Hermit wants me to drop out of medical school lol


Fun Thing:

During the height of this episode-which also made me feel very depressed, as uncontrollable physical discomfort that comprises my life is indeed depressing to me. I felt an insatiable urge to stop work and leave the house and talk a walk, and …MANIFESTATION…I completely randomly bump into a girl I used to hook up with.

Nothing takes your mind off pain like :kissing_cat:

we took a walk, the walk turned into her spending the night
or at least leaving at 5:30 in the morning–she always was a flighty one.


You can always incorporate more spirituality/ holistic nature to an accredited allopathic degree

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Well, I always knew that the medicine which is taught today is limited and controlled by the big pharma industry. We as doctors make our patients less ill, but do not heal them. This is something that I want to see changed. The only question remains if my souls mission/life purpose is here to do that or something else… I guess a lot of things will become clear in the next months

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I’m sure they will!

How’s your custom going?

I’m going to a three year Energy Medicine School starting this year or next September depending on the financials of this month.

Also as a doctor in training-and avid subliminal user…any thoughts on my above mentioned condition?



I left my house cause of the above mentioned physical and emotional discomfort. During days with a workload like that I don’t leave the house. This was totally random and I felt compelled, albeit out of pain, to do so.

I took one walk up the block, and then felt an urge to turn around, walking back on the corner was this girl I used to hook up with passing by. She looked shocked to see me and said ‘hi hows it going’
normally I try to have a game face on, but I recognized intuitively that she was a care taker type and was attracted and drawn to people in distress, I never saw this before and always tried to present the best possible…not this time (this may be primal seduction)

I said ‘it’s not going well, and told her what was happening’, not in a vicim way, just honest and authentic, she kept asking questions and we sat around for a bit near my house, and then I said ’ I need a hug’ and just kind of fell over on her, intentionally, we started kind of dry humping on the stairs and almost kissing but not quite. We got up and she said ‘I want to give you a hug’, and when she went to I picked her up so she was horizontal in the air, like underhand scoop, and went to make out with her while holding her, but she would bring her lips close but not kiss me.

I put her down and said lets take a walk, we walked and talked for an hour and passed a bar serving drinks outside. I said lets get a drink and she said sure. Then I said I forgot I had more work to do and did she want to meet later or just wait at my house, she said she would come with me and wait, so I went and did some work and some calls, and then we went back to the bar.

She said she needed to eat first, so we went and got Chinese and went back to my house. My roomate (they were friends before I started seeing her) came down and I got into a minor confrontation with him. I wont get into that here, but he and I are both very dominant but it was a quick intense thing and then he was like ‘well I leave you guys’.

I was really annoyed after that, and she literally said ’ you’re giving off a dominating energy that is concerning me’ I gave her space and started making fun of myself about being too dominating, and she got more comfortable. But she had become really uncomfortable, we got into a super process-y convo about how we were feeling and then I said-‘lets talk another walk to get the energy moving’ -since the bar was closed at this point.

She asked to watch something instead. We started watching something on netflix, then stopped, got into another convo, I just put my head on her lap and she started stroking my beard, I started touching her with my head on her lap, we did that for a while and it was awesome-definitely could see sex mastery effects even just touching. Then we started hooking up on the coach…later we went to my room and continued. Then at around 5:30 in the morning- she said
she didn’t think she should be doing/have done this and asked if we could talk later this week…we talked a bit more and she left.



I am certainly getting some great results with all the subs at subclub I am running but am wondering if I got ahead of myself and would benefit even more from laying a deeper foundation.

Would it be more effective in the long run, if I stopped Emperor
Ran Ascension for a month, then Ascended Mogul, and then went back to Emperor?
Or will running Emperor long term cover everything there.

Maybe ran regeneration while along with those other too?

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Running House of Medici now, will report back initial impressions.

I’ve tortured all my roommates
signed a deal for a billion dollars
you should see my name on a stadium floating in the hudson shortly…:joy: just kidding

half way through the first loop,
nothing to really note yet, feels sort of Emperor’ish’ strong sense of focused on my forehead, more relaxed. Script feels very dense, want to go to sleep.


Maybe you can look into traditional Chinese medicine.

TCM addresses the root of the problem while Western medicine addreases the symptoms.

Thank you King,

I’m 99% sure its a sinus/ ear/ or tooth infection/ inflammation.
My anxiety about tinnitus has me think it something else, I am experiencing -tinnitus symptoms in one ear-but I’m completely congested and in pain on that side of my head and middle and inner infections/pressure/inflammation can cause that

If an initial western remedy at the doctor and/or dentist doesn’t resolve it I will certainly go that route.
Probably will go that route anyone for general health, and avoidance of the problem in the future.

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Is this like a yes to sticking with Emperor for covering it all or dropping back to Ascension and then Ascended Mogul for better long term foundation?

I can always stack regeneration with anything

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Do you have sinus problems?

I’ve always had sinus problems and it can get bad in the mornings sometimes with bad nasal conestion.

The tinnitus part is interesting - I am wondering if the sinus problems create blockages in the ear.

Anyway, I myself hear a ringing sound in my head almost 24 hours a day, but I’m used to it and the funny thing is I don’t hear the ringing sound in my ears. The location of the sound is somewhere around my forehead and above my right ear and the tinnitus doesn’t affect my hearing it all. I sometimes wonder if it’s my imagination - it’s more audible when I am aware of it.

Anyway, you can try this if it’s a sinus problem.

This could be your auditory mind’s eye or imagination, this issue started when I started running Mind’s Eye again, originally I thought it was cognitive/intelligence sub based reconciliation, which it still may be.

Sinus issues, especially with the Eustachian tubes can most certainly cause tinnitus like symptoms. Pain and experience of pain symptoms are based on belief and expectation, which gets activated in your nervous system, as much as material sensory input–the new theory is called the Pain Matrix, very interesting, chronic pain and conditions can arise from this as real as if there were real structural damage impacting someone, from what I’ve read.

Anyway thank you for the suggested video-I will check it out :slight_smile:

you can try Ginko Biloba-if it is tinnitus that may alleviate it. If my issue turns out to be tinnitus I will also try that. I don’t believe it is though.

I had a few friends who developed tinnitus from working in the air force as mechanics and they would get large military compensation checks because of it and said all they had to do was take that stuff and it would go away, so they were essentially getting paid to take Ginko.


Calling in the favor of our very own hooded masked moderator-the Jason Bourne of subclubs…

I am at 520 posts would you kindly Ascend me to Ascended :hugs: :star_struck:

2nd loop of Emperor Medici,

I wonder if IQ enhancer is in here :thinking:
Or something akin to it.
My mind feels very sharp, clear, and active.
This has a little PCC vibe of ‘I’m in 3d chess land and everyone else is playing checkers.’

My cats, two 6 month old kittens, behaved uniquely when I went to their room today. I sat down away from them and one started circling my leg in loops and the other crawled up my stomach and started rubbing my face. Then she sat on my shoulder and the other one sat in my lap.

I had a funny thought and imagined it was like a parody of Odin and his ravens, or a king with two guard dogs, or some ruler getting a portrait taken lol.

There affectionate but this was a little over the top–could House of Medici be effecting these feline ‘members of the family’ :joy:


I was trying to see a link between your username Azriel and your two cats since I was reminded of the cat of the villian in Smurfs which was also called Azrael.



LMAO !!:joy::joy:

Azrael is the angel of death in mythology and religion, my name is an accidental misspelling of that.
I think I unconsciously did it though to avoid being too associate with that.

Death spiritually is simply change and transformation-letting go of that which no longer serves, and evolving, dying to one’s own self and being reborn as something evolved. That is why I chose that name

Azrael for the smurfs is just real death though lol