AzrielLight EmperorQ

thank you brother

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@Azriel is the rumor true about BobWhite in NYC? Best chicken burgers to munch on if you want to get some late-night food? :smiley:

@Azriel How’s it going? Have you listened to ZP yet?

I have not, will this week


Will keep this short because I am in productive mode

Life has been wonderfully grounded and not nearly as interesting off subs- I’ve taken close to a 3-month washout my experience on subs changed my character but the effects faded over time. I am a different person in many ways for the better except 1 way, which I am ambiguous about, there is a level of vigilance and constant challenge, perhaps from running Emperor for so long that has stuck with me, that I have not been able to break through or get a reprieve from. I can see the finish line and have not reached escape velocity.

I will write in more detail when I close this journal soon on what the long-term changes were, and where I saw a lack of what I would have like to see improved more permanently.

I have actually had a bit of an existential crisis about how much better my life is on subs as it is disturbingly wonderful how fast things turn around in my experience and results after running some loops. I need to keep remembering it’s just bringing out the best of me.

So my journey begins again- I will run Chosen. I am not defined on with what else yet


Ran 1 loop of Chosen today.

How to describe

  1. Instant energy surge
  2. Profound sense of positivity and possibility
  3. Profound sense of confidence, courage, and fearlessness
  4. No overthinking anything-acting on what I saw to do
  5. Sense of best self- nonstop productivity for 8 hours
  6. Working with colleagues- leading them and getting them to fulfill mission-critical items
  7. Being treating me like royalty-going out of their way to offer to help me with things when out- 2 people actually
  8. Sense of wanting to care for and lead a part of myself that has been hurt/victimized
  9. Sense of wanting to support and empower others while also doing what is relevant for myself
  10. Sense of high value and worth
  11. Overwhelming drive to fulfill my word on what I would said to people
  12. Sense of personal honor and dignity that has been missing for me.
  13. Sene of space around some of the crazy anxieties and internal struggles I have had
  14. It’s like the executive function switch in my brain has been turned on (similar to Emperor)
  15. Shift from a victim mentality to sense of agency

Man this ZP was powerful and worked fast. The only caveat I will say is so far the sexual edge is definitely lacking, (I know that’s not the function/ intention of the sub) but more running needs to be done to explore this.


Sounds like good results after one loop man. I’m going to run chosen next, currently testing wanted. I hope it continues to work well for you.

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Fantastic summary and can definitely relate to everything you said. Looking forward to reading more about your experience with Chosen. Great to have you back!


I wonder if the sexual edge would kick in once someone hits the objective of attracting a romantic partner on the same positive wavelength, like on the sales page.


I believe it might, after further socializing around a new woman I live with temporarily, it seemed that a certain kind of attraction was strongly present on her part and that if I were very attracted back something could spark. I think with the right wave length, sparks could definitely fly on this. It’s just not as ‘dirty’ :slight_smile:
sexual like primal, PS, khan etc…


Back to the ol’ Journal for now.

Running Emperor ZP 2 x a week for the last couple weeks.
I’ve posted a lot of my results and sense of comparison between ZP and Q in the Emperor ZP thread.

Just posting lately - really processing out some strong sense of hopelessness, confusion, and difficulty with my financial situation and work situation. Having glimpses into a totally different more enterprising way of being. Right now I am present to both gratitude for the flexibility and consistency I have with work, and upset, hopelessness, at going anywhere different.

I doubled my pay in November and I’m set to double it again in March- but it still feels hopeless, because I am too reliant on this one avenue pathway and I am not confident in my ability to create new pathways either with earnings from freelance work, employmeent, or my own business.

I also see how I am looking to feel good rather than produce results. This is tricky because being involved in something that feels good is more sustainable, but overcoming inertia usually never feels good initially.

None of these feelings are necessarily new but they are new in how I am relating to them. More ease, less collapse and more looking and real thinking to do something upset it.

So as this relates to Emperor ZP, not sure if recon, is part of the growth process. I prefer to feel fully empowered around what I am up to but this may be having me deal with what’s needed in a way that is needed.


What I would say so far is Emperor ZP started off with some powerful effects/ results
and it has turned into something that seems to be causing real internal growth with minimal overt self effects or results otherwise currently.


Feeling good is the essential basis for manifestation. Even if that’s the only thing you can do, start with feeling good. That’s why Love Bomb and Chosen From Within are such a big deal. They make you feel good about yourself. Right now I’m running CFW but I’ll also be making Love Bomb a part of my stack in the near future.

Whatever you do start with feeling good about yourself.


Thank you for reminding me of this. So true.

Got a start a new journal soon.

Really been enjoying messing with ZP. I’ve been pretty consistent with Emperor cycles and have tested out paragon to good success and more recently Khan Stage 1. Will write about them on their respective threads. Tempted to run this custom I never used in QV2. But ZP has been a smooth ride and not really looking to reintroduce to much recon/ turbulence. I will check if this could be a ZP custom

  1. Emperor: House of Medici Core 2. Ecstasy of Gold Stage 1 Core 3. R.I.C.H. Ultima Core 4. Sultan 5. Secret Source 6. Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy 7. Financial Reality Shifter 8. Positive Being Attractor: Wealth 9. Furious Ascent 10. Instant Business Tactician 11. Sacred Words 12. Mystery 13. Eye of The Storm 14. Wayfinder 15. Debt Annihilator 16. Fenrir 17. Machine Action 18. Machine Rest 19. Virtue: Temperance 20. Omnidimensional

reposting because relevant here

I’m running Khan Stage 1 ZP this week as a test,
and am blown away by how challenging it is at times , as well as it’s potential

Not sure if recon- but the level of self -focus, challenge positioning myself in anything but the highest status position regardless of the situation, and on doing only where there is leverage for results and my energy will yield results, as well as processes out some ‘childishness’ and aggression are quite interesting

It’s also takes me out of my intense mental acuity and celebration and deeply into my body and slowed down. It feels a little like ‘dumb sauce’, it’s almost like I don’t think as much (again could be recon) and my connection with woman is insanely up.


Duh—This just hit
Khan (Khan stage 1) is making me aware of ‘good and bad’ sides lol

Healing through it in the breakdown sense but also owning it-in the Khan integrating shadow sense

Self interest
Desire to be the best/ competitiveness
Wanting to crush and dominant
Anger and aggression
Getting away with


Ya. It was released almost 2 months ago…



I’ve legally changed my middle name to Duh. (Well, I’m considering it, anyway.)

I can’t count the number of times that I notice something has happened, and then notice that ‘hmm…that looks like something’, and then realize, ‘oh wait a second, this is exactly what I was manifesting and asking for!

It’s the joy of working with the subconscious. Lots of great surprises.


Walking your way through it


Working your way through it

Owning it!

Every step taken gives back to you.


wow lol

@Simon what are you running these days and how is it going

HOM as your primary I believe you said.

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