Attraction grows or decreases after

At work

A woman sees you, her face lights up, she starts the conversation, it is a short one, nothing sexual neither extraordinary, just a nice one about trivial things. You act somewhat aloof, relaxed, you treat her like a normal friend (although you barely know each other).

Will she

A- Lose attraction
B- Become more attracted
C- Nothing will change

B- Become more attracted

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Nothing can be assumed .

Escalate ! That will give the answer ( assuming you are attracted ) .


It is a kind of bet. I wanna your opinions.

In a matter of days or weeks i will know for sure

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My impression (even though there are lots of nuances not mentioned) is that you were talking with a bubbly extraverted person that is just being social. ‘You’ were aloof(most likely not showing your true feelings i.e. attraction), relaxed and having a casual conversation. It doesn’t sound like there was a spark(you know, that feeling of two magnets being pulled towards each other). If there is no spark, there will be no fireworks. So I would say option C - Nothing will change.

This doesn’t mean you can’t change it, everybody here is to learn and to grow.

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What i didn’t say is that some months ago she seemed annoyed by my presence, other times i was invisible to her.
Since i started running Ascension something changed.

Two days ago, before this brief encounter, she contacted me for an inexorable work related issue, she was very talkative, her way of staring at me and body language totally different.


Ascension is amazing, sounds like it brought you a lot of inner power! Incredible change already! Keep going!

Perhaps take a look at this situation from another perspective, all this spark is coming from your body, and you communicate that to her, this social thing and attraction is coming from that place, not from only your mind. Now you got all this amazing power, try communicating from that powerful place and don’t be afraid showing more attraction to…mixed with this power is very attractive…but this might be a learning curve as you have learn to ride the wave with all this power. You can do this!

Imagine if you were in her shoes, what would it be like talking to you? How would you feel if you expressed enthusiasm and joy, and you got a non-expressive, stoic response? You might find it hard to read the other person, not knowing what they feel, nothing will change. You want to be jelly to that delicious peanut butter sandwich :slight_smile:

all the best!


It depends on what type of woman she is and what she’s attracted to.
Maybe she’s just friendly and speaks to everyone.
If she has insecurities about herself or low self esteem being aloof may make her feel embarrassed about starting the conversation and she may back off.
If she likes a challenge that would be a turn on for her and she will be attracted to you. Same if she’s confident in herself and is really attracted to you.
If she’s a diva that us used to guys falling all over her at first glance she may feel insulted and never talk to you again.

So short answer idk it varies.


Thanks to all for your answers!

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Test the waters and escalate as @gdbdboy said. Not all women will be attracted no matter what you do.

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Great answer, it’s different in each situation.


Wow that’s great if you like her go for for it!!!
Maybe take initiative the next opportunity you have to speak with her so she knows your interested.


Thanks for your words

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