Astonishing results

yesterday,I ran LU2 and LB back to back first thing in the morning…nothing too obvious I could see beside…I could not sleep…or to be exactly…I didn’t want to sleep at night…now,it seems the pattern for me it is that two loops Ultima of any kind will stir me up…I will continue to experiment…but stick to one loop a day…

another thing is that …UAQ and QLQ is a killer combo…yesterday,I went to my singing class…I could learn and adapt much more quickly…the quality of my voice seems to improve …and I felt like something was click inside…it was really easy for me to switch from different vocal register …it was smooth …for a brief moment I thought I am a music genius …unfortunately…today,I go back to the normal state…still…it was
fun experience…and I am sure If I continue to run this stack and take action,at the end of this year,I will completely transform into some one new …some one according to my own will…

Thats the way i feel about my stack too, cant wait to see what i get up to this year

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Since UAQ and QLQ is giving me really obvious improvements when I sing…I decided to adjust my regular schedule…starting next week…I will use the new one…day 1,3 and 5 :ASx1 ,QLQx2,UAQx2,DRx2…day 2 and 4 :UAQx3,QLQx2,DRx2…and occasionally,I will use Ultima for situational purposes…

one dream this morning:I went back to a school where I saw the junior high school bully…this time I provoked him …I challenged him to fight with me…I yelled out that he is coward not daring to face me in front …and he decided to take the challenge just before we fight…I asked the bystander ,which is weird enough happened to be my cousin…to shoot a video for me to sue that son of bitch later in case I lost…and I said…today ,one of us is going to die…I am not gonna stop until that happen…and then I woke up…
well ,it is pretty obvious that DR is cleansing something traumatic inside and granting me power to face the weakness and fear …I think something interesting is about to happen…we will see…


so,this morning I had a weird dream…I was with a mediocre looking girl…I tried to tell her something…and she bursted out a dramatic reaction shaking her head and yelling out I dont wanna listen …and I was in shock …completely in flight or fight mode…after she repeated the stupid shit few times…she calmed down…I told her something and she said now you know how to talk…I was explaining in my head…yup that is because you break my pattern…I had no previous reference on how to act in those situation…and I woke up…it was strange…cuz I usually dont get involved with girls like that …I will stay the hell out from them when I see the first sight that indicates they are emotional unstable…I believe girls act like that not only will bring me troubles ,also contaminate the whole interaction…it is disgusting…now that I write it down…I guess this is something I learnt from my relationship with my mother…she was really emotional unstable…some times she acts like a child who doesn’t want to face problem up front and only complain…that annoys me a lot…I dont have any savior complex…I dont want to save anyone from their emotional turmoil…I believe ultimately people are on their own when it comes to dealing with their own inner demon…so…I am guessing DR is bringing something up for me to take a closer look…to examine it …what can I learn from that ?I am turn off by those kind of behavior…even though I know if I help them get out of those shit they will become fixated …the thing is I dont want anyone to fixate on me or rely on me…is it a problem I need to fix?I dont see it that way…there must be a deeper meaning for this dream…which I can not think of yet…maybe later…

edit:by writing it down on my notebook,I realise what it means…in my early age,my mother often times would be dumping out her negative feelings and complaints on me…as a young child…I didn’t know how to handle it…instinctively,I ran away from that and deep down I was repelled by these type of situation because it may me feel vulnerable which again I didn’t know how to deal with it…I as a child never felt I had the emotional support and I blamed my mom for that…I am sick and tired of being the emotional tampon…somehow,my subconscious knows better…it knows that I have to face it to have a more fulfilling relationship…that is why I constantly attract wrong girls into my life…cuz my subconscious mind tries to help me to learn the lesson…how to comfort people when they need ,at the same time not turn myself into an emotional tampon…I guess there is more to come…anyway,I am sure I can handle it and heal it much better this time…I only use DR a little bit more than a month…I dont know how much more improvements I will make at the end of this year…I guess sky is the limit…let‘s see…


It some progress with the realization and moving forward emotionally

it‘s Chinese New Year this week so,I decided to stop my regular listening schedule and experiment a bit…today,I ran PSITU and LU back to back also paired with ICQ and DR…so far it‘s all good…my sister is giving a weird look…puppy‘s eyes and biting lips…it’s fucking weird…later we might have visitors…let’s see what we will get later…

two thing that I realised…one :my mom is really chatty to a point that just annoy me ,repeating the same shit over and over again…I learnt to take control of the conversation by mimicking her and say all the things she might say before she even opens her mouth…that way I could have a laugh and not have borne with her boring shit……this is a really good and fun strategy…until later,I scrolled through the forum seeing that there is a module Raikov in all titles which will help the listener become good at modeling people…now,I know why suddenly I have this ability to mimic her that well…it is fun though…I might use it more intentionally to improve myself later…

another thing is that I learnt a bit Chinese purple star astrology…just to con girls at first…but sometimes I will read my friends or family members charts to give them some suggestions…last year…when I read my sister chart…an images stuck in my head…so I told her that she is gonna meet a fat guy who wants start a relationship with her…I bursted out the details about this guy…how he looks like …what he personalities like…at first they thought I was joking/making fun at her…but later that year…she did meet/have a chance to know some one like that…not one but two…this year…few days ago this happened again…I saw the image in my mind…I told her the kind of person she is gonna meet this year…today,she told me she reconnect with a old school mate who is almost identical to my description…I guess this is ME in AS working ?I dont know …we will see…

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Interesting. Did you manage to interpret your own chart too? Anything interesting that you think will happen to you this year?

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I dont actually buy in those things cuz I believe it might hinder and limit my growth for its ambiguous psychological insinuation nature…I learned it because I noticed the language pattern they use in astrology is really similar to the things I learnt from NLP…I believe it could be a good vehicle to deliver message and influence and it turns out I am right…I actually pull it off …con the conman…but if you really want to know what I see in my own chart…I saw that this year I am gonna have a great break through in my creative endeavor…there is a novel contest this year and I am gonna participate it…according to the chart ,it is really likely I am gonna win a prize…who knows…I will update the result later this years


DR is quite a ride. What stage are you on right now?

In case I missed you before…

Dragon in Action!


Welcome to the Sibling-hood…

Your invitation…

The Anthem

Dragon up so you can Dragon on!


st 1,been using it over 60 days …it is pretty smooth and relaxed now…

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for the past few days,I‘ve been experimenting different Ultima…paired with DR…I guess i overloaded my self…my head got this heavy feeling…i didn’t display the aura effect I expected…but still…I saw something …I am guessing the script bending itself to fit my goal ?not sure…
day 1: I used PSITU and LU ,two loops respectively and paired with four loops ICQ ,two loops DR…did not see much of effect on behaviours changing and aura emitting…but I had this mischievous look like I was up to something naughty …also my jawline seemed to become slimmer …the way I look and make facial expression is somehow different …I can not pinpoint what it was…but definitely different

day 2: I changed LU to LU2 and pull out DR…the rest remained same…again…similar to day one…
both day 1 and 2 ,something seemingly irrelevant changed…like I write novel every day…my writing had added an extra sarcastic and poetic undertone also mix with sexual innuendos during these time…

day 3: I changed LU2 to LB…and swap ICQ with DR…similar to the previous two day…the differentce is writing style changing back and also…the perception of my physical appearance changed …when I looked in the mirror …I saw something naughty…a playboy vibe mix with a child like attitude…and I smiled at my mirror reflection…it is a really warming and genuine smile…In my mind,I was saying something along the line…“he is really charming,no wonder girls like
him so much…with that smile, he could melt any girls heart within a heart beat…I just felt comfortable and satisfied with my look…

day 4: changed PSITU to SU…and the rest remained…I guess I totally overloaded myself…I just did not want to socialize with people at all…whereas…I ran this combo two weeks ago ,at the time,I was just happy to talk to every body…aside from that did not see any noticeable difference…

day 5: I cut it down a bit…two loops LBU…three loops DR…I still got the heavy feeling…but it is much better…I am sure this child like attitude is coming from LBU…I felt it again…it is optimistic …genuine ,carefree and playful ,but not like PSITU…the latter…it is a bit man to woman type of playful…with a bit flirting vibe…the former is just I am happy to share something fun with you type…a lot of time,I did not say something that witty or magnificent (compared to my usual comeback/story telling )it was just I had a good positive vibe…people buy in and love it…

day 6: tomorrow I haven’t decided what to run…perhaps BLU…or PSITU solo …we will see…

one more thing I noticed that related to AS…yesterday,I scrolled through the descriptions of all the modules I put in AS…I saw temptation …it said I will develop this mysteriousness and display coquettish behaviors…well,it seems this is really the case…the way I speak seems to have changed…I leave out informations in my story telling to build curiosity and anticipation and other purposes…I thought I am always like this…but the thing is I was not…the way I move and gesture also have been changed a bit…what can I say ?more coquettish …it is like I dont mind presenting myself to the world…letting other to see me is normal and making me happy to do so …could be the compound effect of temptation and stark ?I dont know …I guess there will be more to come…

edit:forgot to mention :Ultima seem to be really energy consuming…I have to eat more food to keep up…probably it has to use the energy projection system ?dont know…


Which do you think are the most significant changes for you so far?

honestly,I can not pinpoint exactly the cause of all the changes…since I am running a really dense stack…I dont know if the changes come from DR alone or the compound effect of all or even the build up effects from my custom AS…so ,I can only tell you something that I know for sure come from DR…

the first month I added it into my stack…I noticed that I could not even have any negative thoughts or feelings …they would just evaporate the moment it popped up…and I have hardcore father issue …I was defiant to authority due to that reason…now it seems under control…not on the outrageous irrational burst out extent any more…I still think he is a fucking loser…but I dont feel really strong negative feelings towards him anymore…I guess when the time comes I might actually be able to let go all of that…just not now…also DR break through my subliminal process limit…before that I could barely listen to two loops Ultima a day…now I could go for four and relatively feel OK about it…it seems to act like a result enhancer too…it help me see results from others title I am running quicker…these are what I can think of …hope that helps…


Great! This is progress! Congratulations!


Yes, indeed! :slight_smile:

two things worth to mention :I had a singing class today…and the teacher was demonstrating a technique…I almost immediately modeled that…I believe this is the effect from Raikov…since last time I noticed that module was in active…now it seems to me that it is really easy to consciously fire this ability…and I was playing the imitation game a lot recently…it is fun though…I could really see this ability will come in handy when ever I want to learn something in the future or even flirting with girls …it would be hell lots of fun to mimic them…

another thing was I scrolled through the forum and saw people was talking about glitch in the Matrix…it reminds me of something …
for a period of time,I thought I saw the glitch in the matrix…to be exactly,it was last year …I was running AS paired with QLQ…I experienced those weird time loop…and in real life,My brain seemed to be able to predict what people are gonna say…and seeing the alternative motives behind …also I had this weird feelings that I could shift reality to the one I prefer…lying in front of me is the multiverse…I am at the tipping point that could dramatically change to any form at any moment…weird shits like that hovering my head…I thought it was the sigils I made finally kicked in…but the thing is those sigils never work for me…at least not as obvious as subs…I remember I once read a book ,it said that the first sign of spiritual awakening is mind paradigm shifting…which might cause one‘s perception of reality change…I personally dont think that I am a person who lean towards spiritual growth…I am more a down to earth person who cares about developing himself and lead the life that I design…so,it is weird to have all those thoughts hovering over my head…it could mean something I guess ?what exactly it represents…?my conscious mind actually has developed a stronger and more direct connection with the subconscious mind therefore seeing ,hearing all those symbolic representations ?not sure…


I’m glad the subliminals are working so well for you! Keep posting mate!


Merger of the Worlds working more on you…

By the way, I came across this story of Pan Bowen (潘博文) in the Chinese internet… and it seems to be like a glitch in the matrix incident if it is real…


I looked it up…the story has different sides…hard to say what is true…still keep me wonder the reality…I might try to write down something on notebook…usually writing could access different part of my subconscious …if anything interesting comes up,I will post it…