Ascension + Regeneration + PCC not working

@Grimm1390 - am sorely tempted to go back and start with the basics. Like Ascension + Survival Instinct (SI for health) is what am mulling over. Or Ascended Mogul + Survival Instinct. Especially since i feel am lacking Action.

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Whats survival instinct ? You could keep your stack depending on how much your running and throw in ascension, but with sigma not feeling ascension while having it in a stack im not so sure now. Your other option is throw in khan st3 to give you that push to take action if action taking is what your seeking

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@Grimm1390 - Survival Instinct is the second Aegis title “Aegis Initiative: Survival Instinct”. Or we can think of it as the first non-experimental Aegis title since Aegis Initiative: Covid is considered experimental.

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Sorry to hear about the helicopter parents and yeah I actually read your link before, glad you taking steps to improve and change all that. As for the abuse, if you can cut yourself out from that shit, no one deserves to go through with that even if it comes from family, sooner to later karma will get them or once they’re old and realize how they fucked up bro. Oh and I have erased porn from my life man, once I found out how much effect it has on you, to the point where you know it’s causing almost all pain that comes in your life from it, I quit cold turkey man. It’s been a year, temptations are there but thanks to Sr/nofap my will is stronger, so I have no problem with porn anymore. Masturbation too I have cut it down drastically, and now I’m on my longest streak of 3 months … though I made a lifestyle so don’t really count the days. It has helped me immensely :+1::ok_hand:


Seeing abuse at any age is bad, it’s extra crappy as a child. :pensive:

I’m an absolute novice at psychology, so please feel free to take anything I say with a grain of salt.

The subconscious mind doesn’t do anything on a whim, if you hold a belief or subconsciously act a certain way, it’s because your mind feels that is what is best and safest for you. I can’t say why regeneration hasn’t helped with that, but to be honest I don’t think your issue is that you’re too nice. There are lots of nice people who don’t feel submissive or taken advantage of or feel they have lower social status.

I think what you need is more self confidence, but in a way that doesn’t disagree with how your subconscious sees the world right now. If it’s afraid the new ideas from subliminals would threaten the “safe mode” it has you in, then it’s far less likely to accept the new programming.
If it were me, I’d try to reframe it as a positive approach… instead of “no more nice guy”, try “I’m going to be the most awesome, confident, fearless version of me that I can be.”

I’ve never had any success trying to achieve a goal with a negative mindset, only positive ones. “I don’t want to be overweight” was far less effective than “I will be fit!”, for example.


Not enough exposure. We recommend starting with one loop, but increasing until you reach your sweet spot. This means, adding more loops until you start to feel reconciliation. With this many subs, you might not be able to get the exposure you need, so you may have to go down to two subs. Ascension and Regeneration is probably your best bet. PCC is more of an “add-on” after you’ve started to receive results.

If you’re getting dreams, you’re processing the subliminal. Again, it’s probably just a lack of exposure. Most people start with one or two subs, then add more as needed.

Not noticing isn’t the same as no results. You have to set an honest baseline that’ll allow you to gauge your growth. That means, NONE of this “it could be the sub, but” excuses that float around in the subliminal scene. If it’s something that you never experienced before, but experienced after listening, it’s not a coincidence. Once you set your baseline, chart your growth. This doesn’t have to be a hard process, just noticing what’s actually changed. I can pretty much guarantee that if you sit down and do this, you’ll notice that things have changed.

We see this occur a lot. People will buy a sub, then demand a refund because they “see no changes,” and if we put them on the blacklist, sure enough, a few months later, they’ll come back begging to get off the blacklist because they actually DID see changes and reconciliation was clouding their judgment, or they were playing the “it could be the sub, but” games.

You’re kinda engaging in that now. Saying “the only” thing is a diminishment of the results you’re getting. This is a big thing. Your “nice guy syndrome” is directly caused by past trauma. If your stack is helping you get through that, THAT’S PROGRESS. That’s BIG progress. Just because it’s not manifesting in the physical world as huge shifts in personality doesn’t mean things aren’t happening behind the scenes.

And again, you have to TAKE ACTION. The next time you’re in a “nice guy” situation, don’t act like a nice guy. Just say “no,” and watch the new programming kick in.


^^^ This! :+1:t2:

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Yep, I agree, reframing how you see things and :100: no one can lead a positive life with negative mindset and vice versa. This past year I have made lots of growth, since I started sr my negative habits went down a lot, stopped playing games as much, procrastination is down too although it can be improved ofcourse. My negative self talk also has drastically gone down and I actually am starting to write positive affirmations before going to sleep or saying them to myself. Overall in a year I made more positive changes in myself then all of my 26 years of life before …now just to make subs work on myself so I can completely transform myself and like you said be the best version of myself and not only that but to feel it too and talk the talk as well as walk the walk. I’m gonna try raphaels advice on ascension starting next week. Will do it till September and see. This week im taking a break from all 3 subs. Let’s see what happens.


We see this occur a lot. People will buy a sub, then demand a refund because they “see no changes,” and if we put them on the blacklist, sure enough, a few months later, they’ll come back begging to get off the blacklist because they actually DID see changes and reconciliation was clouding their judgment, or they were playing the “it could be the sub, but” games.


Yes I read that before, and I’m not asking for refund cause I know they all work :slight_smile: :+1:

As for the rest, I agree…and will do accordingly. I will up the loops and drop pcc altogether. Thanks for the info


@Sigma11 - am sure there are changes in you thanks to the subs but you don’t feel that it is enough or fast enough. I had these feelings too initially but have learnt a lot through trial and error of using subs and grudgingly (lol) accepting advice from our veterans here. Am sure you will eventually succeed👍


@Sigma11 my apologies if you mentioned this on the sub before but have you ever read no more mr nice guy ? it’s the Bible for nice guys like us. It was written by dr glover. He has tons of good vids on YouTube as well for you to get a feel for him. No more mr nice guy is one of those books that you reread and look over the exercises in the book every now and then. It’s not a book you read once and put away I feel. Your post inspired me to reread or now btw.
Also I don’t know if you know who rian stone is but he’s part of the redpill community and he did a series on the nice guy syndrome and he broke down some concepts from dr glovers no more mr nice guy book. I’ll just post 1 of each in case your interested.


Thank for the post bro! Will watch these and save for future use :+1::+1::+1:


I’d also suggest checking out David Deida’s The Way Of The Superior Man, and just about anything by Tony Robbins on increasing your personal power - Unlimited Power and Awaken The Giant Within are both absolute classics.

Good luck!


Np :slightly_smiling_face:gonna blow your post with a few more then


Bring it on, @Grimm1390. Rian Stone is cool but haven’t seen this series.

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Watching one of them right now …“when I say no I feel guilty”


I’m not sure if it’s best to start from ep 1 for rian stones series or not but feel free guys watch whatever way you want to :slightly_smiling_face:


I just finished his summary of when I say no I feel guilty …and it’s really informative. And I quickly learned that I have to develop my verbal assertiveness.


If you like that vid you will like the rest of the series and love Robert glover talks and no more mr nice guy book.
it’s like we have to teach ourself to be assertive and practice it over time to strengthen it. Again I’m really surprised ascension hasn’t helped you. I’m gonna be following your journey to see if running ascension alone gives you that inner power boost.


Il follow saints advice, and up more loops and drop pcc completely. I will continue it till September. Each week il increase loops till I hit reconciliation. I don’t journal here but il post on this thread by the end of this month :+1: thanks for the videos il check all of them!