Ascension QV2 & More

What are some leadership roles that I can take on in order to become more alpha and lead and direct people ?

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One type of leadership is advocating for something you care about.

Maybe you can push for a change in your office. If you think something could be different (something small but important), get a couple of people on your side and then make your office/workplace a better place.

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Problem with the work place is that I can’t take orders from anyone let alone my boss. I don’t get angry or get blatant but I avoid take orders in a subtle way.

So any change that I want to undertake at work still requires I follow some rules or someone’s rules.


Thinking of applying to the police for a reservist…:thinking:

Are you going to quit your job?

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No since w reservist is part time.
However I want to quit my job eventually. Tired of the rules and shit that comes with a job.


Maybe it’s time to hit up Ascended Mogul and start your own company :wink:


Got an interview call scheduled for next week.
Had lots of attraction and advancement from women this past week.

Been seriously contemplating joining the police force on voluntary basis. Three days ago had a police officer stop at my apartment to ask for directions. :thinking:. Ascension?

Got a call from HR to tell me I have been selected to attend a week long seminar all paid! Ascension?


Why does a women give me her number then ask if I have kids? :thinking:


I don’t know how you met what’s your culture looks like … but strictly from business point of view I ask this question alot on daily basis indirectly to my customers for sales purposes (sales force men and women)… :thinking:

Although I wish you the best and she is interesting in having good times with you :wink:. Ascension is the best I love it. Enjoy your results :muscle:


We were school friends and met like after 10 years. We never used to really speak at school but just greet each other.

She came to me and shouted my name. I didn’t even make her out. I met her at a conference today.

When then sat with a couple of other friends and she kept on talking about how nicey family is etc.

She also asked if I have a partner an then said oh so nice etc. She was extremely chatty.


@sid maybe that can help you with more details.


Definitely not a sales force :rofl:. She is interested in you and if she spoke about family … it means marriage and long term commitment . If you like her . What about initiating contact going out . Have a casual time together … (Path ways of manifestation ) already manifested through (conference attending ) now the decision is yours :fire:


She even mentioned that she doesn’t talk to some other school friends since they hit on her lol


I got three interviews next week starting Monday.
Should I use limitless or buy QL and use Stage1?

Limitless. much faster given your stated timeframe

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One can be the best candidate for the interview. You can have the best score in the interview. But if you didn’t pay someone or do some other under handed deal…then I’m afraid you will not get the position.

This is the reality in my country of how things work and I guess it’s all countries which is sad.

This reality is now making me lose interest in applying for a promotion.

This will definitely work against me since I can’t do under handed deals I not that kind of person.

Would like to hear your views on this. :blush:

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What is the country you live in?
“… I guess it’s all countries which is sad.”
It is not, at least in the Capital city of my Country, talking from my own experience.


I’m in South Africa.

I’m sure it’s in your country in some way


The winning conditions were simply not what you anticipated. But if you know the strategy of your environment, you can adapt.

Inner Circle might be more effective than Limitless to help you get your next job. Or perhaps HOM. Or perhaps AM + Inner Circle + HOM!


I hear you mate!
Good suggestions.

That will not change the criteria since the criteria is a bribe or some under handed deal. :blush:

It’s like this in my profession.

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