Ascension, Primal Seduction and Spartan

This is the new custom I ordered to run in my office at work. I work in a creative field and hope for great synergy between Stark and Ultimate Artist.

Obviously Stark, Primal Seduction and Ultimate Artist are pretty big programs and likely don’t need a whole lot added to them to function well, and should have synergy.

Of course, I needed at least 10 modules.

The only additions are the healing block of modules and the modules for manifestation of physical masculinity, being in the moment, being more fiscally responsible and being more productive.

What else does a man need?

Primal Seduction
Ultimate Artist

Lion iv
Ego Adsum

Debt Annihilator
Productivity Unleashed

Blue Skies
I Am
New Beginnings

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I created another Q Custom to play in my workout area. This particular subliminal will play 24 hours a day in my basement and is situated directly adjacent to where I work out. I will hear it mostly when I exercise or when I am doing my laundry or taking a shower. This will likely only be heard in somewhat fragmentary fashion and likely on a half to two loops a day. It will be quite variable dependent on my activities.

This sub is focused on exercise and masculinity.

You can notice that while it has the same auxillary modules as the sub I created last night it has different cores. The idea being that the fundamental needs of healing, being in the moment, masculine expression, productivity and fiscal responsibility can be worked upon and find expression through a variety of channels.

Emperor Fitness ST4

Lion iv
Ego Adsum

Debt Annihilator
Productivity Unleashed

Blue Skies
I Am
New Beginnings

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My assumption is that my subs will have long term legs.

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Like a garden in which the supporting modules are the Soil and the cores are like different trees or flowers growing in different plots.

To continue the metaphor, you actually have your customs associated with specific physical locations. I think this is an intriguing experiment. It capitalizes on the mind’s capacity for associative learning.

After some point in time, it’s plausible to imagine, for example, that you can go into your basement and even if the subliminal is not playing your mind will respond as if it is playing, and begin to run those same scripts. I don’t know if that would happen, but it seems plausible. So the locale itself becomes a cue and you may experience a motivational and attentional boost just when you step into the space.

Well, it’s an interesting possibility, and you’ll find out through actual experience.

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Thanks, Malkuth. I see healing as a long term ongojng process and also as mitigation of future trauma. I am hoping it creates a long term process of cleaining up and maintaining a cleared mental space.

I tried to think of the most fundamental expressions one might need in life and came up with the ability to be undistracted in the present moment; clarity, as represented by Ego Adsum. The ability to fully express one’s natural masculinity, as represented by Lion IV. The ability to be productive and accomplish what is necessary as represented by Productivity Unleashed. The ability to not dig oneself into a financial hole as represented by Debt Annihilator. It seems sometimes that we don’t need to acquire piles of cash, but merely need to make sure we have enough for the things that are essential and important to us, and that we stay cognizant of not digging holes to be stick within.

I see the various cores as as allowing these concerns to flower in the complex and interrelated ways that they actually do in our lives. The healing modules helping, through our action to keep the path clear, wherever it might lead.

I am interested in placing subs with appropriate themes in various places and have been doing this for a while.

Spartan has been playing long term, other than when I have shut it down to do the Emperor Q and Ultima tests, in my basement.

I have had Ultimate Artist and sometimes Limitless playing in my office at work as they are suited to my work activities.

I love the idea of Limitless but have left it out of my new customs as it seems like specialized or focused versions of Limitless get integrated into just about every title. I am figuring the versions of Limitless that are part of Ultimate Artist, Stark and Primal Seduction should serve me well and catalyze each other.

I also keep thinking about how using the same “soil” of essential modules should help to integrate different subs and allow one to put together relatively cheap name embedded custom subs to use.

I figure the main titles have enough range and complexity as they are. To me it is perfect to then integrate basic fundamental needs into the subs and healing to clear away blockages for the manifestation of those fundamental needs.

Malkuth, I really like that garden and soil metaphor. That is a really useful and fecund.


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Emperor Fitness ST4

Lion iv
Ego Adsum

Debt Annihilator
Productivity Unleashed

Blue Skies
I Am
New Beginnings

I found out about the new Aegis Initiative: Survival Instinct title and it is supposed to be coming out as a module, too, so I will be including that, too, in my physical fitness Q.


Ego Adsum

Lion 4
Total Nonchalance
Power Unleashed
Alpha Body Language
Invincible Presence

Primal Seduction

Ego Adsum

Productivity Unleashed

Lion 4
Total Nonchalance
Power Unleashed
Alpha Body Language
Invincible Presence

Iron Frame


Blue Skies

So the theme here is unflappable relaxed alpha man in the now. If you fuck with him, though, he will be more than ready to take you down physically or verbally.

Also women are way into him.

I am finding a desire to place Ego Adsum, Ares and Blue Skies into every concept I imagine.

Apparently your mind is really vibing with them. You’re using them right now, yes?

So far, of the three, I’m only running EGO ADSUM. I have only positive things to say.

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They are in the only custom I’ve got so far which is:

Sex Mastery

Ego Adsum
Lion IV

Blue Skies
I Am
New Beginnings

I consider this a fast acting “reset to zero” themed sub.

I have also ordered two more which will contain all three.


Ego Adsum

Productivity Unleashed

Lion 4
Total Nonchalance
Power Unleashed
Alpha Body Language
Invincible Presence


Blue Skies

Primal Seduction
Power Can Corrupt

Ego Adsum

Iron Frame

Total Nonchalance
Power Unleashed
Alpha Body Language
Invincible Presence
Lion iv


Productivity Unleashed
Debt Annihilator

Blue Skies

Emperor Fitness ST4
Survival Instinct

Lion iv
Ego Adsum

Debt Annihilator
Productivity Unleashed

Blue Skies
I Am
New Beginnings

Survival Instinct
Power Can Corrupt

Ego Adsum

Iron Frame

Total Nonchalance
Power Unleashed
Alpha Body Language
Invincible Presence
Lion iv


Productivity Unleashed
Debt Annihilator

Blue Skies

Relaxed. Creative. Unable to be fucked with.

Primal Seduction
Survival Instinct
Power Can Corrupt

Ego Adsum

Iron Frame

Total Nonchalance
Power Unleashed
Alpha Body Language
Invincible Presence
Lion iv

Productivity Unleashed
Debt Annihilator

Blue Skies