Art Goddess, RM+Minds Eye+RICH ZP

I’m starting my new stack. RENAISSANCE MAN, MINDS EYE and RICH. All zp

Art Goddess Goals
To express myself freely through my creations and share my visualizations with the world. Manifest
Visualize the things that I want to Manifest clearly during my meditations. Make money from my creativity.

Some projects I’ve been slacking on and need to start working on and or consistently.

Youtube - meditation channel, Art Channel & Spritual Transformation channel.

Books- The planetary energies, Candle magick and root(herb) work. Vedic astrology Mahadasha’s

Podcast- Manifestation and Spirtual alchemy

Reiki Visionz- My business Art & Reiki

I know I have a lot of goals but I know I can be successful at them all. I don’t expect these goals to be achieved overnight but it is time to get to work. Consistency and productivity is key. I hope somthing in RM will help with my confidence and negative thoughts about myself and minds Eye will help detour my mind from drifting off into negative visualizations so I can focus on the positive ones . Well here we go. Embrace The Process :raised_hands:t5:


It’s a creative stack :heart::fire:

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Looking forward to seeing what you discover there!

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It’s Monday 12am starting off the week with 1 loop of ME & RICH hope they work well with sleep and RM since I’m going to have to listen to all my programs the same time of day. I was thinking about RM for a day time sub but with my listening schedule that would cause over exposure I’m assuming. We will see how this goes I’m excited
Good night

1st day 1loop of ME & RICH
2nd day rest
3rd day RM 1loop
4th day rest
5th day 1loop of ME & RICH
6th day rest
7th day RM 1 loop

02/2/2022 so I’ve started my new stack I listened to Renaissance Man at 12:45 am
Some things I’ve noted

The morning after I listened to R.I.C.H and minds Eye I woke up visualizing all the things I wanted to Manifest and I didn’t have that gut feeling I usually get when I Visualize manifesting things that I THOUGHT were out of my reach. I was also led to read a new book about the Goddess Fortuna the weird part is, is when I’ve looked up info on her in the past I didn’t find much but these last few days I’ve discovered an abundance of information about her the door has been opened and I assume I’m ready although this time time I feel like she has found me ok so those are the positives. On the other side of things I have been feeling a bit irritated mostly with my husband I’m just once again realizing how unhappy I am with our marriage and I need to value myself more. I’ve been wanting to lash out when he gets snappy and says degrading things to me but I’ve composed myself. This afternoon I wrote a poem and wrote out how I feel and how angry I am I guess Renaissance Man is kicking in because it’s been a while since I wrote a poem and everything flowed out effortlessly.


That would be the Sage Immortal scripting we rewrote and put in RM. :wink:

It’s designed to help you find sources of knowledge that will improve your craft and artistry.


This Zp tech is like from another dimension, it’s like discovering new things about it all the time.


Wow whoa thats awsome! It makes sense creator of worlds .You guys are amazing I’m speechless :flushed::blush:

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Ok I have to start doing this so I don’t get confused

01/31/2022 Monday 12:30 Am- R.I.C.H + Minds Eye

02/01/2022 Tuesday Rest

02/02/2022 Wednesday 12:45 am -Renaissance Man

02/03/2022 Thursday - Rest

02/04/2022 4:45am Friday -R.I.C.H & Minds Eye
Worked on my virtual Vision board while listening

02/05/ Rest

02/06/2022 12:30 PM Renaissance Man

02/08/2022 1:30pm R.I.C.H & Minds Eye

02/12/22 Renaissance Man

02/14/22 RICH & Minds Eye

02/16/22 Renaissance Man

02/18/22 R.I.C.H & Minds Eye

02/20/22 Renaissance Man

Start of Processing rest period 02/21/22-03/01/22

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02/09/2022 i don’t know what the heck was going on during sleep last night I had very intense dreams multiple I can’t remember them all but the one I remember most I was driving in the woods and then it felt as though I was driving through portals at a very fast speed lots of greenery and beautiful trees then it changed into a snow blizzard then I remember seeing some type of being on the side of the road I thought it was a human at first they were walking and I looked over it was in all black Hoodie and black paints but his eyes were glowing silver all I remember was telling myself to drive and drive fast don’t slow down. But as I passed him I felt like his energy was in the car even tho he was not physically in the car. Then my dream jumped to me being in a cave I was doing some ritual to 2 Greek God’s Hermes and prometheus there was fire all around. There was another dream about me and my husband somthing spiritual I can’t remember visually but I can still feel the emotion tied to it we were getting closer and I feel that he loved me I remember feeling relieved and saying to myself he finally loves me this is what I’ve been waiting for. I remember in alot of the dreams we were in cars vehicles which may be symbolic for moving forward in life. I woke up with a migraine my face is a bit swollen haven’t went through this in a while. I don’t consume a lot of salt and yesterday I think I may have over seasoned dinner so that could be the contributer to the headache and swollen face. I did have an interview with a recruiter yesterday it went well I had to take an assessment and I’m waiting to hear back. I have to add this company reached out to me I didn’t apply they saw my resume online and thought i would be a good fit for the position. I’m thinking this has somthing to do with R.I.C.H. I was also able to respond and express myself in a very smooth flowy way (Renaissance Man?) While speaking to the recruiter The position is in the commercial insurance field which im very experienced in but it’s a analytics position somthing I don’t have experience with but I put my fears aside and decided to go for it anyway since the opportunity came to me and I wanted to take action and it’s a job that would allow me to learn a new skill so we will see what happens either way things are going to work out.

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So I had an interview today I didn’t sleep all night a few hours before the interview I was in straight panic I almost had an anxiety attack or I did my heart was racing I was getting lightheaded I did reki on myself meditated with my rose quartz and amethyst spoke words of positivity to myself and for a split second I was thinking I can’t do this I was in straight flight mode and for a split second I said this isn’t happening today I hope the supervisor cancels cause I was to the point of shaking. Well after talking to my sis I finally calmed down and was like let’s do this! So I log into the zoom meeting 15 minutes early I was ready no longer nervous just excited so 10 minutes after the interview was supposed to start no supervisor yet. I was just about to email the recruiter to make sure there wasn’t an issue with the zoom link and the supervisor sent me an email saying she was sick and needed to reschedule :open_mouth:so that was that but I did do the interview with the 2nd supervisor and it went great now I just have to wait for the main supervisor and I’m confident that will go great too. I think everything worked out great well not that she was sick that part wasn’t great. I’m tired I feel like im going to ramble if I keep going I need some rest goodnight.

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02/15/2022 wondering what it feels like to be in a healthy relationship with someone that truly loves me

02/16/2022 Happy full moon in Leo
Manifest creativity!!!

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Ok so I’m at skyzone and my daughters wanted to play the claw machine. I have never won anything from a claw machine but today was different I’m on a role I won all 3 times gave one of them away to a random kid that was watching me play lol :pray:t4:



02/17/2022 seems like NY goals and priorities are shifting a bit I really need to focus on love myself and others , stability,balance, harmony and joy and as I’ve said before being the best mom and example I can be for my daughters.

My next stack
Seductress Zp
Chosen zp

and if I run a 3rd will be r.i.c.h again or UA zp not sure if I should include rich in my next cycle since it’s in my current stack should I pass and let it integrate?

Hmm Renaissance Man what do I feel from it?
I’m definitely feeling emotional not dark emotion but empathy really wanting to express myself to others in a way that I can help them. Creating my world I have hope again I’m more proactive things are manifesting. I find myself practicing reiki on myself more and meditating and visualizing every night and even during the day. A knowing I’m going to Manifest my dreams this also is minds Eye working as well. I feel lucky lately like I’ve ended a bad karmic cycle the weight of the world on my shoulders is starting to life. I’m starting to trust surrender I things are going to work out for my greater good but at the same time there issues that need to be dealt with and I know they have to be dealt with in a more sensitive non reactional type of way. Yes I cam definitely Visualize much better like right on the spot with little effort.

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I wanted to add that at the end of my interview the manager said to me I absolutely love your energy. The way i have been speaking lately Has been much more smooth, confident and expressive.


Did you run Love Bomb or did you visualize?

No I haven’t ran love bomb I listened to R.I.C.H and and minds Eye before the interview and yes I did Visualize the interview going well

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I can’t wait until Monday still trying to figure out my next stack thinking

Seductress zp
Mogul zp
Rich zp or alchemist

Seductress zp
Quantum limitless

I will be starting a new job soon learning new skills I want to learn as quickly as possible
I’m thinking this might help me with my quantum physics and metaphysic studies as well and i definitely need help with my cognitive functions.

Feeling a bit irritated and on edge since I started my processing period and experiencing some brain fog and insomnia is bad again

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