Anyone here tried the Hemi-Sync guided meditations from the Monroe Institute?

Hemy Sync are very good, kelly howel as well especially the kundalini awakening track, not for everyone though. The gateway experience from the Monroe institute is another level… if you are into astral projection but i dont recommend it to normal people, at least not anyone who does not see the invisible worlds or is an adept or iniciated.

Japa mala, breathing exercises and meditation would work wonders…dont complicate things that are simpler…if i followed this advice in my earlier years it would save me from nasty stuff i got into bcs i was stubborn and curious.

Ascension is simple…its you working on you…


If you want to project, try apX. In the prototype, we successfully projected two testers (who had no idea what they were running) to Earth’s moon. I may rebuild them in Ultima format soon.


this is incredibly irresponsible… I’ve read several instances where people got entities (negative spirits) attached to them after they APed

someone who used to AP regularly said… some entity (benevolent) had put them on a time out for some number of years… they couldnt AP during this time

If you build an APX Ultima I’ll be the first to buy it! That sounds awesome.

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Don’t lecture us. These are experienced people who could handle what they were testing.


Not that I know of.

It’s shamanistic music over Hemi-Sync frequencies. It’s like other meditation tracks with binaural beats, but instead of new age-y music it has tribal instruments. For some reason it just clicked with me, like no other audios. I just turned it on and relaxed, focused on my breathing, using no special meditation technique. If you know that deep trance-like state, when time “jumps” you don’t remember anything, you are relaxed, but you didn’t sleep, because the audio or hypnotist brought you back, not “woke you”? I could only achieve that reliably with this.

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Like the famous quote in the movie " You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth" and I’m not sugar-coating this.


i dont follow man

There are no negative spirits or evil entities unless you are Ted Bundy

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many people who’ve APed would disagree

thanks for the valuable input tho

I didn’t have my first experiences projecting until after I watched Michael Raduga’s How to Leave Your Body in 3 days seminar. When he talked about entities he recommends ignoring them. When you are projecting everything is thought responsive. So, if you draw attention to some entity you see, the more it will focus on you. Everytime I have seen something while projecting I just ignore it, whatever they are they just leave me alone.

For those of you who haven’t seen the seminar I’ll leave a link. It’s the easiest way I have found to project. Here is the link for day 1:


I have done the first level of the Gateway Voyage as well as some of the other guided meditations that the company sells that incorporate Hemi Sync tones. I think all I have used was well done material.

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I don’t know what your tone of voice or facial expression would have been when you might have said this if you were in person. So if this was a sincere thanks, then thank you.

If you were meaning it in another way that was not out of gratitude, please stop. No sarcasm please.

Since blackadder didn’t get any comment, I suppose you thought the Ted Bundy comment was serious and definitely not sarcasm

you pick you battles and targets carefully RV, Respect!

Thanks for pointing that out. I will look.

I wish I did. Actually I make mistakes and you were assertive enough to notice and then tell me. So thank you.

@Prome I think I’m going to agree with you. I think I should have said something to blackadder.

@TheBoxingScientist I realize you may have meant this as a bit of humor. However I will ask that even though you may not know how others might interpret your comments, that you exercise sincerity first, and remember the word de-escalation.

PS No one is in trouble. Just remember we did have tech upgrades and I know a number of you are running alpha type subs.

@RVconsultant it was mean’t to be funny wasn’t mean’t to offend.

I understand. No one is in trouble, and I think I did assume that you meant it as funny. I think you do like to banter. I also know that some times the humor can get lost, especially if the other person doesn’t have that sense of humor.

When in doubt, I try to please withhold the humor.

hey bro… is this the one…? can u please listen for a few mins and confirm?

Also why do u say its the best ever…? What did it do for u?


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Yes, it’s this one. I had no idea it was on youtube.

I explained it earlier in this topic.