Anyone ever experienced REVERSE RECONCILIATION?

Basically, you start to revert to your old self by not listening to the title anymore as you start to be influenced by your environment again and what not. You start to feel dreadful as you can FEEL that you’re not the same person anymore, as everything you say now is of lower status. And the world reflects accordingly.

I call this reverse reconciliation. And it feels sickening.

On Khan, you would not believe the attention I get. I genuinely feel like a revered Commander, everywhere I go. If I switch from Khan for some other title? For example a cognitive booster, I can literally feel the strength leaving my body. And the world reacting accordingly to that.


Undoubtedly, the titles you would feel this the strongest are Emperor and Khan. You can get away with the other titles.

But these two titles is literally taking a magic pill that you do not have an access to anymore. Kinda makes you feel paranoid. For example, I don’t ever want to create a custom anymore without it having Khan or Emperor as the base.

SubliminalClub be saying things like “it’s not a magic pill”, shut up. IT IS.

Now go ahead and make us a title that’s even more Alpha, thank you.

In which stage of Khan did you start seeing the results you described?

Stage 2 and Stage 4.

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