Any Extra benefit of stacking Limitless Q and QLQ St4

Curse that your friends might stop being your friends because you become a lot smarter than them but more in that you will get bored hanging out with people less smart because you’re smarter than them (also you act like a smartass which some people don’t like)

I use to 6 loops, that was way too much for me so I redid it with one loop instead works well for me and I take 2 days off on weekends.

For khan personally, I have no clue so I’m going to give advice on it however I believe you stack it with BLU to increase productivity but I wouldn’t know because I never really tried that stack

Mine was QLQ with BLU before and now I changed it.


Doesnt matter i will handle that lol
Thanks to the advice buddy


Can you elaborate on:

  • what benefits did you feel?
  • more importantly,
    How did you conclude that those benefits were legit benefitz?

Asking this because I have been playing BLU since july. Ifeeldifferent,
but can’t put my finger on what has changed.

My insults are more creative and I feel they are a bittmore bitter but other than that, IDFK.

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Yeah, they’re easy to handle just wanted to tell you for general knowledge lmao.

No problem!

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1: A strange type of photographic memory (like i can remember past events in clear detail just like a movie but I can’t always make the connection in my brain for my memory to remember code or security definitions)
2: Higher intelligence
3: More complex vocabulary
4: Overall I became more like Bradley Cooper would be the easiest way to explain it.

I believe these are legit benefit because before BLU I was part of the lower intelligence group I couldn’t understand or do complex tasks but after using BLU I became what I always wanted to be.

BLU is an interesting sub it’s like life-changing but you have to dig deep inside your physiology to understand what changed about your life because of it, that’s what will give you the answers your seeking.

Yeah, I had those same side effects even when I changed my stack but kept BLU it’s like I am more like Batman (yes I know, I used movie characters to explain the results)

Lately, I’ve been taking pramiracetam while listening to subs and it will forever change the way I operate like my life is going in the right direction because of it (I will explain why in my successful theory that I will post next week).


as in?..

@pacman has had a taste of Limitless from Khan and now his body is surging for more!


Exactly! Its insane im thinking so fast now days

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Congratulations to you for making such progress. Let’s this be an invitation for you to unlock your highest potential as a human being.


I was basically dumb, would be the simplest way to explain it.

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Running BLU made me really stop and think about whether I wanted to say something or just remain quiet. In a conversation or if I’m supposedly being given advice that is just thinly veiled criticism. It also helped with my anxiety as I became very aware of the futility of being anxious about shit that most likely wont happen. I would think BLU would go really well with Elixir to become more of a self aware mentally and emotionally healthy, stable, and mature person




Could you kindly describe briefly your experiences with using the combo QLQ + BLU, please?


If we have been listening to Beyond limitless Ultima.

Is there any EXTRA advantages to pay $99 USD to also listen to “ Quantum Limitless” ?

If I were you I’d just run QL solo. It’s plenty…

But feel free to experiment and see what happens, what’s the worst that could happen.

Maybe run it for a week or two then compare how it is without it.

Eg I recall running Khan on its own or emperor on its own was better than stacking it with Limitless (although this was in the past, and it’s me so maybe for you it varies).

It depends on your goals. If it’s only about the improvement of you cognitive faculties that would definitely amplify the results provided you had at least 4 months on playing it. Of course you could rush to Stage 4 straight away, I wouldn’t advise it though,

Yes absolutely

QL is massive. If you read the sales page you’ll see how deep this program goes. So yes.

Ok thanks for the advice @ALMIGHTY @Sub.Zero

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Welcome, hope you have an awesome ride with BLU and QL.

Here’s what’s on the sales page of Beyond Limitless:

When paired with Limitless or Quantum Limitless, Beyond Limitless can help you reach the pinnacle of creativity, innovation and intelligence.

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