An Enlightening Thought Exercise

I thought this up just now while listening to BILLionaire (1x) and Khan1 (2x).

In the following, fill in your name…think or say out loud the phrase, and see what comes up for you.
Comment if you want, or keep it to yourself. But see what comes up for you?

“I’m (name) as this is my Masterclass”

What would you teach if it were indeed your Masterclass?


“I’m StateOfBeing and this is my Masterclass.”

The first thought that came to mind is Spiritual/Energy work. I’m still a beginner at it, but I think it could be fun teaching.

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“I am Simon and my posts are a Masterclass in subliminal use.”

Hmm. Too cocky. :blush:


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I’m COWolfe, and this is my masterclass on combat pistol. Now everyone stop looking at me like I’m a psycho :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Major synchronicity here. I’m currently doing a practice that is extremely harmonious with this thought exercise that you’ve created. I think this thought exercise is awesome. Thank you for sharing it. Seems that I need to give my mind a moment to respond.


3 meetings this afternoon/evening. Finally got a chance to take a walk and then came home showered and this thought exercise went through my mind:

I am [my name] and this is my Masterclass:

Embracing your ignorance–as physicalized cognition–and embracing the present moment/Presence as a spiritual Path/practice


I am Hoppa and this is my Masterclass of Mastering nothing and still being successful.

Edit: And once I get to 10 million I’ll add wildly in to the mix.

Edit 2: Except the thought of having just 10 million doesn’t feel wild even now, when I think about it. But I guess it would be to other people.


An excellent thought exercise, @Palpatine!

Truly enlightening. This one keeps on giving.

Thank you again!

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