An endless beginning

13/07 Genesi (Day 46) DR:LD (Day 4)

I have been practicing no fap for a week now and I feel more optimistic about this addiction, it’s hard but i feel i can do it.
Last night I went out with some friends and I had a good time, but I feel tired and I don’t sleep well, in fact this morning I didn’t feel like going to the gym

14/07 Genesi (Day 47) DR:LD (Day 5)

It was a really hard day, luckily I had the strength to do everything I had to do.
I was taking a zoom class this morning and the teacher said this course would be an endless beginning (like my diary lol, it felt right to tell this coincidence too also because I’ve never heard of it around). I like to think that these coincidences are a “signal” that I’m going in the right direction.

I’m also studying a new book “Antifragile” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and I’m really enjoying it, I’ve also decided to replace Netflix with Podcasts (currently I’m only listening to Andrew Tate’s podcast/interview because they interest me more and because there are many things I can implement in my everyday life).

For the rest, however, I’m trying to go out more and learn by acting outside my comfort zone.

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16/07 Genesi (Day 49) DR:LD (Day 7)

I’m on my 10th day of nofap, I definitely feel my confidence increase and I feel like i am getting closer and closer to my true self. I feel like I’m breaking down a lot of barriers that I couldn’t see or didn’t even know I had (I had started a good part of the work with Genesis which pushed me a lot to act and heal through action).

I will change my listening pattern and switch to one loop per week, I had already tried to listen less and I found it very good, but experimenting doesn’t hurt (if you reduce the exposure)

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18/07 Genesi (Day 51) DR:LD (Day 9) Wanted Black (Day 2)

I couldn’t resist and finally added it to my stack, I’m feeling very good (strangely no recon yet, I only felt fatigued the first few days of DR:LD). I decided to listen to each one once a week (I always listen for 15 minutes).
I haven’t had many chances to test WB yet but I feel my self image is getting better and better.

Unfortunately I had to discontinue this book because I’m studying for a course that I will need in the future and I’m studying a lot at the moment

I also interrupted this but since I no longer need it, I feel that after about ten hours of listening it always says the same things, there are certainly some positive messages that I have decided to integrate but not all

21/07 Genesi (Day 54) DR:LD (Day 12) Wanted Black (Day 5)

I’ve been very busy in the last few days but I could still notice some Wanted Black effects:

  • More confidence around people
  • My social skills are improving
  • I feel less fat on my face and abdomen
  • People want to hear what I have to say and I have more respect from men

I don’t feel recon and I feel very well despite the stress

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25/07 Genesi (Day 58) DR:LD (Day 16) Wanted Black (Day 9)

I am getting a lot of stares from women and I’m getting better at communicating.
In 2 days I will go back to using 2 subs in the stack and I will also give my impressions on the 60 days with Genesis.
Unfortunately I’m not documenting much either here or in my offline diary

60 Days of Genesis

It was a smooth, light journey and the best I could ask for this year:

  • With its lightness it leads you to do many things, first of all to act and above all I experienced many healings during the action (it became a positive action-healing loop).
  • I especially loved negative emotions and transmutation because it felt incredibly good to see how I was able to handle negativity and transform it into something positive and productive for myself (I’ve always used it as a self-destructive force so this means a lot to me)
  • The confidence you get from this is incredible, it’s that push we all need to start doing something we may have been afraid to do or have always procrastinated.
  • After one cycle I started to have more questions concerning me/my future/the actions I will have to take: on this there are 3 points that I would like to clarify that helped me:

(1) I have manifested books that have helped me understand my journey, myself, and the actions I need and want to take
(2) Gratitude: I have involuntarily started expressing gratitude towards everything around me, seeing things from this point of view changes everything
(3) Confidence: Having faith in myself (especially cultivating and developing it) has helped me see everything from a more real point of view, in these 60 days I have approached the most authentic version of myself, free from fear and out of the comfort zone

  • I’ve changed my routine: I’ve cut out social media, cut back on Netflix (a few hours a week), and try to stay out of the house as much as I can or get more sleep (I go to the gym early in the morning)
  • I’ve changed my mentality: I’ve overcome my fear of making mistakes, I no longer try to be perfect in everything but I look for opportunities, I’m always available and I’m open to both positive and negative experiences
  • Productivity: When I needed it it really saved me, helped me pass 3 exams and find new ways to study

I got everything I could get from this sub, it delivered what it promised and more, it gave me the push I needed to evolve myself and my journey.
I now have several goals I want to focus on: Breaking down self-imposed (and being imposed) boundaries and improving my relationship skills


You’ve also had the self-discipline to stay with a subliminal for 60 days! :+1: :trophy:

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Thanks a lot mate, I’m working a lot on self-discipline, the growth and results I’m getting are making me very happy and proud to have started this journey :pray:

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29/07 DR:LD (Day 20) Wanted Black (Day 13)

Yesterday I thought about some of my internal limits and felt anguish for some time, then I recovered and looked optimistically at my situation, I still have a lot to act and overcome.

09/08 DR:LD (Day 31) Wanted Black (Day 24)

I had a weird experience on WB, manifesting a girl who I feel is pretty much perfect for me, she has all the characteristics I look for in a woman (thought it was supposed to happen with Heartsong lol). Unfortunately it’s not an easy situation, she lives a little far from me, but she fell in love with me and for the first time I found a girl who loves me.
This reminded me that I’m not a harem person because I love having a person in my life that I feel comfortable with, I’ll probably start again with Heartsong.



In the last 10 days I was on vacation and I had a lot of fun, I also went to the Imagine Dragons concert in Rome with my best friend and it was an unforgettable experience.
I didn’t touch alcohol for the first time on a holiday, I laughed a lot and I feel that these 10 days have changed me a lot, especially my beliefs and have removed some limits

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@LovingEmperor That’s a deep realization and I’m sure this clarity is due to Genesis bloom effect (even after 2 weeks without listening to it).

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I thought so too, I even had the courage to step out of my comfort zone and talk to that girl I liked, show her who I am and discover that we’re actually very similar. Even though I was running DR:LD and WB I still felt like I was on Genesis (especially the Love Bomb aura).

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For the past 2 days I have been struggling with this, for the first time in my life I have had a person who is pretty much perfect for me and I have gotten on really well with her but even though it was reciprocated she has told me she doesn’t want a relationship because of her fear of relationships.
I’ve given myself time to experience the resulting emotions and I’m trying to figure out how to use this experience as a source of growth

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12/08 DR:LD (Day 34) Heartsong (Day 3)

I’ve finally decided on my stack and I feel it’s what I need at the moment, the experience with Wanted Black even if short has been good and fun.

From my experience with that girl I realized that this is what I really miss, I have never experienced the trust and security of having someone who wants and wants me, or who makes me feel the desire to become a better person.
My job is to become a better person regardless if I do it for myself or for another reason, it just changes the motivation and fuel but the goal will always be that.

13/08 DR:LD (Day 35) Heartsong (Day 4)

it was a very long night, a few hours after listening to HS i get a message from a mutual friend of ours asking me if i want to go dancing with her and her friend (the girl i like) and my friends. None of my friends could go there (it’s a 3-4 hour journey and we knew it an hour before) and I felt like I had to go anyway, what do I have to lose?

When I got there she told me I was crazy to arrive alone at night and travel all those hours (I was supposed to leave after 6 hours again), but she was delighted to see me, in the end she and I decide to don’t go to dance to stay together and had a great time. I’ve never been so good and this time she seems willing to try, she repeated to me that she is really very scared but this time she wants me with her.

Heartsong showed me that I needed to see love from the point of view of abundance and happiness, not the ugliest parts and loss, that changed everything.


15/08 DR:LD (Day 37) Heartsong (Day 6)

I feel light and happy

17/08 DR:LD (Day 39) Heartsong (Day 8) LBFH (Day 1)

I’m noticing how one element in my life causes chain reactions, since the beginning of this year I’ve noticed how love for myself has changed a lot inside me (my addictions, my mentality, my habits) and now i’m noticing how “external” love is affecting a lot what i feel, it destroyed my need for fap and porn, I am more protective, self-confident, brave…
If love is what helps me change (and become what I want) then I will focus on this.

I’m sorry that for most of my life this element has been overlooked so much, but only thanks to this year and the diary I realized how much it has saved and changed my life

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20/08 DR:LD (Day 42) Heartsong (Day 11) LBFH (Day 4)

I love how everything around me is changing, from my lifestyle and habits to the people I surround myself with. From the first listen to LBFH I feel like I’ve planted a seed that grows exponentially, and this alone has caused the most changes since the beginning of this journey (I first heard this in February/March)

My point of view on how I see others, myself, the future and the past has changed, I feel a lightness in my thoughts and an optimism that gives me the strength and motivation to go on.

I’m also considering making a costum with Heartsong-LBFH-Love Bomb core, has anyone ever tried this?

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