@Alphamale’s questions and comments

If anyone new to subs reads this: DO NOT do this. Thanks :sweat_smile:


You aee making this too complicated
The objectives of the titles and modules are written on the q store.
@AlexanderGraves That was a weird comment, new people normally go with major titles.

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Right because a custom sub with 8 cores is very simple lol

I was asking what are your goals with the customs and stack you are running.

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  • Status
  • Intelligence/physical health
  • Wealth(not ATM)

Didn’t I tell you this?


Yeah I did not care about ypur opinion.
As now

hence why you’ll find it close to impossible to reach the goals you’re chasing after, especially with the attitude you’re showing.

the fact that you don’t care to use criticism as a tool for growth, and instead act as stubborn as you are, is a clear indication that you’re not only lacking the openness for growth, but possibly shooting yourself in the leg as well.

ask yourself, what have you really achieved in the last one year of using ZP?

you always talk about how you wanna manifest high status and wealth, yet what have you done to work towards those goals?

for every 1 day of possible growth that you demonstrate, it is always accompanied by at least a week of recon, which is apparent just from the obnoxious things you keep saying, which work against your status goals (in case you didn’t realize that).

at the end of the day, all I’m giving you is advice, as all I see is you wasting potential time and money trying to do everything at once, which doesn’t really show much growth from your side, except for that one time when you were “normal” after using EmpB for a while and calming down, but like I said, just advice, cause at the end of the day, everyone deserves to grow, regardless of how they are as or used to be, and so do you, and if you wish to ignore the advice, then it’s only gonna affect you and you alone.

remember, even I stepped away from 6-7 cores customs, and once I did that, my life became a series of wins, to the point where now I’m within the top 10% of the people in my country (in terms of status), while as before that, I was just wasting time smoking hash and doing nothing but gaming and playing games.

Think carefully about how you want to approach your life goals, make a proper plan, and follow it.


Someone summarize that

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Mehhn HoM is a GAME CHANGER, It merges sooo well with this agressive custom of mine. There is NOTHING weak or unalpha about it. It’s sooo coool man. Everyone is clingy :joy: and loving. My pat enemies tell me to stay and let’s talk with each other.
BUT I am still ruthless.

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Listening to my custom :sunglasses:

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My new custom:

The commander —

Khan ST4





furious ascent—-



power unleashed

last stand


Dragon tongue


Victory calls

Righteous ire

Leader of men

Alpha of Alpha

Edge of danger—


2nd custom

Mind’s eye
Ascension chamber
The streams
The single point
The lines
Tech prodigy
Plateu transcendant
Book blitz
Science adept
Marvel of engineering

@Lion I think some titles really don’t gel well together.
It’s MY opinion

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I am havinh CRAZY recon in form of sadness and feelings being worthless and a loser

It’s kinda correct
I have been running subs for a long time but I did not get laid for a long time and other stuff
I don’t feel like talking about it
Just jeavy recon
For the past days I have been crazy going after women but no result
Ghosting etc…

You’re giving off a thirsty vibe when you’re around Women. If you come off as needy, they’ll more than likely reject you. You need to raise your confidence.

Yeah really

Think the solution is to add more cores, that’ll kick things up for you in no time.


you haven’t put in your customs either eventide or lineage?


The advice is already there.