Alpha Nerd StarkQ, Primal Seduction, Wanted

This!! Man you got it. Spot on…that’s what am suffering most times on wanted sometimes when I run Am Zp it help my


You running Wanted now? Also, AM==Ascended Mougl???

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Yeah I run Wanted and Ascended Mogul.


Nice! How’s that combo feeling? Also, noticed any physical shifting yet? :slight_smile:

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Day 8 Rest

I will edit/update this post as the day goes on.

Strange Stuff That I Wasn’t Expecting

I stumbled across a selection from a book I need to finish and it helped deepen my understanding of what the hell is happening with these Subliminals and possibly a deeper understanding of reality itself. I won’t go into too much detail because I’m literally writing a book (it’ll be a while before it’s finished, a few years at least) on the topic but things are becoming more mysterious but also making more sense at the same time.

Long story short, a few days or weeks ago, I noticed this voice inside me that would occasionally tell me to do things and when I listened, things would go great, when I ignored it, well, I would feel pretty awful and things wouldn’t go so great–why did I ignore when the voice told me to talk to that pretty girl? This voice is not the normal voice of the mind, it’s different, it has a very distinct feel to it, almost feels like a higher power (something wise, confident, and objective) telling you what to do.

Yes, I’m aware that what I just said could sound a little…psychotic, but it’s actually not. I called it “the voice of the subliminal,” I think, turns out, I was correct but also not. Well yes, but actually no. This voice is a documented phenomenon in the world of extreme sports and other fields and it’s quite literally the voice of the subconscious guiding your actions. In the world of extreme sports, (where one wrong move will kill you) athletes talk about this voice that talks to them, time slows down, and so long as they listen to the voice without questioning, they do things that are seemingly impossible (borderline psychic) and live to tell about it. This voice also pops up in other fields like improv jazz, mathematics, and other high skill fields associated with the “flow state.”

So, long story short, if and when you enter into certain states of consciousness (the flow state for sure) the subconscious mind is capable of speaking directly to you and guiding your actions to do things that your conscious mind cannot ordinarily do, so long as you listen to the voice, things will most likely work in your favor, because the world of extreme sports shows us that this voice of the subconscious is capable of exceeding human abilities to the point of it appearing supernatural.

Long story short, now I understand that the voice is real and must be obeyed. Lol

The voice is with me! Boom! Talked to one of the girls I liked and there are some interesting parallels between her and I. Very cool. Day’s off to a great start.


Guess what I have??? A God damned number, God damn it! Hahaha hahaha I’m the king of my reality. One down, one to go! Haha!


I remember experiencing this a few years ago. I was playing basketball in phys ed and slipped into the zone for the first time. I can pretty much get in the zone at will at this point (at least while doing any sort of physical activity), but the only time I’ve heard that voice (different from my regular inner voice) was when I entered the zone unconsciously.

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It’s weird man. I’ve noticed the voice in social situations. I attribute it to getting that number. It’s like a voice from inside you that isn’t the normal you.

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Day 9 Stark and PS

A result from yesterday, lady started hitting on me over the phone while I was ordering food. It was pretty cool. Cashier at a grocery store tried to convince me that my last name is famous (it’s not, it’s an extraordinarily rare last name).

Great day at work today. Coworker started hitting on me. Made such a good impression on my trainer that I over heard him talking to the manager about how great I was. Yeah, feeling damn good so far. Now time to get to work.


Day 10 Rest

Well, thank God for recon, I guess. At this point recon is becoming a reminder that it’s working. I’m not as social today, feel a bit like a dumb idiot failure, but I can recognize that I am changing. It’s weird, like a gentle pull for me to give up and accept that I was never meant to amount to anything. Pretty dumb, clearly false, but it’s a sign of change, which is good.

I’ve been confronted with some videos and situations that a year ago would have caused a full blown panic attack. Not this time, no panic, just confusion as to why I attracted the videos and situations. Right now, I feel like I attracted them to prove to myself how much I’ve grown and changed. Pretty cool.

Going to Run Ascension chamber. Then sleep it off. It’s been 6 days since I ran it, so it should be okay.


Day 11 Wanted

Now I know why. Was just confronted in real life with the situation that would have caused a panic attack. No panic, no pain, just understanding. Very cool. It’s almost like my sub conscious psychically predicted the results I was about to get that would test my growth. Spooky.

Very social, very calm, have 3 new women attracted. All off limits. I don’t mix work with dating, I wanna stay in this company. Feels good though.


Not yet.Still coping up with the high Sexual energy and I need to learn how to channel it somewhere reproductive.

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Day 12 Rest

Alright, back at it again. I’ll update this journal later as the day goes on, but I’m feeling pretty good so far. Moving on forward, moving on up.

Welcome back recon. If that is, what it is. C’est la vie. Overall, feeling pretty good. Doubting the subs again suddenly. I don’t know. I mean it’s working, isn’t it? Gotta be. Ehh, it’ll pass, it’ll pass.

Day 13 StarkQ + Primal Seduction

Well, today was interesting and over all a good day. Got a few letters of rec from professors. Talked to some girls I liked and it went well. Got aggressively hit on in a grocery store. It was great.


Day 14 Rest

I’ve noticed a predictable psychological pattern. I alternate between feeling like the king of my reality–which is true, we are all the masters of our own reality–and feeling like a failure and a victim of the universe. But, every day that I keep striving, keep pushing, keep driving ever forward, I keep getting results. They become more stable, more controlled, more deliberate.

Change is akin to suicide, that’s why we fear it on such a deep Primal level. What are you? Define yourself. Now what are you when every aspect of the definition has changed? Are you still you or are you a new person , reborn in a changing body? To change YOU, the YOU of today must die.

As James Clear said, “all behavior change is personality change.” Well, all personality change entails suicide, a death of what you once were. Death is a frightening thing. Be fearless in the face of this living death, and let it overwhelm you, allow yourself to die so you can live again as something new.


Day 15 Wanted

Well, go big or go home. Time to put my money where my mouth is. After weeks of coy interactions, today I make a semi dramatic move.

Will update later.

Update: The deed is done. It paid off. When you see a smile, a real smile, you know it worked.

Update 2:

Holy hell! These results are out of this world. Today, taking bold action, now the results are coming and they are mind blowing. This isn’t a place to tell my whole life story, but my gosh, the complete and utter change in my reality is mind boggling. I’ll take recon for the rest of my life. Don’t care, this stuff is real and it’s frankly shocking. Changed more in 5 weeks then I have in the past several years of dedicated effort without subs.


Day 16 Rest

Feels like the end of this journal might be upon me not because I have any intention of stopping, but maybe because my results have gotten to a point where I need to spend far more time internalizing and Journaling and acting privately to continue directing my growth.

My intention was to keep this journal results only, that has happened (mostly).

My intention is to give a detailed summary of results at the end of this cycle, which is soon upon me.

It’s hard to put into words my feelings and motivations for wanting to end this journal, but regardless, this is not the end of my journey with this stack, nor is it the end of my time on this forum.


I understand man to focus on the results ,I feel it affects the effect of the subliminal in some way.
Private journaling might be what you need now.
Good luck.

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Share your Twitter or Whatsapp handle. I would like to keep in touch man.

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Day 17 StarkQ + Primal Seduction

Woke up to some recon this morning that was a bit of bleed over recon from yesterday. I wrote about it and calmed myself down. I gotta constantly remind myself the power of writing. It’s almost like recon is at play with Journaling, maybe it is. Just ran both titles. Will update later today!

More recon. Feel like my life is over. It’ll pass.

Well just sat down and told my inner voice “show me what you got, sick of running.” It showed me the worst possible case scenario, well, screw it. I don’t care. Know what else? Girl texted me back once I accepted the darkness within. Who cares? Honestly, the worst case scenario is a horrible life and a horrible death. Everything else is an opportunity.


Day 18 Rest a Warning on Experimentation

Okay, well I read the new campfire policy and I respect its terms. I have no desire to spread crackpot theories or misinformation, however, I did attempt something yesterday–tested a personal hypothesis of mine–and I feel as though it either worked wonderfully or backfired horribly, depending on your perspective. Long story short, I tried a new method of listening based on my recent studies and the recon is out of this world. My fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and acute depression is pretty darn bad right now and when I look objectively at my journey there seems to be a pretty strong correlation between my listening yesterday and these feelings. All my thoughts are consumed with fear and doubt related directly to the subs and what the subs are doing. Is this recon or is it light overload? Hard to tell, but I do know this, I will not try this technique again.

Well, I have to assume that I was “correct” but I can’t say that this is a good or desirable outcome because I’m nearly emotionally crippled at a very important point in my life where much hangs in the balance.

Strong negative emotions are funny because they have a way of making you slightly delusional. After weeks of steady progress with high highs, and still pretty high lows, in the span of a day it’s easy to trick yourself into somehow disregarding all the amazing stuff happening in your life and pretend as if nothing good has happened. Many amazing things have happened and the only thing that will “ruin” them is giving in to the recon.

The moral of this introduction is, to consider just following the directions. It’s so funny how when things are working, there is a temptation to “make them work better.” Sometimes, often perhaps, it’s really just better to sit back and follow the damn instructions.

Will update later when I’ve taken enough action to force myself out of recon! :slight_smile:

Spent some time in the sun. I think my boss is hitting on me. Good lord is this person human perfection.